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© ECITB 2021

ACQR-Engineering Construction Installing Plant and Systems RV 2-1



Mechanical Fitting
Electrical Fitting


Contains the following pathways:

Level 3 Diploma in Installing Engineering
Construction Plant and Systems (RQF)

use only

Confidential Assessment Guidance for Approved Centre


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© ECITB 2021

ACQR-Engineering Construction Installing Plant and Systems RV 2-1

Pipefitting Plating Mechanical Fitting Electrical Fitting

- - - -

Contains the following pathways:

Level 3 Diploma in Installing Engineering Construction Plant and Systems (RQF)

use only

Confidential Assessment Guidance for Approved Centre


© ECITB 2021

ACQR-Engineering Construction Installing Plant and Systems RV 2-1

3. Annex 1

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5


1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8

Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 3 Objective and overview............................................................................................................... 3 Installation Craftsperson occupations ......................................................................................... 3 Entry requirements ..................................................................................................................... 4 Achievement ............................................................................................................................... 4 Assessment ................................................................................................................................ 5 Total Qualification Time (TQT), level & duration ......................................................................... 5 Equal opportunities, reasonable adjustments and special considerations ................................... 5 Career development within the Engineering Construction Industry ............................................. 5 Qualification units and scope of assessment .......................................................................... 6 Underpinning knowledge, skills and behaviours ......................................................................... 6 Employer-desirable behaviours and attitudes ............................................................................. 7 Plant, equipment and systems specific fabrication and installation knowledge and skills ............ 7 Further information ..................................................................................................................... 8 Units ........................................................................................................................................... 9 Unit IPS01 Work safely, effectively, ethically and sustainably, managing risk and hazards. ........ 9 Unit IPS02 Interpret and follow fabrication and installation documentation and procedures including prepare and reinstate the work area. ......................................................................... 14 Unit IPS03 Mark out to the required specification. .................................................................... 20 Unit IPS04 Shape components by material removal using hand tools. ..................................... 23 Unit IPS05 Forming materials by applied pressure. .................................................................. 26 Unit IPS06 Shape components by material removal using machine tools. ................................ 28 Unit IPS07 Assemble components............................................................................................ 31 Unit IPS08 Position and Install plant, equipment and systems. ................................................. 36 Unit IPS09 Connect wiring systems. ......................................................................................... 40 Unit IPS10 Test the performance and condition of installed components and assemblies. ....... 42 Unit IPS11 Dismantle assemblies, plant, equipment and systems. ........................................... 45 Unit IPS12 Join materials by manually controlled welding processes. ...................................... 48 Unit IPS13 Diagnose and correct electrical faults. .................................................................... 51 Approved Centre additional assessment requirements ......................................................... 53 Assessment guidance and scope: Engineering Construction ................................................ 60



Systems (RQF)

ECITB Level 3 Diploma in Installing Engineering Construction Plant and

© ECITB 2021

ACQR-Engineering Construction Installing Plant and Systems RV 2-1

their company and sector. Individual role descriptions are as follows: Mechanical fitters within the engineering construction industry are concerned with assembling, installing, maintaining and testing of often complex machinery and mechanisms. Typical equipment types encountered within the occupation are; engines, pumps, transmission systems, turbines, hydraulic and |

food and drink processing. Installation trades are overseen by a supervisor and work to required tolerances, the activities performed require a high degree of skill to ensure that the specifications within design, fabrication and installation drawings are achieved. They are responsible for the quality of their own work, possibly others’ and ensuring work is completed safely and effectively, following procedures and completing essential documentation at all times. They work on various types of plant, systems and installations dependent on

Pipefitters, platers, mechanical fitters and electrical fitters maintain the safety, integrity and effective operation of plant and systems in a wide range of industries of national importance including power (coal, gas, nuclear, wind and other renewables) and water infrastructure, petrochemical, oil and gas, and steel,

Installation Craftsperson occupations


workshops and consultations.


o Electrical Fitting. The qualification is based on National Occupational Standards (NOS) and has been designed following consultation with industry employers and stakeholders on a qualifications strategy which allows for a wider use of off the job assessment and to further sector needs to improve transferability of skills across the different sectors that comprise the industry. The detail and scope of the assessment criteria within this qualification has been developed by the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB) Standards Setting Organisation in conjunction with employers, trainers, and assessors through

OR Mechanical Fitting. ECITB Level 3 Diploma in Installation of Engineering Construction Plant and Systems (RQF) –

Plating. o ECITB Level 3 Diploma in Installation of Engineering Construction Plant and Systems (RQF) –


Pipefitting. o ECITB Level 3 Diploma in Installation of Engineering Construction Plant and Systems (RQF) –

disciplines:  Pipefitting.  Plating.  Mechanical Fitting.  Electrical Fitting. The candidate is required to select ONE discipline pathway ONLY when registering on the qualification. Successful completion of the qualification pathway will lead to the candidate being awarded an: ECITB Level 3 Diploma in Installation of Engineering Construction Plant and Systems (RQF) –

The objective of this vocational competence qualification is to provide recognition that a candidate has demonstrated the required level of technical competence to be qualified to work as an installation craftsperson on engineering construction structures, plant and equipment in one of the following

Objective and overview




Diploma in Installing Engineering Construction Plant and Systems (RQF)

© ECITB 2021

ACQR-Engineering Construction Installing Plant and Systems RV 2-1

This qualification consists of 9 mandatory units per pathway. A candidate must successfully meet the selected discipline pathway requirements in each of the specified units in order to attain this qualification. This specification details the learning outcomes and assessment criteria that a candidate must meet in order to demonstrate the acquisition of the knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) to be awarded a vocational ECITB Level 3 Diploma in Installation of Engineering Construction Plant and Systems (RQF) in either Pipefitting or Plating or Mechanical Fitting or Electrical Fitting. Mandatory observation of the candidate by an Awarding Organisation (AO) assessor is required to achieve this qualification. |



There are no mandatory entry requirements. However, due to the level and complexity of the subject, it is recommended that candidates should have attained GCSE grade “C/5” or above or RQF Functional Skills Level 2 or above in English (Language) and Mathematics or are able to demonstrate evidence of other suitable attainment or experience. A candidate’s individual circumstances will determine if this qualification is appropriate and the Approved Centre will work with the prospective candidate and, where appropriate, employer to determine the candidates suitability for the qualification.

Entry requirements


role effectively. Platers prepare steel and other metal plates and sections for the manufacture, installation, repair and maintenance of storage tanks, vessels and the other structures contained within oil and gas installations, power generating plants, chemical plants, refineries and food processing plants. Platers work on sheet materials having a thickness greater than 3mm, their work can also cover the production of the structural steelwork used in the construction of bridges, buildings and oil and gas installations. Platers must be able to read and interpret engineering drawings and are skilled in, the measuring, marking out, cutting, forming and joining of metal plate and structural steel of varying thickness and size. They may then be responsible for the assembly of manufactured items; this may include the use of lifting equipment before securing the manufactured items usually using tack welding or temporary mechanical fasteners. Platers use various methods to shape; plate, pipe and sections, these range from the more conventional methods involving traditional hand skills and tools associated with metal craft work to more complex methods which may necessitate the use of oxyfuel cutting equipment, plasma cutters, and hand controlled machines. Electrical fitters are responsible for the installation, inspection, testing, commissioning and diagnosis of faults in electrical plant and its associated cabling and equipment. These activities are typically undertaken on equipment such as electrical distribution systems, generators, electric motors, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems. To achieve these functions the electrical fitter must be able to interpret technical specifications and drawings and, where necessary demonstrate the effective use of reasoning skills in the resolution of faults and problems. Whilst electrical fitters are required to use specialist tools and equipment they also routinely use traditional hand tools and test equipment during the execution of their duties. Electrical fitters undertake these tasks on sites such as petrochemical plants, upstream and downstream oil and gas installations, powers generating plants, chemical plants and food processing plants and other processing plants, which often necessitates them working in hazardous conditions.

equipment at the end of its working life. Pipefitters within the engineering construction industry are responsible for the fabrication, assembly, positioning, installation, and repair of piping systems. Engineering construction industry piping systems often carry water, steam, chemicals or fuel which may be used in cooling, heating, lubricating and other processes. The piping can vary in bore size and material type dependent upon the fluid it is designed to carry and the operating pressures and environments of these systems. The piping system design will also determine the method of jointing required and the pipefitter must ensure the integrity of the mechanical joints that are made. Methods of jointing can range from threaded, bolted and clamped solutions to, where required, the preparation of the pipe assembly to enable a more permanent welded joint. Loss of the containment through poor jointing may result in machinery and equipment failure, environmental damage or injury/loss of life. A pipefitter is often required to have additional training in other skills to carry out their

pneumatic actuators and associated systems. Mechanical fitters assume a through life responsibility for the machinery, systems and equipment within their charge, this includes initial assembly, installation and setting up, ongoing maintenance and testing and the eventual disassembly/decommissioning of the

© ECITB 2021

ACQR-Engineering Construction Installing Plant and Systems RV 2-1

Completing this qualification can lead to a range of further career options. Those who wish to stay in engineering construction can develop their skills further, or progress through supervision to senior positions such as Construction Manager. Individuals can progress through additional qualifications and apprenticeships or into supporting engineering functions such as technical leadership, procurement, quality assurance, project management or project controls. For more information about career progression you can go to the ECITB website www.ecitb.org.uk

Career development within the Engineering Construction Industry


For information about fair assessment, equal opportunities, reasonable adjustments and special considerations please refer to the ECITB AO ‘RQF Quality Assurance & Procedures Manual (QAPM).’

Equal opportunities, reasonable adjustments and special considerations


qualification TQT. There are no optional units contained in this qualification. However, not all units appear in all pathways. Please refer to Section 2 to review qualification discipline pathways

Total Qualification Time (hours) 234 140 179 278 146 276 229 158 206 139 116 212 247

Guided Learning (hours) 128 80 120 170 90 200 160 100 100 100 80 100 140

Unit IPS01 IPS02 IPS03 IPS04 IPS05 IPS06 IPS07 IPS08 IPS09 IPS10 IPS11 IPS12 IPS13 Note: Units IPS 06, 09, 12 & 13 are not in the Pipefitting pathway which makes up the overall

typically 36 months.

The TQT for this qualification is 1619 hours, this reflects the lowest TQT pathway. However, the TQT for each particular unit is recorded below. The amount of time taken to achieve this Level 3 Diploma is

Total Qualification Time (TQT), level & duration


Assessment is through a combination of ECITB AO online knowledge tests; observed skills assessment in the ‘live’ workplace’ or under approved simulated workplace conditions; portfolio of evidence; and a final recorded technical discussion. All assessment is carried out at a location approved by the AO.



for completion of standalone units.

pathway in this qualification are listed in Annex 1. The contents of each unit within the qualification interrelate and the AO does not issue credit certificates

Typical types of engineering construction structures, plant and equipment for the assessment of each

© ECITB 2021

ACQR-Engineering Construction Installing Plant and Systems RV 2-1

and contingency reporting. associated risks.

       

acquire and also demonstrate on plant, equipment and systems of their selected discipline: Relevant national and industry health, safety and environmental standards and legislation and those relevant to the specific disciplines, as appropriate. Site safety responsibilities, own and others including: first aid procedures, evacuation procedures Types and effects of hazards, safety assessment methods and techniques and how to minimise Relationships: importance of and understanding of work relationship problems. Lines of communication, reporting lines and levels of responsibility in the workplace. The importance of ethical working and the sustainable use of resources including: codes of conduct, minimising the impact of work on the environment. The importance of questioning and demonstrating initiative in day to day problem-solving. Procedures and related documentation and responsibility for reporting and following procedures. Preparation and reinstatement of the work area including: preparing, checking and handling material; types of equipment and the related care and control procedures; storing and disposing of material; handing over plant and equipment. |

Units IPS01 and IPS02 detail the factual, procedural and theoretical knowledge that the candidate must

Underpinning knowledge, skills and behaviours


This qualification consists of 9 mandatory units per pathway. The underpinning knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) within units IPS01 (Work safely, effectively, ethically and sustainably, managing risk and hazards (plus employer desirable behaviours) and IPS02 (Interpret and follow fabrication and installation documentation and procedures including prepare and reinstate the work area) are not assessed separately. They are demonstrated by candidates when they undertake the observed skills assessments on plant, equipment and systems in their selected discipline to demonstrate the application of the KSBs detailed in the mandated units for each IPS pathway as above and should be assessed during the observation of those units. This vocational qualification contains the following elements:

Pipefitting – PF. Plating - PL. Mechanical Fitting - MF. Electrical Fitting - EF.

   

Diagnose and correct electrical faults.Please note that in the table pathways have been abbreviated as follows:

Assemble components.Connect wiring systems.

Mark out to the required specification


Work safely, effectively, ethically and sustainably, managing risks and Interpret and follow fabrication and installation documentation and procedures including prepare and reinstate the work area.Shape components by material removal using hand tools.Forming materials by applied pressure.Shape components by material removal using machine tools. Position and Install plant, equipment and systems.Test the performance and condition of installed components and assemblies.Dismantle assemblies, plant, equipment and systems.Join materials by manually controlled welding processes.


EF         

MF         

PL         

PF         



Overview of this L3 Installation qualification Overview table depicting mandatory units specified for each IPS pathway:

Qualification units and scope of assessment


© ECITB 2021

ACQR-Engineering Construction Installing Plant and Systems RV 2-1


Connect wiring systems. (Electrical only) Test the performance and condition of installed components and assemblies. (Pipefitting, Mechanical Fitting and Electrical Fitting only) Dismantle assemblies, plant, equipment and systems. Join materials by manually controlled welding processes. (Plating only) Diagnose and correct electrical faults. (Electrical Fitting only) All the units specific to a pathway are listed on Page 6 in the Overview table.


prepare and reinstate the work area. Mark out to the required specification. Shape components by material removal using hand tools. Forming materials by applied pressure. (Pipefitting & Plating only) Shape components by material removal using machine tools. (Mechanical Fitting only) Assemble components. (Plating, Pipefitting and Mechanical Fitting only) Position and Install plant, equipment and systems.


Pipefitting. Plating. Mechanical Fitting. Electrical Fitting.

    The candidate is required to effectively demonstrate theoretical, factual and procedural knowledge and practical skills of the following units that comprise the qualification in relation to their chosen pathway in accordance with the stated assessment criteria and scope of assessment provided in this document: Work safely, effectively, ethically and sustainably, managing risks and hazards. Interpret and follow fabrication and installation documentation and procedures including

Units IPS02 to IPS13 are discipline specific and the candidate must demonstrate their knowledge application of KSB’s on plant, equipment and systems of their selected discipline pathway:


Plant, equipment and systems specific fabrication and installation knowledge and


o o o

during practical tasks.


       

the observed skills assessments:

The candidate must demonstrate the application of the following employer desirable behaviours during Safety conscious - works safely at all times. Risk aware - manages hazards and minimises risk. Effective communicator - works effectively with others including keeping others informed. Quality focus – ensures work is completed to an appropriate level of quality. Conscientious - follows procedures and completes reporting documentation accurately and Initiative – deals with problems effectively and highlights those that cannot be solved. Critical thinker – displays the ability to use vocational knowledge to deal with issues that arise Ethical and sustainability behaviours such as: Manages risk to minimise adverse impact to people or the environment. Uses resources efficiently and effectively. Treats all people fairly and with respect.

Employer-desirable behaviours and attitudes


© ECITB 2021

ACQR-Engineering Construction Installing Plant and Systems RV 2-1

Tel: 01923 260000 Email: Qualifications@ecitb.org.uk Website: www.ecitb.org.uk.

ECITB AO Office Suite KD3, First Floor, KD Tower, Cotterells, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 1FW

For further information either visit the ECITB website or contact the ECITB Awarding Organisation:

Further information


© ECITB 2021

ACQR-Engineering Construction Installing Plant and Systems RV 2-1


used safely. equipment for the work to be undertaken.

K1.5 K1.6 K1.7 K1.8 K1.9


installation crafts person.

K1.1 K1.2 K1.3 K1.4 PERSONAL SITE SAFETY RESPONSIBILITIES The need for health and safety training for themselves and others in a workplace, the procedures for requesting training and who to ask for help in understanding the work. Where to get information relating to the safe use of equipment and how to ensure equipment is When personal protective equipment should be used and how to select and use the correct The potential for different types of injury including vibration injuries and how they can be The checks which are needed to make sure that portable appliances are safe to use. K1.10 What a safe system for plant process isolation should including electrical isolation and why low voltage is generally safer in relation to health and safety. K1.11 The risks from overhead, underground and enclosed utilities/services and how to control them.

assessment criteria:HEALTH AND SAFETY LEGISLATION AND REGULATIONS The statutory requirements of the main health and safety legislation relevant to the role of The purpose and nature of risk assessments, method statements, and permit to work systems, and the relevance of local procedures and guidance notes. The consequences for employers and employees of not fulfilling their legal health and safety The importance of personal behaviour in maintaining workplace standards.

The candidate must demonstrate an understanding of the following in order to satisfy the skills

Knowledge assessment criteria:

employer desirable behaviours.


take action to deal with potential hazards. 3. The candidate can establish and maintain productive working relationships. 4. The candidate understands lines of communication, responsibilities and can demonstrate effective communication in the context of working as an Installation crafts person. 5. The candidate can explain and comply with the quality management systems and specifications. 6. The candidate understands codes of conduct and the importance of ethical working and the need to undertake activities in a way that contributes to environmental sustainab7. The candidate is able to work effectively as an installation crafts person by demonstrating all

installation crafts person. 2. The candidate can explain risk and hazard management and demonstrate the ability to identify and

1. The candidate can explain health and safety legislation, regulations, safe working practices, personal site safety responsibilities and demonstrate what ‘work safely’ at all times means as an

Learning outcomes for this unit:

This unit applies to all pathways.

and hazards.

Unit IPS01 Work safely, effectively, ethically and sustainably, managing risk



© ECITB 2021

ACQR-Engineering Construction Installing Plant and Systems RV 2-1


be reduced.

displaying honesty, integrity, accuracy and rigour.


cannot be solved. ETHICS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY K1.34 The purpose of ethics and environmental sustainability in a typical workplace. K1.35 Codes of conduct, including professional codes of conduct relevant to an installation crafts K1.36 The importance of using resources efficiently and effectively. K1.37 What working ethically means in terms of treating all people fairly and with respect and K1.38 How the role of an installation crafts person impacts on the environment and how this impact can

of others within a typical work location. consequences of failing to follow them.

deal with specific difficulties. REPORTING LINES, COMMUNICATION AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT K1.29 The responsibilities of an installation crafts person in a typical workplace and the responsibilities K1.30 The importance of reporting lines, procedures, systems and documentation and the K1.31 The limits of own responsibility and who to refer to for clarification on issues. K1.32 Quality management procedures and the importance of following them. K1.33 The importance of dealing promptly and effectively with problems and reporting those which

management. MAINTAINING WORKING RELATIONSHIPS K1.27 Why it is important to create and maintain working relationships. K1.28 The different problems that can affect working relationships and the actions that can be taken to


HAZARDS AND HAZARD SPOTTING K1.18 What a hazard is and common types of hazard associated with processes, tools, equipment and K1.19 Where information on hazard spotting and safety assessment techniques can be found. K1.20 Hazard spotting and safety assessment techniques, which apply in a typical work location. K1.21 The effects of hazards on persons, property and the environment. K1.22 Who to call for appropriate help using warning systems as appropriate in relation to hazards. K1.23 What must be done when transporting hazardous substances around a site. MANAGING HAZARDS AND THE ASSOCIATED RISK K1.24 What the individual’s responsibilities are in terms of dealing with and notifying others of hazards including what should be reported, how and the related documentation. K1.25 The types of actions that are required to deal with and minimise the risks from different hazards. K1.26 What risk is in relation to health and safety, its importance and the consequences of poor risk

potential incidents.

EMERGENCY AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES K1.14 Emergency procedures and evacuation procedures as used in a typical company and where information about them can be obtained from including the different alarms. K1.15 Contingency reporting documentation and systems including: emergencies, accidents and K1.16 How to call for expert help in the event of contingencies occurring, following relevant procedures. K1.17 How to follow shutdown and evacuation procedures promptly and correctly.

b) How to find local first aid facilities.


FIRST AID K1.12 First aid procedures as used in a typical company and where information about them can be K1.13 Which first aid procedures typically apply in a workplace including: a) The sources of competent assistance. c) How to alert or summon professional authorities.

© ECITB 2021

ACQR-Engineering Construction Installing Plant and Systems RV 2-1


evidence, specifically:

The candidate must demonstrate the following as part of the practical assessment of the units mandated for each IPS pathway or provide additional evidence as part of their Qualification portfolio of

Behaviours assessment criteria:

requests, clarify exactly what is required. S1.13 Follow quality requirements. S1.14 Deal with problems appropriately if and when they arise.SKILLS FOR ETHICS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY S1.15 Treat everyone fairly and with respect. S1.16 Demonstrate accuracy and rigour when undertaking practical procedures. S1.17 Deal effectively with resources taking environmental considerations into account.

written or verbal.

are maintained. SKILLS FOR REPORTING LINES, COMMUNICATION AND QUALITY PROCEDURES S1.10 Keep others informed about work plans and activities which affect them – either formal/informal, S1.11 If needed, seek assistance in relation to work related activities from others in a polite and courteous way without causing undue disruption to normal working activities. S1.12 Respond in a timely and positive way when others ask for help or information e.g. prioritise

S1.8 S1.9


S1.4 S1.5 S1.6 S1.7 SKILLS FOR WORKING RELATIONSHIPS Develop working relationships with a range of people. Deal with disagreements in an amicable and constructive manner so that effective relationships

accordance with procedures. SKILLS FOR MANAGING HAZARDS AND MINIMISING RISK Identify potential hazards in the workplace including hazardous processes, tools, equipment and Safely check for potential hazards in accordance with agreed and approved procedures. Take appropriate action upon identification of a hazard or emergency to minimise the risk from it. Report in accordance with procedures/risk control strategy.

and procedures.

S1.1 S1.2 S1.3

ability to: SKILLS FOR WORKING SAFELY Work safely at all times complying with statutory health and safety and other relevant guidelines Select the correct personal protective equipment for the work to be undertaken. Deal safely with dangers that can be contained using appropriate equipment and materials, in

The candidate must demonstrate the following on plant, equipment and system of their selected discipline during the practical assessment of the units mandated for each IPS pathway, specifically the

Skills assessment criteria:

© ECITB 2021

ACQR-Engineering Construction Installing Plant and Systems RV 2-1


Hazards  Biological.  Chemical.  Ergonomic.  Equipment related.  Environment related.  Physical.  Process related.  Radiation. Actions related to hazards:



 Risk assessments.

working practices and procedures:

behaviour criteria included above:

Below is further information on the expected scope for each of the knowledge, skills and HEALTH AND SAFETY LEGISLATION AND REGULATIONS Health, safety and environmental legislation and regulations as they apply to the worksite and safe  Relevant sections of the Health and Safety at Work Act.  Approved and recommended codes of practice.  PUWER (including abrasive wheels), LOLER, DSEAR, COMAH, COSHH, RIDDOR, CDM, DSE, WAH, Manual Handling, Noise at Work, Control of vibration, Confined Space, Electricity at Work Regulations and any other regulations that apply on a the worksite.  Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements.  Permits to work, method statements, first aid arrangements, fire and evacuation arrangements.  Recognition of particular risks as they apply in the context of the workplace such as working over Local or site specific health and safety requirements.Contingencies: Accidents and unexpected emergencies that require responses in accordance with the level of responsibility and the strategy for controlling risk in place at a worksite. MANAGING HAZARDS AND ASSOCIATED RISKS Hazard identification and safety assessment methods and techniques:  Common risks associated with processes, materials, equipment and the environment in the  Risk reduction hierarchy and the meaning of As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP).  Risk assessment methods in use at a typical worksite.

Supporting information for the assessment of this unit

during practical tasks.


B1.1 B1.2 B1.3 B1.4 B1.5 B1.6 B1.7

EMPLOYER DESIRABLE BEHAVIOURS Safety conscious - work safely at all times. Risk aware - manage hazards and minimise risk. Effective communicator - work effectively with others including keeping others informed. Quality focus - ensure work is completed to an appropriate level of quality. Conscientious - follow procedures and complete documentation accurately and correctly. Initiative - deal with problems effectively and highlight those that cannot be solved. Ethical and environmental sustainability behaviours such as: a) Manage risk to minimise adverse impact to people or the environment. b) Use resources efficiently and effectively. c) Treat all people fairly and with respect. Critical thinker – display the ability to use vocational knowledge to deal with issues that arise

© ECITB 2021

ACQR-Engineering Construction Installing Plant and Systems RV 2-1


individuals with fairness and respect. Environmental sustainability: awareness of the need to consider the use of resources: to minimise the use of resources where practicable; to reuse if possible; to store correctly for reuse; and to dispose of in accordance with environmental regulations and good practice.

Types of communication:  Tool box talks.  Inductions.  Safety feedback.  Production loop.  Complaints.  Liaison between functions or departments.  Appraisals or performance reviews. ETHICS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Ethics: awareness of the need to follow the Code of Conduct within companies and to treat all


 Removal of hazard.  Isolation or containment of hazard.  Ceasing activities.  Managing time at the workface.  Reporting to the appropriate person or authority.  Restriction of others exposure to the hazard. Transporting hazardous material around a site Basic awareness of the procedure to be followed to show a hazardous material is being transported

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ACQR-Engineering Construction Installing Plant and Systems RV 2-1








in: a) Parts catalogues. b) Fabrication and installation instructions and specifications. c) Manufacturer’s specifications. d) Reference charts and tables. K2.4 Where to find manufacturer and installation information or additional information that may be necessary in order to undertake installation. K2.5 Installation plans and schedules and their K2.6 Importance of signing of documentation and the legal consequences and

physical component(s).

S2.3 S2.4 S2.5


And/or  POWLA K2.2 The information detailed in the diagrams in engineering drawings and related specifications and how it relates to the K2.3 The diagrams and key information found PROCEDURES S2.6



being used.

S2.1 S2.2


FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION DOCUMENTATION Check the validity of the documentation Interpret and follow specifications, engineering drawings and work instructions a) Method statements. b) Product worksheets. c) Technical drawings. d) Manufacturer’s specifications. e) Legislative requirements. BS/EN standards. g) Related specifications. Interpret and follow equipment manuals. Interpret installation plans and schedules. Signing of compliance documentation. FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION Follow authorisation processes and procedures with regard to safety critical Follow fabrication, installation and commissioning procedures and report on the completion of activities for each stage. Complete all relevant documentation correctly and accurately at all stages to a) Pre-task risk assessments. b) Authorisation process and procedures. c) Isolation processes where relevant. d) Record information and where appropriate test results. |

The candidate must demonstrate the ability to:

The candidate must demonstrate an understanding of the following in order to satisfy the skills assessment criteria:FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION K2.1 The principles, uses and conventions of: a) Method statements. b) Product worksheets. c) Technical drawings. d) Manufacturer’s specifications. e) Legislative requirements. BS/EN standards. g) Related specifications. h) Risk Assessments:  POWRA

Skills assessment criteria:

Knowledge assessment criteria:


person effectively. 3. The candidate can explain and demonstrate how to prepare and reinstate the work area, material and equipment safely and correctly before and after fabrication and installation activities take

installation crafts person effectively. 2. The candidate must demonstrate that they can follow reporting procedures, documentation and completion requirements as required to perform the role of a fabrication and installation crafts

1. The candidate must demonstrate that they can interpret and follow fabrication and installation specifications, plans and schedules so that they are able to perform the role of a fabrication and

Learning outcomes:

This unit applies to all pathways.

Unit IPS02 Interpret and follow fabrication and installation documentation and procedures including prepare and reinstate the work area.

© ECITB 2021

ACQR-Engineering Construction Installing Plant and Systems RV 2-1


electrical). work area. S2.19 Ensure that arrangements are made to disrupt normal working.

safely, where appropriate.



and equipment and check: a) Quantities. b) That they are in a safe and usable S2.14 Ensure that all necessary service supplies are connected correctly and ready for use. S2.15 Ensure that any stored energy or substances are released correctly and S2.16 Ensure all isolations and disconnections to the equipment are completed in line with the approved procedures (stored energy, substances, air, fluids, gas, mechanical, S2.17 Provide and maintain safe access to the S2.18 Check the workplace is as expected. protect other workers from activities likely to

a) b) c)

to include:

and equipment.



of transfer.




HANDOVER FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION ACTIVITIES K2.11 Typical handover procedures and environments including: a) When handover should occur. b) Related quality control systems and documentation procedures. c) How to confirm the precise moment d) Why it is important to define the precise moment of transfer. e) Method and means of handover. The level of detail and information required by different parties for g) How to confirm the information at handover is accurate and complete, Quality documentation. Inspection and test results. Authorisation process. PREPARE AND REINSTATE THE WORK K2.12 The consequences/hazards of incorrectly preparing or reinstating the work areas, material and equipment. K2.13 The procedures for the connection and operation of applicable services and equipment including but not limited to pneumatic, electric, gas and hydraulic. K2.14 The types of equipment used and explain the care and control procedures. K2.15 How to check materials for correct specification, quantity and quality. K2.16 Material handling techniques and preparation methods. K2.17 Storage methods and procedures.

to report.


PROCEDURES procedures.


valid. FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION K2.8 Typical installation authorisation K2.9 The procedures used to report on installation activities and the related reporting documentation. In other words - who to report to, what to report and when K2.10 The importance of checking and confirming procedures have been followed and documentation correctly completed.

e) Commissioning information. Report any instance where the fabrication and installation activities cannot be fully met or where there are identified defects or variations from the specification which are outside the planned schedule. S2.10 Check required fabrication and installation reporting is completed correctly once the installation activity is completed and before any handover takes place. HANDOVER FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION S2.11 Follow appropriate handover procedures, confirming and recording acceptance of responsibility in line with procedures a) Clearly define and obtain agreement on the moment of transfer of responsibility. b) Communicate handover of control as c) Make sure information received at the handover is accurate, up-to-date and d) Seek additional information if there are areas of doubt or lack of clarity. e) Provide proper support and co-ordination to those transferring control. PREPARE AND REINSTATE THE WORK AREA S2.12 Follow safety procedures, risk assessment and methods of work when preparing and reinstating the work area, materials, tools S2.13 Obtain, check against relevant specification and prepare the appropriate tools, materials

K2.7 The importance of version control and ensuring documentation is current and

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assessment: Follow fabrication and installation procedures:

ISO 9001.

o o o The candidate is expected to do the following correctly when observed during each practical

 

o o Product worksheets.

Risk Assessment: Point Of Work Risk Assessment (POWRA). Point Of Work Lifting Assessment (POWLA). Quality control documents – QA. Inspection and test plans. Connection drawings.

drawings. o General arrangement drawings. o Piping and instrumentation diagrams. o Process flow diagrams. o Wiring diagrams. o Manufacturer’s instructions and data sheets.

drawings. o General arrangement drawings. o Lift plans. o Patterns and templates.

drawings. o General arrangement drawings. o Isometric drawings. o Piping and instrumentation diagrams. o Process flow diagrams.

o Component drawings. o General arrangement drawings. o Isometric drawings. o Lift plans. o Patterns and templates.

Electrical o Assembly drawings. o Component

Mechanical o Assembly drawings.

Plating o Assembly drawings. o Component

Pipefitting o Assembly drawings. o Component

      

installation documentation as appropriate: Installation instructions. Method statements. Installation schedules and plans of work. Operational maintenance data. Parts catalogues. Product worksheets. Technical drawings:

The candidate is expected to understand and be able to interpret the following fabrication and

Supporting information for the assessment of this unit

S2.23 S2.24

account by:


S2.20 Deal promptly and effectively with problems and report those that cannot be solved. SKILLS FOR REINSTATEMENT ONLY Reinstate the work area to a safe condition taking safety and environmental considerations into S2.21 Correctly disposing of waste materials. S2.22 Storing re-usable materials and equipment in accordance with procedures. Ensuring any necessary connections to equipment are established and complete.Minimising waste wherever possible.

K2.18 Typical waste minimisation and disposal

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Identification. Confirming alignment. Development.

     

Open structures. Radiological areas. Working inside systems and live plant. Designated work/fabrication areas. In adverse weather conditions. Where there are dust, fumes and gases. Presence of third parties. Requirements for breathing apparatus. Inside systems and plant.

At height. Over water. Confined spaces (e.g. shafts, trenches, excavations).

             Type and complexity of material preparations Typical preparation could include: Non-standard treatments. Taking instrument readings for analysis. Storage, protecting/preserving and security, could include quarantine of defective items.

conditions which could include: Working on access structures (scaffold).

Layout. Safety. Accessibility. Security. Isolations (where relevant).

terms of:      Type of work area protection and safety requirements Work area protection and safety should take into account any hazards due to the particular working

Shift to shift. Crafts person to Supervisor.

o o o o o Type of work area preparations This could involve ensuring that the location and condition of work environments are appropriate in

systems under: Non-operational conditions

QA, ISO 9001.

     Handover Handover is used in the context of both 1) handing over control to someone else and 2) accepting and taking responsibility for control from someone else. It includes the handover of plant, equipment and Operational conditions: shift changes on continuous process plants. Between installation and operational team at the end of an overhaul. Handover of a large on-going installation project. Handover from in-house installation teams to outside specialists.

Authorisation procedures. Standard operating procedures.

o o Check they have documentation and followed procedures after authorisations. Follow method statements, risk assessments, procedures, specifications and regulations. Complete as directed by product worksheets, technical drawings & quality control documents – Check they have completed documentation to the required standard. Prepare, reinstate and handover the work area.

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Security. Selection. Setting out. Storage.

Identification. Inspection. Protecting/preserving. Precision measuring. Routine checks on condition, operation, suitability and safety (e.g. PAT test status).



                

access hoists e.g. ‘cherry pickers’). Safety equipment/harnesses.

        Types of equipment preparation Equipment preparations could include: Addition of extra lifting points. Asset/product orientation. Changing settings. Checking quality and quantity. Confirming alignment. Configuration and/or conformity checks.

date(s). Types of equipment to be prepared Equipment to be prepared could include: Hand tools (fixed/portable). Protective clothing/equipment (PPE). Process equipment. Machine tools (fixed/portable). Test equipment. Lifting and handling equipment. Access structures (typically ladders, steps, trestles, Youngman boards, temporary staging,

Spare parts.

Stock materials. Assemblies. Fasteners. Jointing materials and sealants. Ferrous, non-ferrous and plastic materials. Proprietary items (repair by replacement).

        Equipment safety checks Equipment pre-use safety checks, visual checks and inspections must be carried out including ensuring that there are no obvious faults present and that the equipment has valid inspection and test

these standards. Typical materials could include: Pre-formed items.

environment). Setting out. Types of materials Materials are coded to relevant, specified standards and must not be used unless they comply with

Cleaning. Weight confirming/assessment (with regard to manual handling). Checking quality and quantity, including precision measuring (checking the quantity in advance is critical if working in environments where all material becomes contaminated e.g. radiological

  

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   

Chemicals.Quarantine materials/equipment could include: Damaged or defective materials & equipment. Contaminated materials or equipment. Materials or equipment which does not meet approved specification/QA. Materials or equipment without appropriate documentation.

 

   

Typical non-hazardous waste could include: Packaging/protecting materials. Swarf/Material offcuts. Replaced ‘lifed’ consumables. Consumables. Typical hazardous waste could include: Used oils/coolants. Sharp objects/offcuts.

Excess materials. Test equipment. Industrial gas cylinders. Tools/equipment. Protection sheeting equipment. Re-usable components/assemblies.

Consumables. Assembly/alignment aids. Storing/stacking equipment. Lifting equipment. Safety equipment. Personal protection equipment/shielding equipment. Process and ancillary equipment.

             Storage environments Resources may be stored in secure, enclosed containment, or unenclosed within a work area or storage facility. Appropriate storage facilities should be used where necessary.

Weight confirming/assessment.

 Type of resources to be stored Resources could be identified, sorted and evaluated for further use. Typical resources could include:

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Setting and adjusting tools.

     

following: Using marking out conventions. Development of basic shapes (flat, rectangular and cylindrical). Ways of laying out the shapes/patterns. Maximise the use of pipe, plate or sheet material ensuring waste is minimal. Methods of marking out large or long shapes.

  

Non-permanent marking. Permanent marking. Precision marking. Rough marking. String lines.

     In addition at least two of the following: Direct marking using instruments. Tracing/transfer methods. Use of templates. During the marking methods and techniques the candidate must be observed demonstrating all the

context as agreed with the AO): Typical techniques and methods that the candidate must know about and be observed demonstrating during marking out must include all of the following:

The candidate must be observed demonstrating marking out to the required specification at least twice in order to demonstrate that they understand how to apply all the methods, techniques and use of tools and equipment and have met the learning outcome. These contexts must include the following (or equivalent

Supporting information for the assessment of this unit


specifications. methods. marking out.

for marking out. surfaces.

Obtain and use the correct information Prepare suitable datum and marking out Mark out using approved methods. Check the marking out complies with the

marking out:S 3.1 S 3.2 S 3.3 S 3.4


obtain and use the correct information for

The candidate must demonstrate an understanding of the following in order to satisfy the skills assessment K 3.1 The identification of the correct version of drawings and specifications. K 3.2 The principles, uses and conventions of engineering drawings and related K 3.3 Surface preparation requirements and K 3.4 The tools, methods and techniques used for K 3.5 Geometrical construction methods. K 3.6 Pattern development methods.

The candidate must demonstrate the ability to

Skills assessment criteria:

Knowledge assessment criteria:

The candidate understands the techniques used when marking out to specification and can mark out components safely and effectively to requirements.

Learning outcome:

This unit applies to all pathways.

Unit IPS03 Mark out to the required specification.

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Electrical Fitting Marking out all of components including: PVC and steel conduit. PVC and steel trunking. Cable tray. Basket. Ladder systems. Ducting systems. Brackets and saddles.

Mechanical Fitting Marking out all of complex components Angles. Proof marking. Keyways. Positions for installation. Holes. Basic shapes.

Plating Mark out all of the following forms/shapes of component: Bar and section lengths. Pipe/tube sections. Cutting detail for flat covers and plates. Structural support, pads, bed plates. Frames or structures. Columns, beams or And must include 2 of: Fish plates, gussets. Simple seatings (e.g., boiler saddles, tank cradles).

Pipefitting Marking out all of complex components Spools. Angles. Offsets. Rolling offset. Supports. Flanges.

Parallel line. Radial. Triangulation.


profiles. Angles. Irregular shapes. Hole centring and outlining (linear). Hole centring and outlining (circular). Curved profiles. Pattern development Templates.




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          

Electrical Fitting Datum and centre Angles. Irregular shapes. Square/rectangular profiles. Hole centring and outlining (linear). Circles. Angled/curved profiles. Templates.

Mechanical Fitting Datum and centre Angles. Irregular shapes. Hole centring and outlining (linear). Circles. Hole centring and outlining (circular). Curved profiles. Templates. Square/rectangular profiles.

Pipefitting Datum and centre Cut/bend guide lines. Square/rectangular

o o o o

Method statements. Manufacturers’ instructions. Product worksheets. Engineering drawings: Assembly. Component. General arrangement. Isometrics. Mark off material, to include all of the following features: Plating Datum and centre lines. Cut/bend guide lines. Square/rectangular profiles. Angles. Irregular shapes. Hole centring and outlining (linear). Circles. Hole centring and outlining (circular). Curved profiles. Pattern development: o o o Templates. The candidate must know about and be observed marking out typical components to include:

   

Typical specifications and engineering drawings that the candidate must know about and be observed working to during marking out activities must include at least 3 of the following:

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Company/client standards. Dimensionally accurate (to relevant drawing or specification). Clearly identified for the required processes. BSEN Standards (BSEN7671-Electrical).

    The candidate must demonstrate the application of knowledge, skills and behaviours from Units IPS01 and IPS02 when demonstrating assembly of components


 The candidate must be observed producing marked-off components which meet all of the following

o o o

Chalk. Paint. Pen.

o o o

       

     

o o o

o o o

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     

        

following: Tape.



Electrical Fitting Must include all: Levels. Tape. Straight edges. Squares. String line. Combination set. Combination/tri square. Profile gauge. Markers:

Mechanical Fitting Must include all of the Levels. Straight edges. Squares. V-blocks. String line. Combination set. Scribe. Engineering blue. Vernier height gauge. Markers: Chalk. Paint. Pen.

Plating Must include all of the Scriber. Square. Centre punch. Dividers. Trammels. Markers: Chalk. Paint. Pen. Rule and tape. Straight edge. Templates. V-blocks. Combination/tri square. Bevel gauge. Profile gauge. Protractor. And may include: Line of chords.

Pipefitting Must include all of the Levels. Rule & Tape. Straight edges. Squares. V-blocks. Markers: Chalk. Paint. Pen. Scriber. String line. Combination set. Centre punch. Include 1 of: Line of chords. Vernier height gauge.

during marking out activities:


Compensation pads.

  Typical marking off equipment that the candidate must know about and be observed demonstrating

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o o

o o



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     

     

Electrical Fitting Drilling. Filing. Grinding. Sawing. Thread cutting.

Mechanical Fitting Sawing. Abrasive finishing. Grinding. Chiselling. Thread cutting. Drilling/reaming. And may include: |

Plating Thermal cutting. Filing. Grinding. Sawing. Abrasive finishing. Hole forming: Drilling. Punching. Shearing.

Pipefitting Abrasive finishing. Abrasive cutting. Drilling. Edge and surface preparation. Grinding: Internal. External.

variation on a common theme.


     

context as agreed with the AO): The shape of the engineering product to be achieved requires three or more sequential stages to be The shape typically involves applying two or more techniques to achieve the desired result. The number of surfaces, angles and dimensions to be produced may be high and/or it may be difficult to assess certain aspects because of their relationship to one another and the criticality of the fit. The order of the stages being critical to the result. The shape to be produced is not standard within the engineering sector but will usually represent a The shaped material would normally form a part of a larger engineering asset and the relationship of the shaped product to the larger asset is critical. The candidate must know about and be observed demonstrating typical techniques and methods to shape components; these must include all of the following:

the learning outcome. The candidate must demonstrate the shaping of components in the following contexts (or equivalent

The candidate must be observed demonstrating shaping components by material removal using hand tools to the required specification at least twice in order to demonstrate that they understand how to apply all the methods, techniques and can correctly and safely use the required equipment and have met

Supporting information for the assessment of this unit

powered tools. techniques.

Follow relevant specifications for the component to be produced. Shape the materials using appropriate methods and techniques. Identify and rectify defects where appropriate. Check that material shaping has been completed to the required specification.

S4.1 S4.2 S4.3 S4.4

K4.1 K4.2 K4.3 K4.4 K4.5

The candidate must demonstrate the ability to:

The candidate must demonstrate an understanding of the following in order to satisfy the skills assessment criteria: Methods and techniques of shaping materials using hand tools. Types and application of hand and Compliance checking methods and How to identify defects in components. Quality control systems and documentation procedures.

Skills assessment criteria:

Knowledge assessment criteria:

The candidate understands how to shape components by material removal using hand tools and can shape components safely and effectively to requirements and procedures.

Learning outcome:

This unit applies to all pathways.

Unit IPS04 Shape components by material removal using hand tools.

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& ovality). Flanges.

 

   

Edge welding


     

     

Gussets. Bed plates. Brackets. Support pads. Stiffening plates. Structural sections. Square to round transition.

       And may include: Flanges.

 

Electrical Fitting Corner pieces. Angles. Brackets. Suspended sections. Conduit. And may include: Bed plates.

Mechanical Fitting Flanges. Gussets. Brackets. Support pads. Stiffening plates. Mounting plates. And may include: Anti-vibration mountings. Bed plates.


Pipefitting Branch intersections. preparations for operations. Set-on, set-in, set through branches. Bore cleaning prior to welding. Alignment (Bore


  

o Plate. Tube. Rolled sections. The candidate must know about and be able to shape complex components which must include all of the

Tube. Plate.

     

o o o o Pipe.

Mesh. Grid. Chequer plate.

o o o Cladding. Rolled sections. Formed sections. Fabricated sections.

      

Pipe. Plate. Tube. Fittings.

   

Electrical Fitting PVC and steel conduit. PVC and steel trunking. Cable tray. Basket. Ladder systems. Ducting systems. Plastics.

Mechanical Fitting Pre-formed components: Castings. Forgings. Extrusions. Machined components. Bending (small bore).

Plating Commercial materials:


  

typical approach used. Composites. Ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Plastics/polymers. The components must be shaped from the following forms of materials, which must include at least 3 of:



And may include: Nibbling. Chiselling. The materials worked on have properties which can mean that shaping them requires modification to the

Sawing. Thermal cutting. Thread cutting.

  

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Surface finish. BS/EN Standards.

Fit for purpose within specification.

     The candidate must demonstrate the application of knowledge, skills and behaviours from Units IPS01 and IPS02 when demonstrating shaping components by material removal using hand tools.

Method statements. Product worksheets.

   Quality standards and accuracy to be achieved must include all of the following: As per manufacturer’s specification. Dimensionally correct (within approved tolerances, either metric or imperial) / shape.

Assembly. Component. General arrangement. Isometrics. Specifications.

     Specifications must include at least 2 of the following: Manufacturers’ instructions.


Dimensional tolerance. Correct materials. Component positions. Positional dimensions. Nature and integrity of connections. Welding preparation.

       Engineering drawings and related specifications must include at least 2 of the following:

Fabricated components. Completed product.

include:   Aspects, characteristics and complexity of checks to be made must include at least 4 of the following:

The candidate must know about and be observed checking the product or assets for conformity to

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Marking out. Setting up equipment. Working to profile. Checking to profile. And must know about: Thermal treatment (annealing).

    

difficult to be formed by pressure application. The candidate must know about and be observed performing all the following operations to include:

pressure. Difficult to achieve shapes are those where the dimensions, angles and profiles to be produced are measured to very tight tolerances and/or the material has characteristics which make it

Simple. Difficult. The shape may be simple or difficult to achieve. Simple to achieve shapes are those where the dimensions, angles or profiles to be produced are not measured to tight tolerances and/or the material is readily formed by the application of

 

required result.

 

The candidate must be observed demonstrating forming components by applying pressure using machine tools to the required specification at least twice in order to demonstrate that they understand how to apply all the methods, techniques and use of equipment and have met the learning outcome. These contexts must include the following (or equivalent context as agreed with the AO): The component to be formed may require one or more sequential techniques to achieve the The formed material would normally form a part of larger engineering assets with the relationship of the formed product to the large asset being critical. The candidate must know about and be observed forming components for each of the following:

Supporting information for the assessment of this unit


forming process. techniques.


be produced.

S 5.1 Follow the correct component drawing and specifications for the component to S 5.2 Determine what has to be done and how this will be achieved. S 5.3 Use the appropriate tools and equipment for the pressure forming S 5.4 Bend materials to the required specification using appropriate tools, methods and techniques. S 5.5 Check that the bending operations have been completed in line with the specification and standard.

Engineering drawings and specifications. Calculation of material gain, bending allowance and nominal bore. Pressure forming methods and techniques. Materials and their characteristics with regard to methods for pressure forming. Methods of moving long, heavy and uneven weight distributed pipes. Quality control procedures and recognition of defects which may be caused by pressure Compliance checking methods and

criteria:K5.1 K5.2 K5.3 K5.4 K5.5 K5.6

The candidate must demonstrate the ability to:

The candidate must demonstrate an understanding of the following in order to satisfy the skills assessment

Skills assessment criteria:

Knowledge assessment criteria:

Learning outcome:

This unit applies to the following pathways: Pipefitting and Plating.The candidate understands how to form materials by applying pressure and is able to form materials safely and effectively to requirements.

Unit IPS05 Forming materials by applied pressure.

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 

all the following: Installation method statements. The candidate must demonstrate the application of knowledge, skills and behaviours from Units IPS01 and IPS02 when demonstrating shaping components by applying pressure.


Cylinder. ‘C’ section. And may include:

  

Bends. Off-sets. Expansion Loops. Compression joints. Double sets. The candidate must know about and be observed following quality standards and accuracy to include Technical drawings (detail, assembly and general arrangements).

    

PlatingTo include all of the following:

PipefittingTo include all of the following

the following component features:

And may include: Expanding.The candidate must know about and be observed demonstrating methods and techniques to shape

Bending. Rolling. Hammering.

  

Hydraulic bending. Hand bending. Compression.

  

PlatingMust include all of the following:

PipefittingMust include all of the following:

methods and techniques to include:

The candidate must know about and be observed demonstrating pressure bending and forming

Grain direction.

Distortion. Wrinkles. Marking. Creases. Cracking. Delineation. And the candidate must know about and be observed taking into account:

      


The candidate must know about and be observed demonstrating reducing defects to include all of the

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Of a standard nature within the sector.


Involves no less than 2 different stages. At least 2 different techniques are required to achieve the specified result. The techniques are basic and familiar within the sector with clearly defined procedures. The shape to be produced has a limited number of surfaces, angles and dimensions to be The component is of a standard pattern within the sector.

     The candidate must be observed demonstrating shaping processes using materials which are:

The candidate must be observed demonstrating shaping components by material removal using machine tools to the required specification at least twice in order to demonstrate that they understand how to apply all the methods, techniques and equipment application and have met the learning outcome. These contexts must include the following (or equivalent context as agreed with the AO): The candidate must be observed demonstrating shaping process which:

Supporting information for the assessment of this unit







S 6.7 S 6.8 S 6.9



S 6.6




S 6.3 S 6.4 S 6.5


K6.2 K6.3

Follow the relevant specifications for the component to be produced. Determine what has to be done and how the machine will be set to achieve the Sharpen tools to specification. Mount and secure the tooling to the appropriate points on the machinery. Set and adjust the machine tool operating parameters to produce components to the specification. Check that all safety mechanisms are in place and that the equipment is set correctly for the required operations. Operate the machine tool controls safely and correctly in line with procedures. Produce components to the required quality and specification. Carry out quality sampling checks in accordance with procedures. S 6.10 Deal promptly and effectively with problems and report those that cannot be

S 6.1 S 6.2


assessment criteria:The cutting characteristics of materials and the selection of speeds and feeds for different materials. How to sharpen, set and adjust machine tool operating parameters. The equipment, methods and techniques used to set work holding devices, work pieces and cutting tools. How to correctly set and adjust the work pieces in order to perform to machinery How to correctly set machine tool operating parameters to achieve component How to check that all the required safety mechanisms and machine guards are in The appropriate methods and techniques used to shape engineering products by material removal using machine tools. The methods, techniques and procedures used to check that machined components comply with the specification. Quality assurance and Quality Control

The candidate must demonstrate the ability to:

The candidate must demonstrate an understanding of the following in order to satisfy the skills

Skills assessment criteria:

Knowledge assessment criteria:

Learning outcome:

This unit applies to the following pathway: Mechanical Fitting.The candidate understands how to shape components by material removal using machine tools and is able to do so safely and effectively to specification.

Unit IPS06 Shape components by material removal using machine tools.

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Chucks. Vices. Clamps (magnetic and bolted).

  

holding techniques. The candidate must know about and be observed demonstrating using the different types of work-holding devices and these must be checked by an operator before commencing work to include all:

Shape of the work piece. The shape and size of the work piece can be very varied. The shape and size of the work piece determines the holding techniques and handling methods required e.g. use of a crane versus manual

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o o

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Operations to be performed: Parting. Turning. Parallel. Taper. Facing. Boring. Drilling. And may include: Grinding. Milling. Thread cutting. Tooling to be used must include: Cutting tools. And may include: Grinding wheels. Milling tools. The candidate must know about and be observed sharpening and identifying defects in the tools.

 

Drilling/reaming. Turning.

  And may include: Milling. Grinding. The candidate must know about and be observed demonstrating typical operations using a range of tooling to shape components; these must include all of the following.

 

Lathes. Drilling machines.

  And may include: Millers. Surface grinders. The candidate must know about and be observed demonstrating typical methods and techniques used to shape components; these must include the following:

components; these must include the following types:

With properties which enable shaping to be easily achieved through the techniques used.

 The candidate must know about and be observed demonstrating using typical equipment to shape

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   

all of the following:Measurement and recording in pro-formas. Use of quarantine area/methods. Recovery/recycling/scrapping. Checks against drawings. The candidate must demonstrate the application of knowledge, skills and behaviours from Units IPS01 and IPS02 when demonstrating the shaping of components by material removal using machine tools.

Finished to drawing tolerances. Correct to customer’s order.

   The candidate must know about and be observed demonstrating quality checking operations to include

Slip gauges.

Set machine to tolerances to drawings. ‘Go / No-go” Gauges. Measuring devices.

include:     The candidate must know about and be observed demonstrating machining operations to achieve the required quality standards to include all of the following: Surface finish to customer’s request (or specification).

Manual handling of work piece. Overhead cranes. Measuring and checking of work piece. Use of dial test indicator.

    The candidate must know about and be observed demonstrating setting operating parameters to

The candidate must know about and be observed demonstrating methods of setting and positioning materials and work pieces to include at least 3 of the following:

This must include: Guards in place and fit for use.

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and corrosion related features.

and/or may be difficult to access.


      

with the AO): The assembly would require the application of more than one technology and/or several different The assembly is made by following procedures which may not account for every stage involved and/or need to be modified to achieve optimum results. The assembly will require sequential procedures and will be expected to meet specifications in terms of both the methods and equipment used and the assemblies produced. The assemblies can be achieved through the making of connections which are several in number The majority of components may be of a fragile nature. Other difficulties may include: fit, fragility/value of surrounding components, material compatibility Any tolerances to be achieved relating to the closeness of fit of the connections are critical with quality and acceptance levels which are high and/or not easily achieved.

The candidate must be observed demonstrating assembly in a number of different contexts at least twice in order to demonstrate that they understand how to apply all the techniques below and so have met the learning outcome. These contexts must include the following (or equivalent context as agreed

Supporting information for the assessment of this unit

the specification.


bolting). techniques.

and location.

and specifications.

S7.1 Follow relevant instructions, assembly drawings S7.2 Ensure the specified components are available and meet quality standards. S7.3 Assemble the components in the correct sequence, positions using approved methods. S7.4 Secure components using the specified connectors and securing devices. S7.5 Sequential tightening and torqueing methods and S7.6 Check the completed assembly to ensure that all operations have been completed, that it meets

The candidate must demonstrate the ability to:

The candidate must demonstrate an understanding of the following in order to satisfy the skills assessment criteria:K7.1 Assembly methods and techniques. K7.2 Methods of setting up and aligning components using appropriate tools and equipment. K7.3 Fastenings, types, rating, identification, corrosion considerations, compatibility, K7.4 Sequential tightening and torqueing methods and techniques (controlled K7.5 Compliance checking methods and K7.6 How to identify defects in components. K7.7 Quality control procedures and documentation procedures. K7.8 What action to take if one of the components is discovered to be unserviceable on assembly.

Skills assessment criteria:

Knowledge assessment criteria:

Learning outcome:

This unit applies to the following pathways: Pipefitting, Plating and Mechanical fitting.The candidate understands how to assemble components and is able to do so safely and effectively to meet requirements, specifications and procedures.

Unit IPS07 Assemble components.

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concentricity. Weld ‘O’ lets.

 

And may include: Bore cleaning. Dumpy level.

Torqueing. o


         

 



o o o o o o

o o o o o o

Sealing. Fixing. Aligning (manual or electronic). Mechanical jointing. Sequential tightening Pre-tensioning. Torqueing. Tensioning.


   


           

Clamping. Tack welding. Sealing. Threaded fasteners. Use of setting up and aligning equipment and tools: Levels. Squares. Lasers. Measuring equipment. Dog & wedge. Hammer. Edge preparation. Sequential tightening and torqueing methods and

    

Mechanical Fitting Precision measuring (for Thread identification. Threaded jointing.


assembly include all of the following: Pipefitting Precision measuring (for compliance), to include checking for (inclines) falls. Threaded jointing. Pipework support systems. Use of setting up and aligning equipment and tools: Clamps. Stands. Levels. Squares. Measuring equipment. Mechanical jointing. Sequential tightening. Tensioning (bolts). Pipework ancillaries. Edge preparation for welding. Bore cleaning for welding. Bore alignment & Pipework fittings/spools. Bending small bore pipe. And must know about: Setting purge systems.

Typical methods and techniques that the candidate must understand and be able to demonstrate during

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Pumps. Motors.

        

 

 


Torqueing. And may include the following: Skid assemblies. In-line assemblies (filtration, drying, pressure regulation).

   


    

following: Valves. Linkages. Gear drives, chains, drag link, belt drives. Tensioning systems. Flange to flange joints - (high integrity bolted flanged joints). Critical joints. Setting up and hand Torqueing. On any of the following: Mechanical assemblies. Compressors. Anti-vibration assemblies. In line assemblies. Circulators. Gearboxes. Heat exchangers.

Plate work assemblies. Structural steelwork.

  And at least 2 of the following Steel section assemblies. Circular hollow section. Tube work assemblies.

Pipework/fitting/spools. Pipework ancillaries. Pipework pre-fabricated Pipework support systems. Anti-vibration assemblies. Setting up and hand

     

Mechanical Fitting Must include all of the

Plating Must include all of the following:

Pipefitting Must include all of the following:

must include:

Typical assemblies that the candidate must understand and be able to demonstrate during assembly

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o o o o o o

Rollers. Guides. End stop. Shoe.

o o o o o o Pipework to equipment: Pumps. Valves. Vessels. Columns. Exchangers. Gearboxes.




o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o


      

 

  

o o o Clamps. Seals. Rollers.

o o o

Plate. Tube.

following: High tensile mechanical fastenings: HSFG. Tap bolts. Studs. Bearings. Gearing systems. Drive systems. Machinery components.

following: fastenings: HSFG. Tap bolts. Studs. Clamps. Pipework fittings (ferrous & non-ferrous): 6 from. Flanges-weld-on, slip-on. Couplings. T –fittings. Welder ‘O’ lets. Reducers: concentric & eccentric. Socket fittings. Compression fittings. Lock ring fittings. Plastic Pipe: 4 from. Fusing pipes. Backing rings. Cement/glues. Couplings. T–fittings. Compression fitting. Reducers: concentric & eccentric. Pipework supports:3 from Brackets. Hangers.

Rolled sections. Formed sections. Plate sections. Fabricated sections. Commercial materials and components.Tack welding.And may include: Explosive guns.

     

Mechanical Fitting Must include all sections and at least 2 items from each unless otherwise stated from the

Plating Must include all of the following:

assembly must include:Pipefitting Must include all sections and at least 2 items from each unless otherwise stated from the High tensile mechanical

Typical components used that the candidate must understand and be able to demonstrate during

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Product worksheets. Method statements. Risk assessments. National standards or specifications. Quality documentation. Industry standards & specifications. Client specifications. Pipe and instrument drawings (P&ID).

         The candidate must demonstrate the application of knowledge, skills and behaviours from Units IPS01 and IPS02 when demonstrating assembly of components.

The specifications to which a candidate would be expected to work to could include: Technical drawings (component, assembly, general arrangement, isometrics).

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Static electricity.

Shafts. Contamination.

Working at height. Over water. Confined spaces. Working inside systems and plant. Working on a live asset. Proximity to others. High voltage electricity. Corrosion factors. Flammable atmosphere. Insulation and cladding requirements and condition. The need for safe access. The need to prevent movement and vibration. The need to protect components from the environment, ingress of unwanted matter and contamination during the connecting process. |

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

 

than one technology. This will include activities that require: A significant number of connections. Connections that are difficult to access. Consideration of the following when positioning:Effective use of space. Effective use of materials. Effect on adjacent plant, equipment and system. Environmental conditions. Connections that are difficult to achieve due to complexity added by factors including:

The candidate must understand and be observed demonstrating positioning and installing plant, equipment and systems at least twice using a range of different techniques that involve sequential stages and more

Supporting information for the assessment of this unit

S8.3 S8.4 S8.5



carried out.


Interpret relevant drawings and specifications for the installation being Select and use the correct tools and equipment for the installation operations and check they are in a safe useable Install position and secure the components in line with specification. Ensure all necessary connections to the equipment are complete. Check that the installation is complete and all components are free from damage.


K8.1 K8.2 K8.3 K8.4

assessment criteria:Installation methods and techniques. Compliance checking methods and How to identify defects in components. Quality control procedures and documentation procedures.

The candidate must demonstrate the ability to:

The candidate must demonstrate an understanding of the following in order to satisfy the skills

Skills assessment criteria:

Knowledge assessment criteria:

and is able to do so safely and effectively to requirements.

The candidate understands how to position and install components and assemblies

Learning outcome:

This unit applies to all pathways.

Unit IPS08 Position and Install plant, equipment and systems.

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  



Fluid/gas systems: o o Vessels. Flanges. Turbines/Engines.



Structural steelwork. Pipe/tube. Rolled sections. Formed section. Commercial materials and components.And may include:

systems. systems.

      

     





Electrical Fitting Must include all of the Electrical systems: o ELV and LV single and multiphase. o Power, lighting and controls. Wiring enclosures including: o PVC and steel conduit. o PVC and steel trunking. o Cable tray, basket and ladder systems. o Ducting systems. equipment including: o Electrical plant, components and accessories. o Motors and starters. o Switch gear and distribution o Control and protection systems. o Luminaires. o Emergency /temporary power supplies.

Mechanical Fitting Must include all of the Mechanical transmission Power transmission Mechanical/hydraulic systems/actuators. transmission Pumps. Valves.

Plating Must include all of the Fabricated sections. Plate work sections.

and system to include: Pipefitting Must include all of the Pipework (typically 25mm and above). In-line pipework ancillaries. Prefabricated pipework assemblies. Expansion compensators. Ancillary equipment. Anti-vibrating devices. And may include: Impulse lines. Instruments/actuators/control devices. Instrument/pipework support and carrier systems.

 

Dust. Equipment. Gaskets. Insulation. Materials. Swarf. Tape. Tools.FluidsThe candidate must be observed demonstrating positioning and installing components, plant, equipment

       

o contamination from the following sources: Ingestion of blanking plugs.

r protection.

o Adverse weather conditions/weatheWearing of PPE. When installing, the candidate must ensure the exclusion of foreign material, this could include

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  


levelling. skates.




Drilling. cables.





                

(inclines) falls. Sealing. Fixing. Isolate/de-isolation. Mechanical jointing. Pre-tensioning. Sequential tightening. Torqueing. Manual handling. Edge preparation for Thermal cutting. Bore cleaning for Bore alignment & concentricity. Supports installation. Lifting equipment. Clamping.

Clamping. Drilling. Edge preparation for Thermal cutting. Tack welding/seam Threaded fasteners. Sequential tightening and torqueing. Supports installation. Lifting equipment. Manual handling. Percussion. Shimming/packing/ Wedges/drifts/jacks/ Dog & wedges.

            

                

                May include: Resistance welding. Packing to include grouting. Isolate/de-isolation.

Electrical Fitting Testing. Calibration. Clamping. Connecting. Isolate/de-isolation. Manual handling. Soldering. Terminating/ crimping. Using threaded fasteners. Stripping/preparing Glanding.

Mechanical Fitting Calibration. Connecting. Isolate/de-isolation. Manual handling. Percussion. Pressure/hydraulic. Using threaded fasteners. Pre-tensioning. Sequential tightening. Tensioning. Torqueing. Thermal techniques. Supports installation. Lifting equipment. Shimming. Aligning techniques to include rota line equipment.

Plating Aligning.

Pipefitting Precision measuring (for compliance), to include checking for Threaded jointing.

  installation include all of the following:

Installation methods and techniques The installation is completed by following procedures which may not account for every stage involved and/or need to be modified to achieve optimum results. The installation will require sequential procedures and will be expected to comply with specifications in terms of both the methods and equipment used and the assemblies produced. The candidate must understand and be able to demonstrate typical methods and techniques during

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IPS02 when demonstrating positioning and installing components plant, equipment and systems.

   



Position to co-ordinates.


   

     

 

     

Electrical Fitting Dimensional checks. Tolerance checks. Alignment checks. Voltage, current and resistance Company specifications. Relevant UK legislation.Relevant BS/EN standards.System design specifications.Manufacturer’s specifications.The candidate must demonstrate the application of knowledge, skills and behaviours from Units IPS01 and

Mechanical Fitting Dimensional checks. Tolerance checks. Alignment checks. Positioned to correct co-ordinates. Aligned as per specification.

Plating Dimensional checks. Alignment checks. Tolerance checks.

inspections such as: Pipefitting Dimensional checks. Alignment checks. Tolerance checks. Position to co-ordinates. Direction of flow. Contamination.


   You will be expected to establish compliance of the assembly with the specification by carrying out

Method statements. Risk assessments. Quality documentation. Industry standards & specifications. Company specifications. Client specifications.

       And may include: Product worksheets. National standards or specifications.

The installation will require sequential procedures and will be expected to comply with specification in terms of both the method and equipment used and the assemblies produced. Any tolerances to be achieved relating to the closeness of fit of the connections are critical with quality and acceptance levels which are high and/or not easily achieved. The specifications to which a candidate must work to include all of the following: Technical drawings (component, assembly, general arrangement, isometrics, P&ID’s).

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  

the following:

use and prevent danger. The candidate must understand and be able to demonstrate connecting wiring systems to include all of Multi-core (Cat 5&6) and single core cables with PVC, XLPE or LSF insulation and sheathing. M I cables with or without PVC/LSF sheathing. SWA cables with PVC, XLPE or LSF insulation and sheathing.

o o o

Be non-routine. There will be unusual hazards such as: Working at height. Confined spaces. Inside systems and plant. There will be other users with competing demands which need to be taken into account. The candidate must understand and be able to demonstrate the connection of any item of electrical equipment ensuring that every joint and connection must be mechanically and electrically suitable for

 

The candidate must understand and be observed demonstrating the connection of wiring systems and equipment in a number of different contexts at least twice in order to demonstrate that they understand how to apply all the techniques below and so have met the learning outcome. These contexts must include the following (or equivalent context as agreed with the AO):

Supporting information for the assessment of this unit

S9.5 S9.6


S9.2 S9.3

K9.2 K9.3 K9.4 K9.5

wiring diagrams.

Identify and confirm the correct version of the relevant standards, specifications and Interpret and follow the relevant wiring diagrams, standards and specifications. Accurately identify the means of electrical isolation and carry out the isolation in-line with approved procedures. Make connections in accordance with specifications or IEE wiring regulations as specified in the current British Standard for electrical installations. Ensure that all necessary connections to the equipment are complete. Check the connections are electrically and mechanically sound and ensure they are identified correctly and clearly.


How to ensure the correct version and most up to date relevant standards, specifications and wiring diagrams are being used. The principles, uses and conventions of wiring diagrams and related specifications. Methods, procedures and complexities of connecting wiring systems and equipment. Safe connection methods. Reporting lines, procedures, documentation and control procedures.


The candidate must demonstrate the ability to:

The candidate must demonstrate an understanding of the following in order to satisfy the skills assessment

Skills assessment criteria:

Knowledge assessment criteria:

safely and effectively to requirements.

Learning outcome:

This unit applies to the following pathway: Electrical fitting.The candidate understands how to connect wiring systems and is able to do so

Unit IPS09 Connect wiring systems.

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     

include all of the following: IEE wiring regulations. Legislation. Regulations and BSEN standards. Approved codes of practice. Company policies & procedures. Manufacturer’s guidelines. The candidate must demonstrate the application of knowledge, skills and behaviours from Units IPS01 and IPS02 when demonstrating the connection wiring systems and equipment.


       

all of the following: Motors and starters. Switch gear and distribution panels. Control systems and components. Batteries and UPS. Emergency/temporary power supplies. Instrument and control panels. The candidate must understand and be able to demonstrate working to standards and specifications to

The candidate must understand and be able to demonstrate connecting electrical equipment to include Electrical plant, components and accessories.

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the set up and conducting of tests.

    

specifications and procedures:

The candidate must understand and be observed demonstrating the ability to apply their skills and understanding to use the right techniques and correct equipment to test the performance of installed component and assemblies against the specification. They must demonstrate testing the performance and condition of installed components and assemblies at least twice to have met the learning outcome. The candidate must identify and be observed applying the means of isolation as appropriate for the nature of the testing, equipment and the circumstances under which isolation may be required. The candidate is expected to record findings and identify issues and demonstrate critical understanding of the issue(s) and established the right action to take within the context and level of their responsibility. The candidate must understand and be able to demonstrate using and working to the following standards, Installation instructions/procedures, drawings or other relevant information (as listed in Unit IPS02) which includes defined parameters within which the plant, equipment and system must be checked. Detailed industry and company specific authorisations, procedures and specifications that define Defined analytical methods and techniques to be used on the test. Defined design, manufacturer’s specifications to compare the test results against. Industry and company standards including historical data to compare the test results against.

Supporting information for the assessment of this unit



specifications. timescales.

procedures. procedures.


S10.1 Plan and agree the schedule for the inspecting and testing procedures to be carried out with the appropriate people. S10.2 Interpret the required performance criteria for the plant, equipment and system in line with the regulations, standards and S10.3 Interpret and follow the correct procedures for use of tools and equipment. S10.4 Confirm the installation is in accordance with the appropriate regulations, standards and S10.5 Set up and carry out tests within the agreed S10.6 Record the test results in accordance with the regulations, standards and

assessment criteria:K10.1 The principles and uses of test regulations, standards and specifications. K10.2 How to identify the methods and procedures used when inspecting and testing installations. K10.3 How to select and use the appropriate testing equipment. K10.4 Calibration of equipment and authorisation K10.5 Testing and analysis methods and K10.6 Environmental controls relating to testing. K10.7 How to record results in line with K10.8 Reporting documentation and procedures.

The candidate must demonstrate the ability to:

The candidate must demonstrate an understanding of the following in order to satisfy the skills

Skills assessment criteria:

Knowledge assessment criteria:

Learning outcome:

This unit applies to the following pathways: Pipefitting, Mechanical Fitting and Electrical Fitting.The candidate understands how to test the performance and condition of installed components and assemblies using testing processes safely, effectively and to requirements.


Unit IPS10 Test the performance and condition of installed components and

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checks. checks.

 

      

    

Electrical Fitting Current. Resistance. Voltage. Insulation resistance. Polarity. Operation of RCDs. Earth fault loop impedance. Functional testing.

Mechanical Commission checks And may include: Quality of oils running around  machines/target filters. Flow and temperature Air, gas, water and oil Use of a test rig suitable for tests to be undertaken.

Pipefitting Water (Hydrostatic test). And may include: Gas or air test. Service test (working pressure).

And must include:

The safety protection devices are working.

 

     

Current. Resistance. Voltage. Pressure. Flow. Speed. Temperature.

o o o o o o o Checking documentary information. Sampling/analysing/reviewing outputs. Investigating abnormal characteristics. Leak testing. (Pipefitting). Testing mediums. (Pipefitting). Awareness of calibrating procedures. The type of test data that the candidate must understand and be able to analyse includes checking that: Plant, equipment and systems are working within safety limits.

Taking measurements/readings may include: (Pathway dependant)

 The candidate is expected to know about and demonstrate testing activities including:

Flow meters. monitored. May include: Vibration monitors.

Hand pump.



   

       

Test rig. Hoses. Pressure pumps/gauges/ recorders. (digital & analogue) Pneumatic pump. Pressure relief valves. Spades/orifice plates.

      

Electrical Fitting Clamp meters. Insulation resistance testers. Approved voltage meters.

Mechanical Fitting mpact wrenches. Torque wrenches. Calibrated measuring Alignment readings. Temperature probes. Pressure pumps/gauges. Trips and alarms to be


The candidate must understand and demonstrate that they can select the correct equipment for the context in which the components and assemblies are being tested. All equipment must be checked to ensure it is calibrated and validated fit for use. This includes the following equipment:

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Client standards/requirements. Method statements. Risk assessments. Testing procedures. IEE wiring regulations.

       The candidate must demonstrate the application of knowledge, skills and behaviours from Units IPS01 and IPS02 when test the performance and condition of installed components and assemblies.

Quality standards to be achieved must include at least 3 of the following: Documentation to record calibration/testing. Equipment operates to manufacturer’s specifications.


panels. Control systems and components. Emergency/temporary power

Turbines. Engines. Mechanical/hydraulic systems/actuators.

and accessories. Luminaires.

Pipework ancillaries. sections (vessels).

     

    

 

Electrical Fitting All of the following; Electrical plant, components Motors and starters. Switch gear and distribution

Mechanical Fitting All of the following; Transmission systems. Power transmission systems.

Pipefitting All of the following; Pipework fittings/spools. Pipework pre-fabricated

installed components and assemblies, to include:

The candidate must understand and be able to demonstrate testing the performance and condition of

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for reuse.

require replacing.

S11.8 S11.9

components. equipment. procedures.


and techniques.

S11.5 S11.6



S11.2 S11.3 S11.4

and procedures.

Interpret and follow the correct component drawing and specifications for the dismantling operations. Establish and where appropriate mark components for re-assembly. Make all isolations and disconnections in line with approved procedures. Ensure that any stored energy or substances are released safely and Installing support systems. Remove the required components in the correct sequence using the correct tools Take appropriate precautions to prevent damage during removal including the ingress of foreign materials. Determine the condition of the removed components against specification. Identify and record components that S11.10 Disposal of waste, redundant/obsolete equipment in line with processes, procedures and regulations. S11.11 Correctly record and store components


assessment criteria:K11.1 Component removal methods, techniques K11.2 How to ensure that any stored energy or substances are released safely. K11.3 Installing support systems for dismantlingK11.4 The tools and techniques necessary to carry out the dismantling correctly and in accordance with engineering drawings and maintenance manuals. K11.5 Component defects and how to check for K11.6 Methods and techniques for labelling and storing components for reuse. K11.7 Methods and techniques of preventing the ingress of foreign materials to stored K11.8 Disposal of waste & redundant/obsolete K11.9 Reporting documentation and control

The candidate must demonstrate the ability to:

The candidate must demonstrate an understanding of the following in order to satisfy the skills

Knowledge assessment criteria:

Skills assessment criteria:

The candidate understands how to dismantle assemblies, plant, equipment and systems and is able to do so safely and effectively to requirements.

Learning outcome:

This unit applies to all pathways.

Unit IPS11 Dismantle assemblies, plant, equipment and systems.

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o Pumps. o Valves. o Vessels.

Flanges. Elbows.

o o o Couplings.  Pipework supports: o Brackets. o Hangers. o Rollers.  Pipe to equipment:

    

the following: Plate work assemblies. Steel section assemblies. Plate sections. Fabricated sections. Tube work assemblies.


following:  Electrical equipment and cabling.  Asset main connections.  Pipework/tubing.  Transmission systems.  Fluid/gas systems.

following:  Asset main connections.  Pipework.  Transmission systems.  Fluid/gas systems.


Electrical Fitting Must include a minimum of 2 from the

Mechanical Fitting Must include a minimum of 2 from the

Plating Must include: asset/structure. And must include 2 of

Types of disconnection to be made: Pipefitting Must include all sections and at least 2 items unless stated  from each section of the  Existing pipework asset/structure.  Pipework fittings:


o o o o o o o o o o o o

and/or achieve. include: Working on live assets. Confined spaces. Movement or vibration. Working at height. Over water. Explosive atmospheres. Contaminated environments. Flammable substances. Toxic gases. Stored energy. Corrosion on connections/asset.

components are of a fragile/valued nature. technologies of the asset.

   

The candidate must understand and be observed demonstrating dismantling assemblies, plant, equipment and system to the required specification at least twice in order to demonstrate that they understand how to apply all the methods, techniques and use of equipment and have met the learning outcome. These contexts must include the following (or equivalent context as agreed with the AO): The assets to be dismantled involve more than one technology and/or a significant number of Dismantling requires the application of several different sequential techniques relevant to the The number of connections and securing points to be dismantled is high and/or difficult to access There may be a degree of complexity to the connections created by other factors which could

Supporting information for the assessment of this unit

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components. systems.  Luminaires.  Emergency /temporary power supplies.




assemblies. work. Structural steelwork assemblies.

Electrical Fitting  Electrical plant, components and accessories.  Motors and starters.  Switch gear and distribution panels.  Control systems and  UPS and protection

Mechanical Fitting  Rotating equipment and  Protection methods. Transmission  Fluid/gas systems.

Plating  Plate work  Preformed plate  Structural steelwork.

Typical assets could include: Pipefitting  Pipework (typically 25mm and above).  In-line pipework  Prefabricated pipework assemblies.  Instruments/actuators/ control devices.  Compressors and  Instrument/pipework support and carrier  Expansion compensators.  Impulse lines.  Control panels and ancillary equipment.  Anti-vibrating devices. The candidate must demonstrate the application of knowledge, skills and behaviours from Units IPS01 and IPS02 when demonstrating dismantling assemblies, plant, equipment and system.

 Cutting.


 Sawing.


 Un-plugging of male/female connectors.  Unfastening of panels/access covers.  Grinding.  De-terminating.  Sealing open systems.  Installing support systems.

 Unscrewing.  Unfastening of access covers and panels.  Removal of soldered  Removal of terminations.  Isolation of system components.  Installing support systems.



Must include a minimum 5 of the following:  Unfastening of threaded fasteners.  Unplugging.

following:  Undoing of threading fasteners.  Thermal cutting.  Sawing. Abrasive wheel cutting/grinding.  Installing support systems.

Must include:  Process release. And must include a minimum 4 of the following:  Unfastening of threaded o Flanges. o Compression fittings. o Threaded pipework. o Pipe supports/clamps.  Fitting blanks.  Thermal cutting.  Abrasive wheel cutting/grinding.  Installing support systems.

Electrical Fitting Must include a minimum 5 of the  Proof marking.  Unfastening of threaded fasteners.

Mechanical Must include:  Process release.

Plating Must include a minimum 3 of the


Dismantling methods and techniques to be used:

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Welding plants;

Cable systems (and remote controls). o AC/DC rectifiers. o Inverters. Diesel generators.

 

  

have met the learning outcome.

The candidate must understand and be observed demonstrating the joining of materials by manually controlled welding process to the required specification at least twice in order to demonstrate that they understand how to apply all the methods, techniques and can safely and correctly use equipment and These contexts must include the following (or equivalent context as agreed with the AO): Tolerances to be achieved in the closeness of fit of connections made are critical. Quality and acceptance levels are high and may not be easily achieved. Joint quality, tolerances and acceptance levels shall be in accordance with approved welding procedure specifications (WPS) and specified construction standard/specification. The candidate must understand and be observed demonstrating the assembly of suitable welding equipment for the welding process(es) to include all of the following:

Supporting information for the assessment of this unit

activities. procedures.




S12.1 Interpret and follow the relevant joining procedure and job instructions. S12.2 Ensure that the joint preparation complies with the specification. S12.3 Ensure that joining and related equipment and consumables are as specified and fit for purpose. S12.4 Make joints as specified using the appropriate welding technique. S12.5 Produce joints of the required quality and of specified dimensional accuracy. S12.6 Check that the joint meets S12.7 Shut down equipment to a safe condition on completion of joining S12.8 Complete records in line with

criteria:K12.1 Assembly of welding equipment and operation K12.2 Describe how to interpret specifications and joining procedures. K12.3 Thermal joining processes and equipment. K12.4 Material handling, preparation and finishing methods and techniques. K12.5 Materials and their joining characteristics. K12.6 Equipment setting operating and care K12.7 Quality control and test procedures for detection of defects in joints.

The candidate must demonstrate the ability to:

The candidate must demonstrate an understanding of the following in order to satisfy the skills assessment

Knowledge assessment criteria:

Skills assessment criteria:

Learning outcome:

This unit applies to the following pathway: Plating.The candidate understands how join materials by manually controlled welding processes and is able to join materials by manually controlled welding.

Unit IPS12 Join materials by manually controlled welding processes.

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EN9606-1 etc.


Rolled sections. Plate sections.

    

process for at least 3 of the types of component: Formed section. Fabricated sections. Commercial materials and components.The candidate must understand and be observed demonstrating joining materials by manually controlled welding process to quality standards and dimensional accuracy: Joint quality, tolerances and acceptance levels shall be in accordance with approved welding procedure specifications (WPS) and specified construction standard/specification e.g.BS Weld quality shall be to achieve satisfactory visual and/or surface penetrant testing to the applicable standard or contract/manufacturing specification e.g. BS EN 9606, EN1011, AWS D1.1, ASME 1-XI, B31.1 or B31.3, BS1113, BS806, BS5500 etc. Volumetric evidence may also be accepted as a higher form of quality examination such as radiography and/or ultra-sonic testing for welder qualification standards. Note: Weld quality of production welds shall NOT be volumetrically tested. The candidate must understand and be observed demonstrating checking the aspects of the joint to


Horizontal/ vertical. Vertical upwards. Overhead.

    (Positions PC and PF/PG or PE or HLO45) (Fixed positions 2G/2F and 3G/3F or 4G/4F or 6G). The candidate must be observed demonstrating joining materials by manually controlled welding

Butt welds. Fillet welds. Socket welds.

   The candidate must understand and be observed demonstrating joining materials by manually controlled welding process for at least 2 of the following welding positions:

   

 

   

   

Nickel & Nickel Alloys

Aluminium & Al. Alloys

Process TIG MMA MIG/MAG FCAW The candidate must be observed demonstrating welding at least 2 types of joint in either plate or pipe;

The candidate must understand and be observed demonstrating joining materials by manually controlled welding process, to include 2 processes and 1 material: Carbon Steel Stainless

Cylinders. Torches.

Arc initiation systems. Slope in/out. Gas hoses. Regulators. Wire feed units.

      

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Confined spaces. Condensation.


Working at height. Difficult access. Over water. Temperature. Wet/slippery surfaces. Adverse weather (e.g. draughts, wind, rain).

         The candidate must demonstrate the application of knowledge, skills and behaviours from Units IPS01 and IPS02 when demonstrating joining materials by manually controlled welding process.

restarts. The candidate must demonstrate an understanding of the impact of environmental conditions on the welding operation, which are likely to have an adverse effect on the process to include:

Orientation. Alignment. Correct location. Component qualities. Weld size. Lack of visible defects. Penetration as WPS/specification.

       The candidate must understand and be observed demonstrating joining materials by manually controlled welding process at least twice for a continuous welded length of 300mm including stop and

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include:  Use of permits to work (PTW).  Ability to identify and isolate the electrical supply.  Positive identification of the correct plant, equipment and system.  Testing to ensure the plant is isolated from the supply.  Making safe the equipment using mechanical devices as appropriate.  Discharging any residual energy.  Carrying agreed diagnosis and repair in-line with specification, manufacturer’s and company

The candidate must be observed demonstrating diagnosing and correcting electrical faults to the required specification at least twice in order to demonstrate that they understand how to apply all the methods, techniques and the safe use of equipment and have met the learning outcome. These contexts must include the following (or equivalent context as agreed with the AO): The engineering activity to be carried out will relate to installing and commissioning electrotechnical systems and equipment (plant) in an engineering construction environment. The candidate must understand and be observed demonstrating adherence to a safe system of work to

Supporting information for the assessment of this unit




criteria: K13.1 Wiring diagrams and specifications detailing expected values and norms. K13.2 The methods and procedures to safely diagnose and correct faults. K13.3 Typical faults and how to rectify these. K13.4 How to select the appropriate test equipment and tools and how to use them. K13.5 Reporting lines and procedures. K13.6 Reporting documentation and control

S13.1 Obtain clear and detailed information relating to the faults including the specification and condition of the faulty electrical equipment. S13.2 Advise appropriate people clearly of the potential disruption and consequences of carrying out the diagnosis and correction of faults. S13.3 Isolate electrical supply in line with S13.4 Carry out tests on the installed equipment, safely, to identify the fault. S13.5 Agree the repairs, costs and feasibility with the appropriate people in line with S13.6 Correct the fault, in line with specifications and policy agreed with appropriate people. S13.7 Ensure that all necessary connections to the equipment are complete. S13.8 Leave the installation safe in accordance with industry regulations. S13.9 Comply with reporting documentation and control procedures.

The candidate must demonstrate the ability to:

The candidate must demonstrate an understanding of the following in order to satisfy the skills assessment

Skills assessment criteria:

Knowledge assessment criteria:

electrical faults in plant.

Learning outcome:

This unit applies to the following pathways: Electrical Fitting. The candidate understands how to diagnose faults and is able to correct the

Unit IPS13 Diagnose and correct electrical faults.

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Motors and starters.

Cables. Wiring enclosures. Electrical plant, components and accessories. Switch gear and distribution panels. Control systems and components. Emergency/temporary power supplies.

        The candidate must demonstrate the application of knowledge, skills and behaviours from Units IPS01 and IPS02 when demonstrating the diagnosis and correct electrical faults.

electrical faults in materials and plant to include:

Power. Lighting. Controls. Emergency/temporary power supplies.

     The candidate must understand and be observed demonstrating the ability to diagnose and correct

electrical faults in systems to include:


     

diagnose and correct faults to include: Earth leakage faults. Open circuits. Short circuits. High resistance joints. Oversensitive/non-performing RCDs. The candidate must understand and be observed demonstrating the ability to diagnose and correct ELV and 24DC LV single and multiphase.

guidelines.  Ensuring reconnection is only possible on completion of activities and authorised. Ensure reconnection is in-line with local guidelines, company procedures and plant specifications. The candidate must understand and be observed demonstrating the ability to locate, identify,

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premises approved by the ECITB AO.

The candidate must pass the online knowledge test(s) for this qualification. The online knowledge tests are set by the ECITB Awarding Organisation (AO). The tests consist of multiple-choice questions but may also contain some short written answer questions. The candidate must take the knowledge tests in a closed, controlled and invigilated environment at a

3.1.1 Assessing knowledge – online tests

accompanies each Unit.

within their chosen specialism. The scope of the assessment is outlined in Annex 1 and the supporting information for assessment that

 

 

 

A summary of the assessment is as follows: Knowledge is assessed through ECITB AO set online, invigilated tests. Skills and application of the knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) associated with units IPS01 to IPS12 are assessed through observed skills assessments on plant and equipment of the candidate’s chosen discipline pathway either through: ‘Real work’ activities or ECITB AO set VQ skills assessment tests either:. On live plant in the workplace or under simulated conditions in a workplace. Or under simulated conditions in an AO approved testing or assessment centre. Employer desirable behaviours are assessed during the observed skills assessment or through additional evidence submitted as part of the candidate’s qualification portfolio. A final technical discussion following which an AO approved assessor determines whether the candidate has achieved all of the qualification’s learning outcomes. Prior to the final technical discussion, the AO approved assessor must be satisfied that there is sufficient evidence that the candidate has met the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for all the units within the selected pathway– typically at least 2 practical demonstrations of each skill in order to demonstrate the skills in a number of different contexts on a variety of structures, plant and equipment

and meet the final technical discussion. Independent assessors, assessment tools and procedures including simulation, online tests etc. are approved by and follow the assessment process of the ECITB, who are an Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator (OFQUAL) recognised AO for this qualification. All assessment is carried out at a location approved by the AO. This may be in the candidate’s live workplace or a training or assessment centre approved by the AO for such purposes.

Assessment is a combination of online invigilated knowledge tests, observed skills assessment in ‘real work’ or under simulated workplace conditions, and a final technical discussion with the candidate. In order to achieve this vocational qualification the candidate must demonstrate that they have achieved ALL the learning outcomes specified in the pathway qualification units by demonstrating that they have met the assessment criteria and assessment guidance set out in this qualification document. The candidate must pass the knowledge tests, achieve all the observed skills assessment requirements

Achieving this qualification


Pipefitting. Plating. Mechanical Fitting Electrical Fitting

   

Achievement of this Diploma demonstrates that the Candidate is technically competent in fabrication and installation of engineering construction plant and systems for one of the following disciplines:

Approved Centre additional assessment requirements


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assessment taking place. The assessor is responsible for ensuring the candidate has sufficient evidence of demonstrating their practical skills in order to achieve this qualification and must be satisfied that there is sufficient evidence that the candidate has met the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for all the units– typically at |

and corrosion related features. As stated above, specific information on the contexts and techniques that are assessed during the observed skills assessments is detailed within the specific assessment guidance for each of the units. In the case of an equivalent context this must be agreed with the AO in advance of the observed

  

Involve more than one technology.

 And may include: A significant number of components that are of a fragile/valued nature. A degree of complexity created by the location or environmental factors. Other difficulties may include: fit, fragility/value of surrounding components, material compatibility

by the AO. The assessor must observe candidates demonstrating their practical skills in several different contexts on plant, equipment and systems of the candidate’s selected specialist discipline that:

assessment centre).

associated assessment criteria are met:

which includes both: 1. Company worksites. 2. Simulated workplace conditions at a company site or a training/assessment offsite premises. There are three routes for observed skills assessment to ensure all the learning outcomes and 1. Assessment in the actual workplace, with the candidate doing a number of different ‘real work’ activities or one or more large ‘job(s)’ on site assessed holistically. 2. ECITB’s AO set VQ skills assessment tests delivered and assessed in an ECITB AO approved, controlled, simulated technical testing environment (either in the workplace or a training or 3. Assessment of practical skills in a simulated work environment, where the environment is approved by the AO prior to the assessment. This may be via a number of different work based activities or one or more large ‘project(s)’ assessed holistically. The Approved Centre must submit a VQ006 Simulation application detailing the simulation specification. Please note, an AO representative may be required to attend an approval visit and/or initial simulation observation visit. NB. Once approved, the simulation may be used as required and will be routinely monitored

The candidate must be observed demonstrating all of the learning outcomes and associated assessment criteria to the satisfaction of the assessor (and subject to internal and external verification). The detail of what is assessed within the observed skills assessments is in the specific assessment guidance for each of the units. The observed skills assessment(s) can be holistic i.e. one or two assessment(s) may cover several or all the units within the qualification. Evidence must be cross referenced to the units so that it can be validated via internal and external verification. Assessors must directly observe the candidate demonstrating their skills and complete an assessment record for each skills assessment – these assessment records are compiled into the candidate’s qualification portfolio of evidence and made available to the candidate on request. No internal or external verification can be completed without these records. The assessor must ensure all outcomes are clearly mapped to the relevant assessment criteria to allow for effective verification. Direct observation of skills assessment by an assessor must take place at an AO approved location

3.1.2 Assessing skills and behaviours – observed skills assessment.

qualification evidence portfolio.

Candidates must prove their identity in order to take an online test. The candidate is provided with a certificate of completion for each online test and is expected to compile these certificates in their

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least 2 practical demonstrations of each skill in a number of different contexts on a variety of plant and equipment within the selected qualification discipline before the candidate moves on to the final technical

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Candidates are responsible for identifying and making decisions as listed below and should show an awareness and understanding of when they are expected to refer to others for final authorisation. This ability is assessed throughout the qualification and during the observed skills assessments.

3.1.3 Complexity of decision making

The outcomes which the activity will produce’

arise. The type of documentation to be complete. The standards to which the activity must be carried out, including any practices and procedures which must be followed including authorisation to work and handover. Access to normal/usual workplace instructions.

           ECITB AO provided VQ skills assessment testing will encompass the above. Other approved simulation will require the completion of the AO simulation application which requires the provision of a specification. The facilities used and the related specification must be signed-off by the ECITB Lead Verifier prior to any assessment activity. The AO reserves the right for a member of its external quality assurance team to attend and observe any skills assessment.

Where the observed skills assessments are simulated, the simulated activity must be designed to reflect the activity as it would be carried out in a typical workplace environment, including: The presence, actions and capabilities of other interacting personnel. The urgency with which the activity must be carried out and the time needed to complete it. The number and sequence of actions needed to complete the activity. The number and complexity of the factors affecting the activity. The skills and understanding needed to carry out the activity. The nature and availability of resources needed to carry out the activity. Access to references and sources of advice and assistance that could be needed if problems

mechanical, electrical).

Unit IPS02

  

practical tasks. Interpret lift plans, method statements, risk assessments, engineering drawings or specifications, as appropriate. Adherence to procedures and accurate and correct completion of all appropriate reporting documentation. Correct use of PPE and respiratory equipment (as appropriate). Ensure the safe isolation and disconnection of equipment in line with approved procedures (stored energy, substances, air, fluids, gas, Handover, prepare and reinstate the work area.


Comply with health and safety and other relevant regulations. Follow safety procedures, risk assessment and methods of work. Hazard and associated risk awareness. Communicate effectively including keeping others informed. Quality focus - ensures work is completed to an appropriate level of Ethical and environmental sustainability awareness. Critical reasoning and initiative to deal with issues that arise during

Unit IPS01

     

Assessment criteria

The assessment of the application of KSB criteria from Units IPS01 and IPS02 is integrated into the assessment of the mandated units for each IPS pathway, specifically:

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covered by the candidate. The technical discussion should only be undertaken following completion of all relevant knowledge testing and observed practical skills assessments.

qualification to the candidate. This technical discussion must be video or, audio recorded (recommended) or fully transcripted. The assessor is also required to complete a feedback summary report on its outcomes. The assessor feedback should signpost at what point in the recording/transcript each relevant assessment criteria is

The final stage in a candidate gaining this qualification is a technical discussion with the assessor. The technical discussion’s purpose is to review and expand upon the results and outcomes from the knowledge and skills testing and additional portfolio evidence and to identify and address any additional evidence needed from the candidate for the assessor to be able to confirm their technical competence in accordance with the requirements set out in this document. The assessor is to evaluate the candidate’s portfolio of evidence in advance of undertaking this discussion in order to identify the need for any additional evidence. The technical discussion also provides the candidate with the opportunity to explain their rationale for their decisions and to explain how they reached conclusions during the observed skills assessments. The technical discussion is complete once the AO assessor has the additional evidence that the candidate has gained all the learning outcomes of the qualification in order to approve the awarding, or otherwise, of this regulated

3.1.5 Technical discussion

  

o o and assessment criteria.

assessment completed:

 

The AO approved centre must collate a portfolio of evidence for the technical discussion which includes: Certificates of achievement for each knowledge test set by the ECITB AO. The assessment records and any certificates of achievement from each practical skills Documentary evidence generated for or during the observed skills assessment. Supplementary portfolio evidence that meets the requirements of VARCS: Valid, Authentic, Reliable, Current and Sufficient. Assessor mapping of evidenced candidate achievement to the qualification learning outcomes Where the candidate has been unable to demonstrate a specific behavior or sufficient critical reasoning or initiative through the skills assessments then additional evidence from other sources may be submitted as part of their qualification portfolio of evidence, if required.

3.1.4 Qualification portfolio of evidence

Use investigation to inform actions.


      

understanding: Deal with problems that are non-routine. Identify and select the most appropriate practical skills and procedures to deal with problems that Alter and/or vary the sequence of actions or techniques that they use in order to achieve the best results in the conditions in which they are working. Review how effective their methods and actions have been. Review and evaluate relevant information and make recommendations. Check and review work undertaken at the end of a practical task. Evidence of this is gained either from the direct observation by the assessor during skills assessment or from additional evidence that the candidate is able to provide within their qualification portfolio of evidence (this should be evidence generated within a 2 year period of the date of assessment).

During the observed skills assessments the candidates are assessed on their ability to do the following which demonstrate critical reasoning and initiative in applying their technical knowledge and

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Tel: 01923 26000 Website: www.ecitb.org.uk

ECITB AO Blue Court, Church Lane, Kings Langley, Hertfordshire, WD4 8JP Email: Qualifications@ecitb.org.uk

For further information either visit the ECITB website or contact ECITB Awarding Organisation:

Further information


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recommended. Undertaken by an AO assessor. The assessor will review the candidate’s portfolio of qualification evidence in advance of the interview. The AO approved assessor is interviewing to check the candidate has gained all the learning outcomes of the

premises. o A company o Or an approved testing/assessment centre  The only notes allowed are the candidate’s qualification portfolio of evidence.

Through the technical discussion – recording

Overall application of knowledge, skills and behaviours

notes.  At an AO approved

centre. Demonstrated without

At an AO approved premises: o A company. o Or an approved testing/assessment

Employer desirable behaviours

provided to the candidate. practical skills assessment. And/or through a review of additional evidence provided via the qualification portfolio or evidence. And /or through the technical discussion.

IPS13. Evidence of critical reasoning is expected to be observed. Assessment records of the observed skills assessments are completed by the AO approved assessors and copies Direct observation by an AO approved assessor during

centre  Demonstrated without notes except where it states the candidate is expected to use guidance.

Live workplace. Approved simulation.

include:    Evidence of skills and behaviours for units IPS01 and IPS02 are integrated into the assessment of units IPS03 to

At an AO approved premises: o Live workplace or o An approved testing/assessment

Skills assessment


test(s) The tests consist of multiple-choice questions but may also contain some short written answer questions Multiple choice questions will be marked by the system. Marking sheets will be provided by the AO where required. Direct observation practical skills by an AO assessor, to VQ skills assessment tests.


Assessment method Online tests set by the AO. The candidate must pass the qualification’s knowledge

Assessment environment  AO approved testing  Invigilated. Closed book / unable to take any handbooks/notes

Criteria assessed Knowledge assessment

Assessment summary

Table 1

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Types of equipment, plant, and systems

The candidate is expected to demonstrate their KSBs on the following plant, equipment and systems, depending on the discipline in which they are specialising. The candidate is expected to demonstrate their skills on both robust and fragile plant, equipment and systems. Robust plant and equipment are those which are resistant to most forms of damage or disruption during their working lives. Fragile plant and systems are those which are easily disrupted or damaged. Damage or disruption could be due to physical, chemical other forces (e.g. Electro-magnetic).

Shafts. Shipyards. Tunnels.

In plant rooms.

At height. Control rooms.

                

     

their skills in include: Engineering construction sites. Controlled operations. Offshore installations. Maintenance sites. Nuclear sites. Repair sites. Work areas may be open or restricted spaces: Confined spaces. Controlled operational and offshore installations. Designated work areas. Explosive atmospheres. Existing plants and structures. Fabrication workshops. Inside structures, system and plant. On access structures (scaffold). On open structures. Onshore and offshore installations. Potential explosive atmospheres.

This section sets assessment guidance for the installation units. It provides additional information to provide the assessor (and the candidate) information on the expected scope within which the candidates must be able to demonstrate their technical knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) Types of sites and work areas that the installation crafts person is expected to understand and apply

Assessment guidance and scope: Engineering Construction

Annex 1

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Protection devices. Turbines.


     


caissons.  Piping.  Reactors.

o o o o o Actuators/valves. Mechanical metering devices. Safety limit protection devices.

 Kilns.

Gearboxes. Mechanisms. systems.Pumps.



Belt and chain drives. Bearings and seals. Brake systems. Compressors. Engines (including diesel engines). Geared mechanisms. Mechanical/hydraulic/pneumatic Protection devices. Rotating equipment. Shafts and couplings.

Mechanical components Components of: o o o o o o o o o

Mechanical plant and systems  Boilers and steam plant.  Compressed air systems. Fluid and gas distribution systems. Gas turbine systems. Heat exchangers.  Heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) Systems.  Hydraulic systems.  Material transfer systems.  Mechanical actuating.  Mechanical handling systems.  Oil and gas systems: distillation columns,  Petrol and diesel engines.  Pneumatic systems.  Steam turbine systems.  Tanks and gas holders.  Transmission systems.

Motor drives.


Generators. systems.


        

             

Electrical components Circuit boards. Components of electrical back-up systems. Components of electrical circuit protectors. Components of electrical panels. Components of process control systems. Components of power/light circuits. Electrical metering devices. Heat exchangers motors/components of Safety/protection devices.

Electrical plant and systems A.C. electric motors. D.C. electric motors. Battery and uninterruptable power supply Circuit protection devices. Electrical distribution systems. Electrical systems. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning High voltage equipment. Lighting circuits/equipment. Protection systems. Rotating equipment. Transformers and chokes.

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o o

Pipe. Plate. Sections. Bar. Rod. Mesh.

o o o o o Commercial materials: Chequer plate.


caissons. Piping. Reactors. Steam turbine systems. Tanks and gas holders. Ducting systems. Ash handling systems. Structural Steelwork. Ferrous/non-ferrous stock materials:

systems. Impulse lines.


(HVAC) Systems. Material transfer systems. Mechanical handling systems. Oil and gas systems: distillation columns,

         

                 

Pipework systems and components Pipework (typically 25mm and above) In-line pipework ancillaries. Prefabricated pipework assemblies. Instruments/actuators/control devices. Compressors and ancillaries. Instrument/Pipework support and carrier Expansion compensators. Control panels and ancillary equipment. Anti-vibrating devices.

Plating materials and components Boilers and steam plant. Fluid and gas distribution systems. Gas turbine systems. Heat exchangers. Heating ventilation and air conditioning

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