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BY: Ivanna Garcia and Sara Gómez
Blue-Lizard digestive system
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BY: Ivanna Garcia and Sara Gómez

Blue-Lizard digestive system


Characteristics: -Medium-sized -Approximately 5.1cm -Bright blue or pale blue color -Highly territorial

The blue-lizard is a scaly reptile that belongs to the polychrotidae family


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  • Mouth
  • Esophagus
  • Stomach
  • Small intestine
  • Large intestine

Alimentary canal


Its mouth or mouth cavity is a spacious crosswise hole bounded by jaws, carrying teeth that are used for grasping, piercing, and breaking food. They also have moveable lips made of flexible skin, their tongue is usually loose and protrusible. They have salivary glands that expel saliva and help the breaking down and moisture of the food.


Similar to ours, the lizard's esophagus is a straight, thin tube that passes through the neck dorsal to the trachea and opens into the stomach.


It is a cylindrical tube, the stomach functions are very similar to ours, but the shape is different.


The small intestine is a long, narrow tube. Just as ours, the duodenum receives the bile, and the ileum leads into the large intestine.

Small intestine

It is a small, thick-walled tube, which opens into the cloaca by the anus. The colon is absent.

Large intestine

-PHARYNX -LIVER: (left and right lobe) The liver is a large gland placed on the dorsal side of the stomach, behind the heart, occupies a similar function to our liver. -Cloaca -gall blader -pancreas -duodenum


The morphology of the lizard's digestive system is really similar to ours as well as the functions of each organ, We don't have a cloaca and we have more digestive juices and enzymes than they do the process is nearly the same and

Similarities and differences

https://en.wikivet.net/Lizard_Gastrointestinal_System http://thenorthernfencelizardresource.weebly.com/digestive-system.html https://www.britannica.com/animal/reptile/Circulatory-system https://www.notesonzoology.com/phylum-chordata/garden-lizard/digestive-system-of-garden-lizard-with-diagram-chordata-zoology/8411


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