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In the question form of the third conditional, the word order is inverted, with the auxiliary verb "had" coming before the subject in the if clause, and "would" before the subject in the main clause.

In the negative form of the third conditional, "not" is added after "had" in the if clause, and "would not have" is used in the main clause.
Cerón Mejía Antonio Abel  
For more information: 
3rd conditional
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The third conditional - Wall Street English. (s. f.). https://www.wallstreetenglish.com/exercises/the-third-conditional

Murillo, A. (2018, 22 febrero). Third conditional. www.lewolang.com.https://www.lewolang.com/gramatica-inglesa/71/third-conditional

Aude. (2022, 1 septiembre). Tercer condicional en inglés: reglas, ejemplos y ejercicios - GlobalExam Blog. GlobalExam Blog. https://global-exam.com/blog/es/gramatica-en-ingles-tercer-condicional-reglas-ejemplos-de-uso-y-ejercicios/


  • Had you finished your project on time, would you have received a bonus?

In the question form of the third conditional, the word order is inverted, with the auxiliary verb "had" coming before the subject in the if clause, and "would" before the subject in the main clause.



  • If they had not missed the train, they would not have been late for the meeting.

In the negative form of the third conditional, "not" is added after "had" in the if clause, and "would not have" is used in the main clause.


Cerón Mejía Antonio Abel

For more information:

3rd conditional

The third conditional is a type of conditional sentence that describes a hypothetical situation or condition in the past and its probable result. It is used to talk about situations that didn't happen in the past and their imaginary outcomes.

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