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Presented by Mia Antonia Perez Bojorquez
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Presented by Mia Antonia Perez Bojorquez

OMORI was created as a much older boy on a blog by OMOCAT called omori ひきこもり, which lasted from Dec 22, 2011 to Mar 14 2012. He introduces himself as OMORI, who likes old games. He wears a black tanktop, striped shorts, and long black socks. The blog features simple phrases in the WHITE SPACE which are rather depressing or contemplative of life. Common items shown in the blog are a black lightbulb, his cat, his laptop, his Game Boy, a tissue box, his blanket, and a knife. It contains some dark images and an insight into his character and depression. The blog appears to end when OMORI cant access his laptop anymore.


Omori is a role-playing video game developed and published by Omocat. The player controls a teenage boy named Sunny and his dream world alter-ego Omori. The player explores both the real world and dream world as Omori, either overcoming or suppressing his fears and forgotten secrets. How Sunny and Omori interact depends on choices made by the player, resulting in one of several endings. The game's turn-based battle system includes unconventional status effects based on characters' emotions. Prominently portraying concepts such as anxiety, depression, psychological trauma, and suicide, the game features strong psychological horror elements.

What is omori ?

A manga adaptation of the game is reportedly is set to release this spring.

Omori release

OMORI released on STEAM on December 25, 2020 with a Japanese port releasing on December 19, 2021. The game was released on Nintendo Switch,Xbox One, and Playstation 4 (with exclusive content).


Omori's gameplay is inspired by traditional Japanese rpg. The gameplay is split between two settings: the imaginary world and the real world. In Headspace, the player controls a party of four characters. In the real world, the player begins with Sunny. Each member has their own unique skills to use in battle.The game has side quests and puzzles for the player to solve, giving them rewards and skills upon completion. In Headspace, weapons and items can be obtained, with some being purchasable using Clams. In the real world, items are more limited, and the player uses dollars.



One of the two main locations in OMORI, the other being HEADSPACE. It is the hometown of SUNNY and his friends, and can be explored only when SUNNY awakens and chooses to head outside after four years of isolation within his house.

Throughout both his childhood and the game's events, SUNNY is extremely shy and quiet. He rarely speaks and does not like to smile. Despite not expressing it as clearly as the others, he still appears to care deeply for his friends, as his most treasured memories in MEMORY LANE and the LOST LIBRARY are of his time spent with them. Characters, such as BASIL and AUBREY, describe SUNNY as a "really good listener" who does not mind listening to them vent. HERO also states that SUNNY has a great memory.

SUNNY is the player character and silent main protagonist in OMORI. SUNNY can be controlled and named by the player during the daytime sections, where FARAWAY TOWN and its areas can be explored.

SUNNY was born on July 20th of an unknown year, being approximately 16 years old.


Present-day KEL still retains his happy demeanor but appears more mature and understanding towards others. He is very social and likes talking with strangers when SUNNY is busy with jobs. He constantly tries to help others in-need, which could often lead him to making rash choices at times. He also desires to reconnect with his old friends, notably when he encourages SUNNY to be more active and healthy. He even tries to understand AUBREY's reasons for her anger and repeatedly protects BASIL from bullies as well, displaying the same sense of justice he possessed when he was younger.

KEL is one of the main three supporting characters in OMORI. When tagged as the leader, KEL can throw various ball projectiles from certain platforms to hit objects otherwise inaccessible to the party.

Kel was born on November 11th of an unknown year, being approximately 16 years old.


In the present, HERO still retains his amicable, warm-hearted persona during his adulthood. He is well-loved by the folks of FARAWAY TOWN and admired for his charisma as well. KEL describes him as being "naturally good at everything", and is proud of him for that. He notably possesses a talent in succeeding in virtually everything he tries, though he admits his reputation is heavily exaggerated. HERO is rather calm and understanding towards anyone he meets, even trying to comfort them in times of distress.

Hero was born on January 1st of an unknown year, being approximately 19 years old.


In the REAL WORLD, she began coping through strong feelings of hatred against her old friend group, interpreting their reactions as them moving on too quickly. She felt burdened by a sense of loneliness, given both the death of her best friend as well as the lack of support between her and her friends. She turned short tempered and violent, taking those bursts of anger out on others such as BASIL with the help of THE HOOLIGANS. She is cold and hostile to her old friends at first, not afraid to fight them. Even so, she is still trying to find peace by praying at the local church.

Aubrey was born on May 23rd of an unknown year, being approximately 16 years old.


BASIL is depicted as a relatively anxious and overall a sensitive and shy boy. This melancholy demeanor is most likely the result of deep depression combined with AUBREY and her friends bullying him and lowering his self-esteem. being insecure and fearing the thought of being perceived as a burden. He enjoys taking pictures, as his memories with his friends are his most treasured belonging. He also enjoys art, reading, and taking care of flowers. BASIL seems to develop strong emotional attachments to many of his possessions, as he will never throw away anything, no matter how worthless it is.

BASIL is a major supporting character in OMORI. He serves as one of the major driving forces behind the story's events as the party spends most of the game looking for him after his sudden disappearance.

Basil was born on February 18th of an unknown year, being approximately 16 years old. He lived with his grandma since he was a toddler because his parents were "too busy".



The player's first introduction to White Space. White Space is a location in OMORI. It is Omori's home, and the place he almost always begins in whenever Sunny falls asleep.



Not much can be said about OMORI's personality, as he is a silent protagonist. However, it is implied that he is quite melancholic, as his narration sometimes has gloomy inputs, the overall tone left by the summary. His abilities are also reflective of this gloominess, being either violent in nature or simply gaining the SAD emotion, or having an advantage while SAD. However, it can be speculated that this is more so reflective of SUNNY's emotional state, as OMORI is a character built from SUNNY'S conscience in WHITE SPACE and HEADSPACE.

Approximately 12 years old in white space and headspace

OMORI can be controlled by the player during the night, where WHITE SPACE and the areas of HEADSPACE can be explored. When OMORI is in the lead, he can cut down obstacles with his knife.



HEADSPACE is one of the two primary locations in OMORI, the other being FARAWAY TOWN. It is an imaginary world comprising the areas SUNNY can visit when he sleeps.



Approximately 12 years old in headspace.


Kel`s BFF and pet rock

HECTOR is a character and NPC in OMORI. He is the beloved pet rock of KEL in HEADSPACE, who goes missing during the PROLOGUE of the game and can later be found at DINO'S DIG.




Approximately 15 years old in headspace.




Approximately 12 years old in headspace.


He's very sentimental, keeping memories through photos, and planting flowers that remind him of his friends. BASIL notably shows great care to plant flowers with flower language, each one corresponding to how he sees his friends. His empathy stretches to his plants as well, showing a lot of worries when they're in danger of being hurt, and talking to them as he would with his friends. It is noted that he avoids conflict due to his kind, sentimental demeanor. He doesn't learn to battle, although he eventually does with enough encouragement from his friends during the console-exclusive BASIL RUSH event.

BASIL's HEADSPACE counterpart is rather cheery, yet shy and humble. He is quick to forgive, and is rather empathetic in nature. BASIL is also quite friendly, and his shyness seems to stem from thinking lowly of himself and putting others' needs above his own.

approximately 12 years old in headspace.


I think more people should get to know the game OMORI, apart from having a beautiful soundtrack, and a story that will make you ball your eyes out. The game explores serious themes like: depression, anxiety, guilt, and suicide through its protagonist Sunny.

In conclusion

The EMOTION system functions similar to rock-paper-scissors, with each EMOTION having both an effective and ineffective counterpart. When a character attacks, their attack may increase or reduce damage depending on their current EMOTION against the target(s) attack. EMOTIONS can be inflicted on friends/foes via means of ATTACKS, SKILLS, FOLLOW-UPS, the usage of ITEMS, or scripted events.

Although he does not let it show much due to his tendency to distance himself from his friends, BASIL misses them and desires for things to go back to normal. This could explain his sense of comfort behind physical possessions making him recall pleasant memories, something that he reflects on. Despite his depression, BASIL continued to dedicate himself to gardening to the point that some of the flowers lived up to the present day, perhaps indicating that he immersed himself in the hobby as a distraction of sorts. It is only when his GRANDMA fell dangerously ill that he began neglecting to take care of his plants.

HECTOR is rather shy but described as a good friend to KEL in HEADSPACE. Even though KEL loses him temporarily, HECTOR still appears friendly towards the boy and bears no negative feelings regarding the previous incident. When starting a family with HEATHER, HECTOR became more of a fatherly individual, showing concern for both his wife and children but still remains faithful in them all. He also trusts KEL to take care of his son HECTOR JR, showing complete faith in him.

  • Appears to struggle with self-confidence and self-worth.
  • Perceives himself as weak, worthless, and not "good enough."
  • As the "baby of the group," he often falls back on others to take care of him but feels guilty as he doesnt believe he does anything for them in return.
  • Despite being quiet, hes angered easily, from minor frustrations to much more significant things like his resentment toward the violin.
  • Has always had a very vivid imagination. He enjoys toys and video games and tends to get lost in daydreams (which turned into a full-out escapism).

When rejoining SUNNY, KEL, and HERO's party, she begins to be more understanding of the past and people's feelings, becoming civil and open about her feelings. She's shown expressing care for SUNNY's physical health and apologizes to BASIL. Despite having trouble admitting that she cares, AUBREY's actions have shown her true disposition of looking out for her friends. Even though she is rather hard to understand at times, AUBREY ultimately tries her best to do the right thing and resolves to atone for her past mistakes.

  • He mellowed down mostly due to depression and him trying to get his life back on track.
  • HERO also appears to keep his emotions in check most of the time.
Regardless, HERO still tries to remain strong for his friends and will do anything to make sure they feel comfortable and safe at all times.
  • His firm resolve to continue looking forward in life, as well as being there for his friends, cements him as a mature, comforting person. Always putting others above himself.
  • HERO is a reliable, kind-hearted person who is wise and capable enough to take care of his friends whenever they need help.

KEL is shown to:

  • Have difficulty reading the room and clueless to more complex feelings and issues other people have going on (unless they tell him).
Because of this, AUBREY has accused him of being too simple-minded, and his thoughtlessness has sometimes really frustrated people when they've been in a really bad place.
  • KEL is noted by SUNNY to be a loyal friend, always being there for others, despite his carelessness at times, he posseses a good heart.
  • KEL is the type of person that wants everyone around him to be happy, and someone that one can count on to lift their spirits.

BASIL had a sassy streak, preferring to take photos of his friends by surprise, and even repeatedly teasing SUNNY over his crush on AUBREY. He aimed for an optimistic outlook on life, akin to how a sunflower always faces the sun: in HEADSPACE, he is described as someone who "always managed a smile even when he was upset". Even in the present, BASIL shows himself to be quite perceptive of others' feelings, being the only person to notice SUNNY's emotions.

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