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Payroll done
Payroll Receipt
Payroll Payment(Client Funded)
Payroll approval
Payroll Processing
Payroll Submission
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Payroll Statuses
Payroll not published to client
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Payroll done

Payroll Receipt

Payroll Payment(Client Funded)

Payroll approval

Payroll Processing

Payroll Submission

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Payroll Statuses

Payroll not published to client

Deel is currently running the report you submitted for your employees payroll.

Payroll Processing


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Payroll Processing

A status you will see on the admin report GP entities with milestones overdue. It means that PRM haven’t uploaded the payroll package yet for the client to approve. CSMs should touch base with PRMs if the payroll report hasn’t been submitted. We should keep in mind that late initial client submission will mean late payroll submission potentially, so CS should check the context of the payroll cycle when reaching out!

Payroll not published to client

The payroll package has been approved and the funding request is updated with the total amount due. This is because the entity is in a location where Deel can not pay your employees directly on your behalf, or you prefer to pay yourself. Instead, you must pay your employees directly with a local payment processor.

Payroll Payment(Client funded)

You have submitted the payroll report; Deel has reviewed it; and you must give final approval. The payroll package will include a Gross to Net (G2N) Report that you can download as a .csv file; and payslips that you can download as a .zip file.Payroll payment (Deel funded): The payroll package has been approved, and the funding request is updated with the total amount due. Remember, this is because Deel is paying your employees on your behalf.

Payroll Approval

Payroll Receipt

Client has funded (paid) the payroll package. The 'processing' status will remain until Deel has received the funds in our bank account

Payroll Done

The payroll package has finished processing, and Deel has received the funds for the payroll package in our bank account.

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