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Lion King Goes To STEM-Yasemin Karakaya BİLSEM

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Prepared By:Bahar Çebi and Pupils Yasemin Karakaya BİLSEM


Lion King Goes To STEM eTwinning

extıctıon animalsPresentation

What does the blue whale have in common with the Bengal tiger and the green turtle? They share the risk of extinction and are classified as endangered species. There are multiple reasons for species to die out, and climate change is among the main reasons.


Their length can reach 2 meters. It can reach 1 ton weight. It lives in tropical and subtropical oceans. (Nevra E.)

leatherback sea turtle

It is believed tht there are 22 thousand polar bears in the world.

The polar bear, which is one of the animals most affected by global warming, is one of the symbols of the poles. Experts warn that polar bears will be extinct this century unless steps are taken to address the climate change issue. It is believed that there are 22 thousand polar bears in the world. (Zümra)


They are ralled "the tiger saber toothed" but in fact they are the cats saber toothed. Their teeth whict is 20 cm high is very hard. It is an extict animal before10.000 years ego.

Kerem g.

tiger saber toothed


Amphiprioninae (Clownfish)

  • There are about 30 known species of clown fish.
  • They have vibrant colors.
  • It mostly lives in shallow waters of the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
  • Its average length is 6 cm.
  • It is this species that usually coral reefs are self-dwelling.
  • (Mirhan)

Features of clown fish

giant panda

Giant Panda is a one of the big bear spices who has big black sports on its white skin. They are also known as bamboo bears to emphasize that they are feed with bamboos only. Approximately only 1000 pandas live in their natural habitat in China. Ongoing deforestation in China, the rise of average temperature in places where pandas live, wild predators, humankind as most imporyant are the thereats for pandas. Nevertheless, humankind is the biggest hope for pandas too. Because, they can do something for pandas. Selcen Ece E.


According to 2017 data, their number is known to be less than 70. Ela Ecem T.

Golden-headed langurs, mostly living in Vietnam, have been under protection for many years.


Cheetahs on the Asian continent are almost completely destroyed and only 50 cheetahs live in Iran The fastest land animal from the feline family that can run 112 km per hour It has small ears, long legs and yellowish brown hide with black spots With its 75 cantimter tailsi it is 210 cm tall and weighs 50 kg



love everything around you

We got to know the animals that were extinct.

Love The Earth

We must love nature.

Save Earth.....Save Earth

Nature is sending us a message — can we respond fast enough?


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