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The planet Earth is abandoned , and full of trash.

There are some robots left in the planet to clean the trash. Wall E is one of them .

Wall E compacts the trash into squares .

He likes to collect objetcs .

One day he found a different thing , it was a plant .

Wall E lives in a bunker .

One day a big spaceship landed by Wall E ´s bunker .

A flying robot came out of the spaceship .

Wall E and Eve became friends , they spent time together.

Wall E showed the plant to Eve , she reacted weird .

Something happened to Eve , she put the plant inside her and went off.

Eve had the sign of Biological life found .

The big spaceship came back and took Eve in !

Wall E wanted to go after Eve. Oh no, Wall E !!

Wall E went in the big spaceship , He follows Eve .

The captain wants to put the plant to activate the come back to Earth plan.

The spaceship robot does not want the human come back . It sent to persecute wall E and Eve .

Wall E and Eve scape and found the plant again .

They tried to give back the plant , and come back to Earth .

They put the plant but Wall E was damaged .

The humans come back to the planet Earth .

Eve repairs Wall E and they live Happily in the planet earth .

Plants start growing again !

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