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My name is Vicente Miguel, I am 12 years old and I am a student. I'm medium-height, I have got short straight brown hair and brown eyes. I'm friendly and active.

This is my sister, Maria, she is 16 years old and she is a student. She is medium-height, has got long curly brown hair and brown eyes. She is smart and a little annoying.

This is my mom, Ana, she is 46 years old and she is a Human Resources Manager. She is medium-height, has got long curly brown hair and big brown eyes. She is very lovely and kind.

This is my uncle, Pedro, he is 44 years old and he is an Editor at Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. He is tall, bald and has brown eyes. He is cool and creative.

This is my grandfather, João, and he worked in Finance. He was tall, short straight gray hair and green eyes. He was very generous and kind. I miss him

My grandmother, Rosa, is 65 years old and works at Abrantes City Council. She is short, has got medium-length curly brown hair and brown eyes. She is happy and chatty.

This is my dad, Hugo, he is 47 years old and he is an Accountant. He is tall, bald and has brown eyes. He is funny and silly.

This is my aunt, Andreia, she is 39 years old and she is a Biological Scientist. She is medium-height, has got long wavy brown hair and brown eyes. She is intelligent and friendly.

This is my grandfather, Júlio, he is 71 years old and he worked as a banker, but now he is retired. He is tall, bald and has brown eyes. He is happy and thinks he can sing but he is a disaster.

This is my grandmother, Lúcia, she is 67 years old and she was a teacher, but now she is retired. She is short, has got medium-length straight white hair and brown eyes. She is kind and serious.