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registration of patents in Colombia requires payment of fees. The fees may vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the invention and the number of claims. As of the latest available information, the registration fee for a patent application in Colombia can range from approximately COP 1,520,000 for individual applicants to COP 7,630,000 for large enterprises. Additionally, there may be additional fees for services such as examination and publication. It's advisable to check with the Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (SIC) for the most up-to-date information on registration fees for patents in Colombia.
Elaborado Por: Samy Patricia Pérez Polo
Fecha: 11 De marzo De 2024
Tutor: Kevin Rafael Palomino Pacheco
Grupo: 212032_09
Patents are legal protections granted by governments to inventors or assignees, providing exclusive rights to their inventions for a specified period. These rights allow inventors to prevent others from making, using, or selling their inventions without permission, thereby encouraging innovation and investment in research and development.
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registration of patents in Colombia requires payment of fees. The fees may vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the invention and the number of claims. As of the latest available information, the registration fee for a patent application in Colombia can range from approximately COP 1,520,000 for individual applicants to COP 7,630,000 for large enterprises. Additionally, there may be additional fees for services such as examination and publication. It's advisable to check with the Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (SIC) for the most up-to-date information on registration fees for patents in Colombia.


Elaborado Por: Samy Patricia Pérez Polo Fecha: 11 De marzo De 2024 Tutor: Kevin Rafael Palomino Pacheco Grupo: 212032_09


Patents are legal protections granted by governments to inventors or assignees, providing exclusive rights to their inventions for a specified period. These rights allow inventors to prevent others from making, using, or selling their inventions without permission, thereby encouraging innovation and investment in research and development.

Example of Protecting Intellectual Property with Patents:

Colombian Office in Charge of Patent Registration:

The Colombian office responsible for patent registration is the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce (SIC). SIC oversees the registration, examination, and granting of patents in Colombia.

Registration Process for Patents:

The registration process for patents involves several steps:
  • Filing an Application: The inventor or assignee submits a patent application to the Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (SIC), including a detailed description of the invention and any necessary drawings or diagrams.
  • Examination: SIC examines the patent application to ensure that the invention meets the criteria for patentability, including novelty, inventiveness, and industrial applicability. This examination may involve reviewing prior art and conducting searches to determine if similar inventions already exist.
  • Publication: If the patent application meets the requirements, SIC publishes the details of the invention in the Colombian Official Gazette.
  • Granting of Patent: Once the patent application is approved, SIC grants the patent, providing the inventor with exclusive rights to the invention for the specified period.

Registration Fees for Patents:

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