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Simona Annarelli 5^A Turistico

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ITC Vittorio Veneto Salvemini




- GIORNATE FAI : San Felice, chiesa de " la Madonnella"

-LATIUM EXPERIENCE: progetto "il Giubileo dei giovani per i giovani"

- ARCGIS: creazione di mappe

- BIBLIOTECA: gestione della biblioteca scolastica

- GIORNATE FAI: Sabaudia, villa Domiziano

- ARCGIS: creazione di mappe

- GIORNATE FAI: Latina, Consorzio di Bonifica dell'Agro Pontino


ARTE: Biennale di Venezia

ECONOMIA: Budget di un impresa ricettiva

DIRITTO: Confronto sulle differenze delle modalità di acquisto della cittadinanza tra diversi Stati

RELIGIONE: Il rapporto con lo straniero

ITALIANO E STORIA: Storie al femminile

INGLESE: Italy and Serbia

FRANCESE: Le respect enverse l'etranger en France.

SPAGNOLO: Attività di traduzione e decodifica dal Serbo all'Italiano

GEOGRAFIA: Storia e cultura della Serbia


Organize the plan around a topic or concept that you want to teach in a specific timeframe (usually short). It needs to make sense on its own and have the aim of helping students acquire the knowledge.

Set learning objectives or outcomes. What new skills or abilities will students have when they finish this unit?

Plan and select the content and think about the strategies, processes, and skills you want to put into practice with your students to achieve the objectives you've set.

Divide your plan into stages or steps. We're suggesting the most common ones but you can expand on them and/or change their names.

Move from the simple to the more complicated. Learning should be gradual and progressive. Start from where students are and what they already know. Link the activities with a meaningful common thread. Each activity should be a rung on the ladder, allowing them to progress in their learning.

Keep in mind from the beginning how you're going to evaluate this unit and what criteria you'll apply. And of course, remember to establish expectations and deliverables; what assignments do you want to set, and in what format do you want them? The activities that make up the unit plan should form a path towards a passing grade, which is why it's important to share from the get-go what you'll be expecting from students.

Contextualize learning materials and use real-world content. The unit plan should be able to answer the question "How will I use this knowledge in real life?".

Encourage your students to resolve, investigate, reflect, and create. Allow them to improvise. Open the floor up to debate and let them express their opinions freely.

Avoid fireworks in class. Be practical. Everything you do should aim to facilitate learning. Make it motivating and awesome but always meaningful.