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"What's your dream job?"
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"What's your dream job?"challenge

Matteo Mattia Sara Grillo Francesconi Cristian Rawan Denisa Nefeli Alice Iliass
Glenda Sofia Federico Isabella Elena Kateryna Enea Nicolò Mohamed Viviana Francesco


Nefeli, Sara
Mattia, Matteo, Iliass
Francesconi, Grillo, Cristian
Alice, Rawan, Denisa


Federico, Kateryna, Glenda
Isabella, Enea, Sofia
Nicolò, Mohamed
Elena, Viviana, Francesco


Private island caretakers: Nefeli, Sara
Water silde testers: Mattia, Matteo, Iliass
Bed testers: Francesconi, Grillo, Cristian
Chocolate testers: Alice, Rawan, Denisa


Bed testers: Federico, Kateryna, Glenda
Water silde testers: Isabella, Enea, Sofia
Private island caretakers: Nicolò, Mohamed
Chocolate testers: Elena, Viviana, Francesco


Private island caretakers: Nefeli, Saracons: Water slide testers
Water silde testers: Mattia, Matteo, Iliasscons: Chocolate testers
Bed testers: Francesconi, Grillocons: Private island caretakers
Chocolate testers: Alice, Rawancons: Bed testers

Team 2

Bed testers: Federico, Katerynacons: Chocolate testers
Water slide testers: Isabella, Enea, Sofiacons: Private island caretakers
Private island caretakers: Nicolò, Mohamedcons: Bed tester
Chocolate testers: Elena, Viviana, Francescocons: Water slide testers

Team 1

The first team to finish will be the winner of the first round.
At the end of the lesson everybody should be aknowledged about the 4 jobs.
Each group will take turns and tell. everybody in their team about their jobs.
Each group will identify their job's strenghts.
Each group will read their story.

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