2023 Unwrapped
Laura Grace Martin
Created on January 3, 2024
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What a great year!
Event Attendance
Launched new training courses and events at key and made them accessible to teachers, increasing attendance. We have had 1,868 teachers either attend in person or online.
Resource Downloads
Lobbying for the Subject
We have carried out extensive lobbying work in response to the Education Policy Institute (EPI) Paper ‘A spotlight on D&T education in England’. This included two appearances at the House of Lords select committee and meetings in 9 cities across the UK in June.
What we haveachieved...
We're actively working to ensure the continued vitality of design and technology for students nationwide. Our aim is to make sure every young learner has the opportunity to engage with it as a valuable part of their comprehensive curriculum. Interested in our accomplishments so far in 2023? Explore some of the highlights!
Support D&T Teachers
Supported MATs, Trusts and Education Partnerships, providing D&T support & resources to their teams with INSET or Consultancy in 2023.
13,000 members
19,000 members
27,000 members
Health & Safety Accreditations
D&T Excellence Awards
We have issued nearly 7,000 (6,922) H&S certificates, helping to keep schools in the UK compliant.
We held our inspirational D&T Excellence Awards Ceremony at Aerospace Bristol below iconic Concorde. We celebrated 13 award winners and had an excellent keynote speech from Ben Edmonds.
Blueprint 1000
Supporting Industry
Supported member organisations such as Dyson, Seymour Powell and more, ensuring a positive impact on design and technology.
Designed for Life Podcasts
Elevated D&T through powerful discussions in our Designed for Life podcast, with 24,500 downloads, 22 new episodes, downloaded by nearly 7,000 people across 29 countries and 236 cities across the world.
SEN Symbols
We developed SEN Symbols in collaboration with Widgit for individuals with learning disabilities, offering 80 downloadable PDF symbols related to D&T (40 for all and additional 40 for members)
Helped almost 30 companies achieve their education objectives with schools through Blueprint 1000.
Because design and innovation matter
Membership Growth and Retention
Website Visitors
Attracted 437 delegates on our free webinars.
Free Webinars
We offered a selection of free webinars for our members on a range of topics including CAD packages, engineering, competitions and updates.
= 98%
Free Downloads
New Users
A great title here
Page Views
1 million+
Inspired by Industry
We launched our first twelve KS3 contexts within 'inspired by industry' to address the needs of the D&T curriculum with key industry partners. These are currently free for use with additional member-only content.
International Network Meetings
SCITT Training
Student Advisory Group
Two meetings held with 19 students. More meetings in the pipeline for 2024.
Delivered two SCITT Training
Attracted over 9000 people searching for help on Google to our website and introduced ourselves to thousands of teachers on Facebook, with over 10,000 then visiting our website.
Did you know? We retain 42% more information when the content has movement. It may be the most effective resource for capturing your audience’s attention.
We have held international network meetings to build a group of overseas teachers sharing information and supporting teachers delivering Design and Technology across the world. 35 attendees from international membership
International Members
If you know a student who may be interested or if you would like to find out more please contact:
Student Advisory Group
Students in the advisory group vary in age from Year 7 to Year 13 and offer an opportunity for young people to voice their opinions in addition to teachers.It has been an opportunity to get a fresh perspective from a group made up of enthusiastic and inspiring students who have a passion for D&T.
Non-specialist courses: 2Delegates: 21Live digital courses: 43Delegates: 369Face-to-face courses: 28Delegates: 244Free webinars: 32Delegates: 437Lobbying consultations: 10Delegates: 241Live podcasts: 3Delegates: 89E-Learning courses: 18Delegates: 467INSET Delivered: 30
Event Reach