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FEB 9TH 2024
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FEB 9TH 2024

















This time, I remembered to set an alarm so that I head out on time to catch my bus, and also, remembered to bring my phone. Usually I wear headphones on transit as it helps with auditory sensory overload amongst the visual sensory experience of being in a crowd, acting as a filter and barrier. I knew that the Soirée was taking place somewhere around Burrard Street, the same street of the cafe I used to work at. My body felt like it was on autopilot navigation. It wasn't until needing to find the correct strata building did I need to pay attention to the directions on Google Maps.

Making My Way Downtown

I saw my bus turning the corner across the street, the last few passengers were just getting on! Finally the crosswalk sign turned green and I sprinted across just as the doors closed on me. Thankfully the bus driver saw me and opened the doors.

Gotta Go!

Catching the bus
  • "You are a fast runner" the bus driver complemented
  • Noticed there were not a lot of people, so didn't put on my mask on yet until I finished catching my breath
  • Reached into my pocket to plug my headphones in my phone...then realized I had forgotten it at home!
  • Lost track of time and realized it was already 8:12am, my bus comes at 8:15am
  • Put my shoes on, forgot my lunch, took my shoes off, ran to grab my bento from the kitchen

I had gone to sleep later than usually last night so I dilly-dallied a little bit trying to get ready for work. It was a sunny day, so I wanted to be colorful and wear my new coat. The color caught my eye last week as I walked by the UBC Free Store, so I had to snatch it and add it to my wardrobe.

My roommates and friends were planning to go to Choom, a K-pop themed dance party, which happened to be the same day as the Lunar New Year Soirée. Previously when I was younger, I would feel worried that I was missing out on the fun. Now I have a better idea of my preferences, and learned to consciously choose what I want to participate in, which evolved into the joy of missing out. I wanted to focus my efforts on establishing a stronger friendship with S and also, I know that there will be more opportunities for me to party it up with my friends!


The Joy of Missing Out
Sorry, No Time to Chat

When I arrived at the gathering, there were already a few friends helping cook and prepare the dinner. I felt somewhat overwhelmed by too many cooks in the kitchen so I spent some time browsing the bookshelves, which can reveal quite a lot about one's tastes and interests. The cocktail party phenomenon was in full effect, drifting in and out of different conversations happening at the same time. I mostly listened, I was too busy eating to participate in the conversation. One friend T, who is a chef, noticed that we were the only two still eating after everyone else had paused, and jokingly said "wow you have a big appetite today!" How could I not, when the food was so delicious!?!!

Be Mine, Stump Monster

Along the bike lane, there is a house known as the Stump Monster House. The artist that lives there dresses up a tree stump with different monsters for different holiday occasions. Today Stump Monster was looking dolled up for Valentines Day. There was also a little basket with Valentine's sweets and I took one. Right afterwards, I looked up and saw my friend M bike down the path. We made direct eye contact and he stopped by the curb and chatted. He just left my house after hanging out with my roommate A. "You look very...visible today" pointing out my chartreuse jacket, before parting ways and biking home

No phone, no distractions!

Quiet Day in the Office

  • Still had access to my work Outlook without needing to 2FA until the afternoon when it logged me out
  • Usually I have my computer volume up and keep my email and Teams open in the background so that I can hear notifications when I am busy with my tasks
  • No phone notifications to distract me, though I do find myself reaching for my pocket for my "phantom phone" instinctively
  • Was able to finish my tasks earlier than expected, as there were no meetings nor coworkers who needed support
  • I noticed my co-workers C and G were more open to socializing today than when more people were around

After work, I went to Sungiven on Cambie Street to pick up some dessert and non-alcoholic drinks for a Lunar New Year gathering with my art friend S. Usually I can get lost in the grocery store, since there is just so many things and my brain feels overwhelmed. However, I knew what I wanted so I made a beeline to the sweet pastries section. A swiss roll cake with a cow pattern caught my attention and felt like my friends would enjoy this cute dessert. I felt very pleased with my choice. With cake in hand, I walked home along the bike lane, my usual route that I take home.

Grocery Store Pit Stop

Looking for something sweet !