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The goddess Hera, in order to destroy Hercules, conspired with the goddess of childbirth.
The father of Hercules was the god Zeus and Alcmena, not the wife of Hera.
Although Zeus was Hercules' father, he was raised by Amphitryon
Did Zeus  announce the coming of his son before his birth?
Hera, who was Zeus' wife, wants to destroy Ηercules.

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The goddess Hera, in order to destroy Hercules, conspired with the goddess of childbirth.

The Life of Hercules

The father of Hercules was the god Zeus and Alcmena, not the wife of Hera.

Although Zeus was Hercules' father, he was raised by Amphitryon

Did Zeus announce the coming of his son before his birth?

Hera, who was Zeus' wife, wants to destroy Ηercules.

Eurystheus was a cousin of Hercules and was born first

Eurystheus was born first, Hercules had to obey him

Hercules had a twin brother.

Hercules killed two snakes


His father sent him to Cithero to learn to control his anger

Until the age of 18 he grazed his father's flocks



When he left Kithairon he met 2 women at a crossroads


Hercules helped Thebes to get rid of taxes


The King of Thebes wants to reward Hercules


He married and lived happily ever after

Hera sent godess Ati to make Hercules mad



Hercules goes mad and kills his family


The goddess Athena was on the side of Hercules


The oracle that foretold the future is at Delphi.


Hercules met Pythia to ask forgiveness from the gods.


The Oracle of Delphi was dedicated to God Apollo


Pythia advise them to find Eurystheus and enter to his service


Eurystheus gave 12 very difficult commands to Heracles


The Goddess Athena and the God Hermes helped Hercules in every difficulty



Tried to solve the puzzle of the marriage of Hercules with Megara
To thank him, she gives him his daughter Megara as his wife!!!

The King of Thebes wants to reward him

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Use this space to briefly describe your chart and its evolution.Statistics convey professionalism and a greater sense of credibility. Bonus tip: always try to include the source.

In Greek mythology, there were 12 Gods who resided at the top of Mount Olympus. Each God possessed power, beauty, and mysterious abilities, as well as unique symbols that characterized them. The 12 gods were Zeus, the father of the gods and ruler of all, who hurled lightning bolts to punish mortals. His symbol was the lightning bolt. Hera, the queen of the gods, sister, and wife of Zeus, was the goddess of marriage, women, and family. Her symbol was the scepter. The father of Hercules was the god Zeus and Alcmena, not the wife of Hera. Apollo, the god of the sun and music, had the lyre as his favorite and symbolic musical instrument. Poseidon, the god of the sea and earthquakes, had the trident as his symbol. Hades, brother of Zeus, resided in the underworld, and his symbol was the scepter with an eagle. Athena, daughter of Zeus and goddess of wisdom, was symbolized by the owl. Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, had symbols of doves and the rose. Artemis, the goddess of hunting and archery, was symbolized by the deer. Hephaestus, the god of fire, metalworking, and sculpture, had symbols of the anvil and the hammer. Hermes, the messenger of the gods, god of commerce and travelers, had symbols of a caduceus with two small wings and two snakes wrapped around a staff. Demeter, the goddess of agriculture and fertility, had the torch as her symbol. Ares, the god of war, who loved battles, was symbolized by the shield of war.

Let's watch a video about the symbols of the Gods.

In Greek mythology, there were 12 Gods!

Instructions for building a statue in the link down below

Apollo was the god who symbolized light, rebirth and protected the music and divination art.The Oracle of Delfhi was the largest and the richest one in the Ancient Greece.You can read more about the oracle by pressing the button down below.

Match each symbol with the God it belongs to


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Athena helped Hercules at many points during his Labors. She provided him with the krotala he used to scare the Stymphalian Birds, and she carried the apples back to the garden of the Hesperides. Hermes, along with Athena, also helped Herakles when he could. He counseled Herakles when he descended to Hades and warned him of the Gorgi's inability to harm him anymore and gave him a sword to use on his journeys The ancient Greeks assigned to each god and goddess a symbol. You can find information about the Olympian God and their symbols

The Goddess Athena and the God Hermes helped Hercules in every difficulty

Eurystheus was born prematurely!

Nikippi, mother of Eurystheus, gave birth when she was 7 months pregnant.Alcmene gave birth to Hercules a few minutes later while she was 9 months pregnant.This was because Hera wanted Eurystheus to be born first in order to become a Lord who would be obeyed by all. Here is an assignment for numbers 7 and 9.Connect numbers with dice and fingers with jars

Τhe children saw Amphitryon's palace and through google map we found its location which was in Thebes. After, they found the mountain of Kitherona, where he sent him to trusted sherherds to guard the flocks in the mountains.

Amphytrionas, knowing from the seer Teiresias about the future of Heracles, took care to raise and train him, offering him all the supplies.

Until the age of 18, he grazed his father's flocks


Iphicles (sometimes spelled Iphiclus) was the twin half-brother of the Greek hero Hercules, born one night after Hercules. But they didn't have the same father. Iphicles never became a king, being more of a freelance hero.Both Heracles and Iphicles grew to be robust and brave men. The spotlight was on Heracles since birth, but Iphicles wasn’t a weak man. Although this had limits, and of course Iphicles was not able to match the god-enhanced strength of Heracles.

Multiple choice questions

Zeus, in order to bring forth Hercules as the leader of his generation on Earth, chose Alcmene. Not only for her beauty and many virtues but also for her divine lineage. He appeared before her in the form of her husband, Amphitryon, and on the night they lay together, she conceived Hercules. The next day, from her union with Amphitryon, the conception of Iphicles emerged.When Hercules was born,he resembled his father Zeus in strength. Hercules resembled his father Zeus in strength. Amphitryon, aware of Hercules' future through the seer Tiresias, took care to raise and train the child, providing him with all the necessary tools. He learned to read and write, the lyre, archery, wrestling, boxing, chariot racing, and horsemanship. He also learned how to use the spear and shield and even studied music. However, Hercules was so strong and quick to anger. To prevent him from unintentionally causing harm, he was sent away from the city and sent to Cithaeron to guard his father's herds in the mountains.

Kindergarten of StivosKontopoulou Stella-Serasidou Verra

Time to play Sudoku https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1-nCK_a-VJiam0aDIyk9NJYmOfJ7oTwnO1F1jw_fLeto/edit?usp=sharing


Hercules was at a crossroads considering which career path to take and was contemplating his options. As he stood there, two beautiful women approached him. Vice and Virtue. Vice advised that true happiness could only be achieved through hard work and the pursuit of noble goals. Virtue argued that her path was the easier and more enjoyable option. In the end, Hercules made the difficult choice to follow Vice and pursue a virtuous and fulfilling life. He understood that the path to true happiness was not always easy, but it was worth the effort.

The Goddess Ati puts a veil over Hercules' eyes and drives him mad

The goddess of misfortune, illusion and paranoia, Ati, was sent by Hera to cloud the mind of Hercules. She caused Hercules such confusion in his mind that he thought he was seeing monsters , when in fact it was his family.Here you can continue the patterns. Which picture fits? You can drag it into the square! Or you can print the work

The children chose the pictures from the canva and after printing and colouring them they made a book Try making your own book

12 labours of Hercules

The goddess Hera advised Eurystheus to give Hercules 12 very difficult commands Hercules had to obey since Eurystheus was born before him. To become immortal and free himself from Eurystheus he had to complete all the tasks

Time to play!
12th primary School of rhodes, greece Christina Tsagdi & Sevasmia Koutsourai

Hercules, son of Zeus and Alcmene, still an infant, in his cage, faced the two poisonous snakes that the jealous goddess sent to kill him.Tragically, however, it was Hera who offered immortality to her husband's illegitimate child.

Hera is jealous and wants to destroy Hercules...

Hercules married and lived happily ever after

Hercules married Megara who was the daughter of the king of Thebes.They had many children - five or eight - and lived happily ever after.We built a maze. You can print it out and lead Hercules to his wife Megara !

We make our riddles and you can find them here ..Please read them, use all the information and...try to solve them!!

The Oracle of Delphi was the most renowned oracle in Ancient Greece and the then-known world. It is situated at the twin eagles, one facing the East and one facing the West, meeting at Delphi. It was dedicated to the god Apollo. According to this myth, Hercules once visited the Oracle of Delphi to receive answers to some questions he had submitted.

Find the same pairs of their figures in the memory game here

The goddess Hera, who was jealous of Zeus for his infidelities, wanted to remove the power from Alcmene's son Heracles and make his cousin Eurystheus the leader. To destroy Heracles, he conspired with the goddess of childbirth Eileithyia, who delayed Alcmene's labor and Heracles was born second. The three Fates (Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos) determined the fate of man from the moment of his birth until his death. They were so important that Zeus could not ignore their power.

Hera, Eileithyia, Clotho - Lachesis - Atropos

Erwin the King of the Minions had conquered Thebes and forced them to pay a tax of 100 oxen every year

.Creon the King of Thebes could not react.Then Hercules chased away the tax collectors and everyone admired him!!!!

Craftsmanship of an amphora Pythia Hercules

3rd kindergarden of Oraiokastro Hercules went to the oracle of Delphi to ask the god Apollo what he had to do to be forgiven by the gods.Pythia, the priestess of Apollo, told him that he should return to Mycenae, his mother's homeland, and serve faithfully for twelve years his cousin, Eurystheus, who reigned there. Then he would become immortal and ascend to Olympus.

Yes, Zeus was so happy of becoming a father of Hercules that made an announcement to all other gods and goddesses. He said ...My dears, today I am very happy, because the child who will be born from the generation of Perseus first after midnight, will become the greatest hero of the world. Everyone will obey him. His name will be Hercules. He will be the son of the noblewoman Alcmene." Press the link below to watch the whole story...

Hercules video

Find the way to Eurysteus

Τime for work!!!!

You can print the numbered image and after cutting it out you can recreate it.

Hercules goes mad and kills his family

Hercules, with his mind clouded, sees dragons and monsters in front of him.He raises his bow and sword to kill them.But in reality it's his wife and children.He kills them all !!!

As Hercules grows, so does its strength.Amphitryon, seeing that Hercules cannot control his power and anger, decides to send him with the shepherds to Cithairon. There he learns to control his anger. Can you control it?
Ways of Managing Anger

Hercules learns to control his anger



Kindergarten of Vivlos Naxos

snake game

make the puzzle

see our drawings

Hercules was the greatest hero of the ancient Greeks and was considered a demigod. born- ke in Thebes by Amphitryon and Alcme- n. But Hera wanted to kill him as soon as he was born. he swore, because he suspected that he was a hidden child of Jupiter's husband. That is why he sent two large fi- while Hercules slept in the cradle of. But little Hercules grabbed them from the neck and with his strong little hands he choked them, thus showing that he would become a great hero- let.

Ηercules goes mad and kills his family

Zeus had sworn an oath that the child born first after midnight would become a lord who would be obeyed by all.He certainly had it in his mind that he would be Hercules but Hera managed to get Eurystheus born first so Hercules would have to obey him.

Click on the picture to put the puzzle together

.Athena (also known as Pallas Athena) in Greek mythology is the goddess of wisdom, strategy and war. Later, she became the patroness of arts, crafts, and science. She is the daughter of Zeus and Metis.

The goddess Athena was on the side of Hercules

The goddess Athena helped him to recover from the confusion brought to his mind by the goddess Ati. She threw a stone to put him to sleep. When he woke up he had recovered.

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