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Kocham ... Lake Vico.

Mam mnóstwo zdjęć z Rzymu. Zakochałam się w tym mieście. Lubię the Colosseum, ... St Peter’s Basilica i ... Vatican Museum.

W Rzymie pogoda jest zawsze piękna. Jest słonecznie.

Ja zazwyczaj jeżdżę na wakacje do Włoch.

Where are you going on holiday?

Mieszkam w Londynie. Londyn jest stolicą Wielkiej Brytanii. Londyn jest bardzo interesującym ale drogim miastem. Kocham go bardzo. Moimi ulubionymi miejscami są ...Hyde Park, ...St James Park, ...Buckingham Palace, ...Trafalgar Square, ...National Gallery, ...Tottenham Stadium, ...Westminster Bridge and ...Big Ben Tower.

What is my city like?

a/an - jakieś, jedno z wielu a city a museuma river a lake a churcha stadiumthe - to konkretne, o którym wcześniej wspomniałam the city the museum the river the lake the church the stadium I can see a man. The man is wearing a black jacket. The black jacket is dirty.

Ale jeśli dodasz nazwę to musisz pamiętać, że niektóre miejsca będą występować z the, a niektóre nie.

St Patric's ChurchMamry LakeThe War Museum The Vistula River Tottenham StadiumLondon Poland

Warsaw is ... city with ... very intresting history. Some places including ...Copernicus Square, ... Copernicus Science Centre, ...Pilsudski Square are stunning.Warsaw has got ... Vistula River as well. There are ...two famous restaurants in Warsaw. Blikle is... place to go if you have a sweet tooth, with ... cookies and coffee. Bar Mleczny is ... milk bar, where you can eat ...cheap, Polish food.

...Poland ...Warsaw

...capital city of ...Great Britain is ...London. London has got plenty of stunning and free to visit places, including ...Science Museum, ...British Museum, ...Natural History Museum and ...National Galery. You need to see ...London Tower, ...London Bridge or ...Buckingham Palace.

...UK ...London

Canberra is ... beautiful city. It has got many interesting places including ...the National Gallery, ...Lake Burley Griffin, ...Black Mountain Tower and ....Canberra National Park.

...Australia ...Canberra

If you are in Beijing you need to see ... Great Wall, ...Panjiayuan Antique Market, ...Palace Museum and ...Houhai Lake.

... China ...Beijing

....Brasilia is ...capital city of ...Brazil. ... city officially became ... capital of Brazil in 1960. It has many interesting places including ...Itiquira Park, ... National Theatre, ...National Park, ...Santuário Dom Bosco, ...Paranoá Lake.

...Brazil ...Brasilia

You can feel in NYC like in .... centre of ... world. You need to see ...Wall Street, ... Times Square, ... Central Park, ... Statue of Liberty and the American Museum of Natural History there.You can find ... best restaurants in the world.

...USA ...New York

... Russia's capital is ... beautiful city. Moscow has got many interesting places including ...Red Square, ... St Basil’s Cathedral, ...Gorky Park.You can see there ... State Historical Museum, or stunning ...Arbat Street.

...Russia ...Moscow