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  • Judaism does not accept the New Testament, because according to their beliefs for Jews the Old Testament is the Hebrew bible and is considered an essential scripture.
  • The religion of Judaism is guided by a "rabbi" who is practically a teacher who guides and teaches the people about their beliefs and the importance of different aspects of life.
  • Judaism is based on the idea that they recognize Mary as the mother of Jesus, but they do not agree that she was not born with the original sin, since as mentioned in the Old Testament everyone should be born with the original stain.
  • For Christians, the New Testament is key to understanding the teachings and parables that Jesus relates to his disciples.
  • Christianity sees a "pope", who is the head of the Catholic Church and holding the office of sovereign in the Vatican State.
  • Christianity has always been very attached to the Virgin Mary giving a very important and unique place to the Virgin, Christianity does believe that Mary was born without original sin.



Christianity vs Judaism