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School community problem

Verónica De Aquino Blancarte

Esto es un párrafo listo para contener creatividad, experiencias e historias geniales.

Identifying the community problems

Learning progression






Objective and scope

School will promote different activities in collaboration with other organizations to present students to knew activities (sports, concerts, conferences, workshops) appealing to their interests. This should be coordinated by Orientación Departament and Vinculación académica Departament with other specialized external organizations. Teacher must support those activities encouranging students and parents to participate Activities proposed will be heald once a month through all semester

Conextualiza tu tema con un subtítulo

General design

Setting goals


Self care


Recognize their are important and loved


Self awareness


Request a conference about self care to "Consejo Ciudadano"


The community educational diagnosis, involves studying, understanding, and comprehending the community within which the school operates. This community includes students, teachers, educational authorities, the school itself, learning environments, families, the population surrounding the school, the natural environment, and the flora and fauna. The analysis considers local, regional, national, and global contexts, taking into account the past, present, and future. Through this diagnosis, cultural and social characteristics of the community are identified, along with strengths and challenges. These insights guide educational processes

The community educational diagnosis, involves studying, understanding, and comprehending the community within which the school operates. This community includes students, teachers, educational authorities, the school itself, learning environments, families, the population surrounding the school, the natural environment, and the flora and fauna. The analysis considers local, regional, national, and global contexts, taking into account the past, present, and future. Through this diagnosis, cultural and social characteristics of the community are identified, along with strengths and challenges. These insights guide educational processes

While the school is located in an urban community with most public services, the population has low educational levels and low economic incomes. They are surrounded by a high degree of crime, primarily due to drug dealing. These socio-economic characteristics also apply to the student population of the school

The students and the community around the school have had few opportunities to experience circumstances different from their daily lives. However, by presenting alternatives and reinforcing their self-esteem, we can help students make better choices in all aspects

Students lack of discipline and motivation, distant parents and negative environments at school and home surroundings leads many students to drop out school and chose joining the gangs, youth pregnancies or working in low income, not satisfying jobs. Most of our students haven’t had the chance to know different paths than the one they have at home due lack of time, interest or knowledge from their parents.

  1. Use present continuous in affirmative form to describe self and other's actions happening at the time of speaking through texts, tales, comics
  2. Use present continuos in the negative and interrogative form to deny and question acctions happening at the time of speaking through texts, tales, comics
Ss. identify if they have set goals for their future and if their current actions are leading them to achieve their goals

6. Identifies and uses simple past of regular and irregular verbs and diferenciates the writing through small readings7. Uses simple past in affirmative form to desribe facts already enden in an specifict moment in the past through textsReading and singing the song "Because you loved me" ss will identify simple past and by understanding the lyrics they will decide if there's somebody they think about.Ss. will write a "Thank you" note to that person


10 Use modal should on affirmative, negative and interrogative forms to make recomendatios through oral or writen expressions

  • After attending a conference about the risks of alcohol and drugs ss will make posters to prevent the community about substance abuse
  • Posters will be displayed in the campus

14 Uses idiomatic future (to be going to) in affirmative, negative and interrogative forms to moment future plans through differnet writen and oral strategies.


  • Students will suggest, discus and reflect about their goals for next year