Aquatic Life
Created on December 23, 2020
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Environmental Challenges
Aquatic Life
The water and the Climate Changes from Moldova
Effects of air pollution in Turkey, Istanbul
2)air pollution
How Does Water Pollution Affect the Environment in Moldova
How Does Water Pollution Affect the Environment in Turkey
Effects of water pollution to Human Health
Harm of water pollution to animals
1)water pollution
Water Pollution
Each year, billions of pounds of trash and other pollutants enter the ocean. Where does this pollution come from? Where does it go? Some of the debris ends up on our beaches, washed in with the waves and tides. Some debris sinks, some is eaten by marine animals that mistake it for food, and some accumulates vin ocean gyres. Other forms of pollution that impact the health of the ocean come from sources like oil spills or from accumulation of many dispersed sources, such as fertilizer from our a result of this pollution, aquatic creatures, even living creatures on land, are damaged or die.
Harm of Water Pollution to Animals
Water pollution occurs when a body of water becomes contaminated, usually by chemicals or microorganisms. Water pollution can cause water to become toxic to humans and the environment.The following are some negative ways that water pollution can directly affect human health. A person may ingest microplastics via drinking water or through eating contaminated seafood. At Tokyo Bay in 2016, scientists examined 64 anchovies for microplastic consumption — 77% had microplastics in their digestive systems.People have also discovered them within salt, beer, and other food items.Studies show microplastics may cause oxidative stress, inflammatory reactions, and metabolic disorders in humans. However, further research is needed to confirm these effects.
Effects of Water Pollution to Human Health
How Does Water Pollution Affect the Environment in Turkey
If you don't live near the water, you might not think you are affected by water pollution. However, water pollution affects everything on this planet. We all need water for survival, from the smallest plant to the largest mammal and even the humans. The water in your faucet may be filtered by a water treatment plant before it reaches you, but ultimately it comes from surface or groundwater sources. Water pollution can be caused by plastic water bottles or tires, or it can be caused by chemicals such as flow into waterways from factories, farms, cities, cars and air pollution.
One hundred years ago, some rivers within the current Republic of Moldova were navigable. Today, none are navigable. Both fishing and bathing are not recommended in small rivers, in some cases being even banned. Small rivers disappear every year, causing irrecoverable environmental changes. On July 23, the National Environmental Center (CNM) initiated an expedition on the Raut River, which is 286 km long and flows into the Nistru. The participants in the expedition aimed to identify the real problems of this river and their impact on the environment. It was established that the source of the river, located in Donduseni, is already dry, and on a sector of 40 km no water has been springing for three years, due to drought and climate change, but also due to other problems.(1)
How Does Water Pollution Affect the Environment in Moldova
"The most important would be the construction of artificial lakes along the Răut River, which, in fact, blocks the Răut's sanitary flow, reducing the volume of water. Another problem I discovered was the fishing nets, located along the Răut. These are very frequent, including in the part that crosses Orheiul Vechi. Unauthorized landfills are serious problems for every river. The treatment plants, defective or non-existent, also generate pollution risks ", explains Svetlana Răzmeriţă, communication coordinator within CNM.(2)
The nature of the threats The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration warns in a recent report that coral bleaching is accelerating in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and that coral reefs are in imminent danger. Ocean acidification is also damaging. It is caused by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted from coal-fired power plants, cars and other sources.
We humans have the ability to counter such threats. Even if you don't live near the sea, you can help. Here are some guidelines to help conserve precious ocean resources:-Follow sustainability guidelines when buying fish for human consumption to help take illegal fishing businesses out of business. -Avoid using plastic bags, use reusable bags. -Use public transportation to reduce pollution from vehicle emissions. -Save water and energy. -Dispose of plastics and other products. -Support government efforts to establish MPAs in your country. -Help nongovernmental organizations dedicated to marine conservation and sustainability by volunteering your time or money. -Find out how you can help protect the oceans with more information.
Air Pollution
Effects of Air pollution in Turkey Air pollution is one of the leading environmental issues nowadays. There are many reasons to increase this air pollution regularly. Most of the air pollution, automobiles, transportation vehicles, industrialization, growing cities and so on. The release of some harmful gases and dangerous elements from such sources causes all atmospheric air pollution. The ozone layer is significantly affected by air pollution, which severely damages the environment. The growing need of the ever-growing human population is the primary cause of pollution. (1)
Effects of air pollution in Turkey, Istanbul
For instance, in 2016, the population of the country increased by 1million 73 thousand 818 compared to 2015, in Turkey. Also, everyday human activities cause dangerous chemicals to be released, making the atmosphere even more difficult and affecting climate change negatively. (2)
Aquatic resources are some of the most essential resources for human development and economic in general, because they are fundamental to the vital functions of all beings, plants, for agricultural production, and for many industrial processes. Availability of Moldova's water resources depends, especially, on the factors of Climate Change. Due to Climate Change, Moldova has more and more water surpluses like short-term floods as well as seasonal droughts. In order for the flood problem to be solved, it is necessary to build different protection dams for the localities near the rivers, and in order to solve the problem of drought and water insufficiency, the state must intervene and develop communal water supply systems in localities from the Republic of Moldova.
The water and the Climate Changes from Moldova
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