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Don't forget to fill in your worksheet during your journey

Mrs. Dialia Jedusor2219 Caker street Surrey


Dear Mrs Jedusor , We are excited to inform you that you have been accepted at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Students will be required to report to the Chamber of Reception upon arrival. To avoid detection by Muggles, please use the entrance located at Kings Cross Station Downtown London, on platform 9¾. We are excited to have you at our school.


There's no time for Quidditch! You have a letter !!

You should tell your friends what are your Monday classes !Use the present tense.

Dear students,Here is your schedule for this week!


WHAT WAS THAT ?That was strange...

Blimey ! Would you look at the time, i'm going to be late ! I should pack my bag and get going


That's it come on, now. Come closer, less talking, if you don't mind. I got a real treat for you today ! A great lesson. So follow me.

Come closer earn buckbeak's trust and study his anatomy!

Isn't he beautiful? Say hello to Buckbeak! Today's lesson will be about learning a little bit more about hippogriffs.

the Feathers

a wing

the ears

Match the correct body parts to Buckbeak

the Forelegs

a tail

a beak


Well done lads ! You have earned Buckbeak's trust ! Now go on, Miss Sprout is expecting you !

Look there it is again ! It seems to be holding something...

A number ? That is odd... Maybe it would be useful later i should memorize it !

Morning everyone ! Welcome to the greenhouse, come come

We’ll be repotting Mandrakes today. Make sure to wear your earmuffs !


Look ! This creature again !! I should get a closer look...

Well done students ! Our Mandrakes will feel much better ! Off you go now ! i believe Potions is your next class

Another number ? what is the meaning of this ? I should remember it...

You are late . Sit down and open your textbook .

So you feel confident enough to be late in my class ? arrogant. Let's see if you are as confident anwsering this quizz .


my quizz if you are so clever !

Watch the video and answer

Another one ! Let's see what it wants...

Hmm pure luck . Class is dismissed, get out of my sight .

I wonder how many numbers i need to memorize...

Come upstairs students ! The sky is clear , perfect to study the stars

I hope everyone has their telescopes ! The stars have a trial for you.

Again ! How many of these creatures am I going to see ?

Good job students ! I hope you enjoyed the class. You may go now, it's time for lunch !

Okay noted !

Students, your attention please


There is too much noise. perhaps we should review the callroom's rules.

Let's see what happened !

What was that ?

Good. I hope you will make sure to respect the classroom's rules.


It's Voldemort ! He is attacking us !

Follow me !

Everyone will please not panic. Now. Prefects will lead their house back to their dormitories. Teachers will follow me..

Dumbledore once told me that a secret and very powerful weapon is hidden somewhere in this castle. We need to find it ! Follow the ghosts, they will help you ! I am going to buy us some time while you look for it.

The weapon should be here somewhere...

wrong way ! what you're looking for isn't here

Noooooooo the weapon is not here turn around

what are you doing here ? It's not here go away !!

A door ? what is this room ? i have never seen it before !

Did i get it wrong again ? Ugh... I really need to find that weapon !

Congratulation you found the room of requirement !This room only appears when you really need something and always provides the seeker's need. What you're looking for is probably in here somewhere...

A chest ? It's locked... What could be the combination ?






Of course ! I knew these little creatures would be of help ! I should hurry and take the weapon to Harry !

Quick ! I should give it to Harry !

Mister Potter ! Miss Jedusor ! What you did was irresponsible ! You were very lucky !

Yes. Irresponsible. But it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your ennemies. Well done students.

Good job !You did it You beat the evil dark wizard !