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Recurring Conditions

TL;DR Two strikes and your out (for 18 months) Conditions arising from a repetitive and specific activity that leads to decontamination (i.e., the induction of vomiting, stomach pumping, or treatment with charcoal), medical, or surgical treatment of your pet, if the same or a similar activity occurred two times within 18 months prior to the treatment date. For example, the two incidents must arise from similar behaviors, such as the ingestion of nonfood items or potentially toxic substances (food- or chemical-related), the ingestion of human food or pet food that is not intended for your pet, or Injury stemming from repeated contact with species such as porcupines, rattlesnakes, cats, and dogs.

Recurring Conditions OG Policy Only

The condition must arise from a repetitive and specific activity AND must lead to decontamination (induction of vomiting, vet recommending bland diet or feeding bread at home etc). To start the count on recurring the recurring condition it must meet all of the above and be from the same "bucket." All recurring conditions are considered accidents unless the vet states this is related to an underlying illness or behavioral condition.ExampleReese the husky tussles with a porcupine on Oct 1, 2022 and then gets bit on the face by a racoon on Jan 1, 2023. He signed up for policy on Feb 1, 2023 He fought with another porcupine Feb 15, 2023. 02/15 claim will be denied as there were previous 2 wildlife encounters within 18 months prior to the date of loss on Feb 15, 2023.

Click on each image below to see examples of each "bucket"
Food Items
Non-Food Items
Domestic Animal Encounters
Toxic Substances
Wildlife Encounters
Recurring conditions can be difficult to explain because they are so nuanced so here are some tips to help explain them to policyholders

Recurring Conditions Explanation

Recurring conditions are not included in the Cian policy! This means you will never need to explain them to Cian policyholders!If a pet has the Cian policy and has had 2 non-food item ingestions in the past 6 months and files a claim for another one 3 months later. As long as they were following all vet recommendations we can cover it!

The Cian Policy and Recurring Conditions

Scenario: Loki the cat started their OG policy on 02/18/2023. According to med records, Loki's Mom called the vet on 04/04/23 to say Loki passed the hair tie she saw it in the litter box. On 06/17/23 she filed a claim for a foreign body surgery because Loki ate her earrings. On 12/22/23 she went to her regular vet because she found Loki eating tinsel off the Xmas tree.