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TCEA Technology Highlights

Technology Resources

Turning up your class particiption with different apps and websites!

1- Google Arts and Culture

2-Auto Draw

3- Quick, Draw!

4- Chrome Music Lab

5- Applied Digital Skills

6- Google Drawings

7- Shapegrams

8- Google Keep

9- CS First

10- Flippity


Click on these tabs to explore!

Arts and Culture

Google Arts & Culture offers over 2,000 images and videos from cultural partners around the world. There are also activities and games to play.

Blob Opera

3D Pottery

Geo Artwork

Puzzle Party

Art Remix


Did You Mean?

Do you have students that struggle with drawing? Well, this may be the Google resource for you. Autodraw allows you to draw an image and with the assistance of AI, create a better version. This is a great program to use for projects.https://experiments.withgoogle.com/autodrawClick the link to explore!

Quick, Draw!

Can You Beat the Clock?

Quick, Draw! gives you a name of an object. Then you have 20 seconds to draw the object. You earn points for every object that the nueral net figure out. The gme ends when your item can't be recognized. https://quickdraw.withgoogle.com/ Click to explore!

Chrome Music Lab

You can:

  • explore connections with science, math and art;
  • make your own music; and
  • play various games.
  • You can use any device-phone, tablet, or laptop.
https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/ExperimentsClick the link to explore!

What is Chrome Music Lab?Chrome Music Lab is a website that makes learning music more accessible through fun, hands-on experiments

https://applieddigitalskills.withgoogle.com/s/en/homeClick here to explore.

Applied Digital skills

You can find digital lesons/curriculum as well as create your own.

Interacts with all of the platforms within Google including Google classroom.

Has templates that you can use.

Can print out certificates of completion for students.

Has self-paced lessons for students.


Google Drawings

Click here to explore!

Google Drawings helps you create the perfect graphs and charts.You can import information from Google Sheets.

Click here to explore.

Digital platform where students can complete drawing challenges.


Has rececommended skills levels.

Works in Google Sheets and Slides.


https://keep.google.com/u/0/#homeClick here to explore!

Google Keep

Take and share notes

Create reminders

Create labels

Create lists

Has PD for teachers

https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home Click here to explore!

Cs First

Compter Science curriculum that is easy for students to navigate.

Uses Scratch Programming language.

https://www.flippity.net/Click here to explore!


Creates online quizzes

Creates games

Has randomizers

Creates flashcards



https://auth.genial.ly/loginClick here to explore!

And much more!

You can add interactive objects to your presentation.

You can record audio.

You can make fun and appealing presentations.


This Presentation Made with...


This will keep your class engaged.