Karylle Dorado
Created on November 4, 2023
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Rizal was warned by his brother Paciano, Silvestre Ubaldo, and Chengoy not to return home. Rizal was determined to return because : he wants to operate on his mothers eyes, to serve his people, to find out how the Noli and his other writings affects the Filipinos and Spaniards, and why Leonor Rivera remained silent.
On August 8, he returned to Calamba. Rizal wrote to blumentritt about his homecoming that is is doing well. Aside from rejoicing, his family was worried about his safety. Paciano did not leave beside him for a few a days. He established a medical clinic in their hometown, his first patient was his mother. Rizal was also known as Doctor Uliman". During his six months of stay, he failed to see Leonor Rivera. He tried to go to Dagupan. but his parents did not allow him.
Happy Homecoming
Midnight of August 5, the Haiphong arrived in Manila. As he arrived, Rizal felt that Manila never changed, it was still the same.
Arrival in MNL
Rizal left Rome by train for Marselles, a french port. On July 1887, he boarded the steamer Djemnah. Rizal was the only one among the passengers who could speak many languages. The steamer was enroute to the orient via suez canal. At Saigon, on July 30, he transferred to another steamer, Haiphong, which was Manila bound.
Rizal wrote to this person about his homecoming, sinetch?
Across the reports, the copies of his novel has been distributed already and been criticized by the spaniards community. Since then, Rizal's work has been a controversial topic. Fr. Jose Rodriguez , an augustinian father, publish the 8 pamphlets under the title of "Cuestiones de Sumo Interes". Thus, Noli, reached spain and been attacked by the senate of the spain and criticized an article published " La Espania Moderna"
While Rizal was peacefully living in Calamba, his enemies plotted his doom. This report of the faculty members of the UST stated that noli was "heretical, impious, and scandalous in the religious order, and anti-patriotic, subversive ``. Governor General Terrero sent the novel to the permanent commission of cencorship. General Terrero stayed on the idea of Rizal's work even considering Filipinos reading the novel in private.
STORM over the NOLI
certain facts in Noli Me Tangere, ordered a government investigation of the friar estates. One of the friar estates affected was the Calamba Hacienda which the Dominican Order owned since 1883. The Civil Governor of Laguna directed the municipal authorities of Calamba to investigate the agrarian conditions of their locality.
Gov. General Terrerro influenced by
Years later, Andrade wrote of Rizal " Rizal was refined, educated, and gentlemanly. I imagined that such nonsense emanated from the friars of Calamba, but did not take the trouble ti make inquries about the matter".
What marred Rizal's happy days in Calamba with Andrade were the death of his older sister, Olimpia, and the groundless tales circulated by his enemies that he was a german spy.
While the storm over the noli was raging in fury, Rizal was not molested in Calamba, due to Governor General generosity. Lt. Jose Taviel de Andrade was Rizal's bodyguard.
rizal and taviel de andrade
Agrarian - adj. relating to cultivated land or the cultivation of land noun. a person who advocates a redistritbution of land property
Hacienda- a large spanish estate. Hacienda system can also be called a haciendero-sacada system, which is a system if agrarian relations.
Rizal had to go. He could not very well disobey the governor general. He was compelled to leave Calamba because his presence in Calamba was jeopoardizing the safety and happiness of his family and friends and he could not fight better his enemies and serve his country's cause with greater efficacy by writing in foreign countries.
Decision to return and his delightful trip
Rizal and Taviel de Andrade, Calamba agrarian trouble
Farewell to Calamba.
The storm and attackers of the Noli.
Rizal was not molested due to whose generosity? Who was Rizal's bodyguard?
“I believe that La Solidaridad is no longer our battlefield; now is a new struggle. . . the fight is no longer in Madrid.” - Rizal's letter to Blumentritt
December 31, 1891
“The Battlefield is in the Philippines” -Dr. Jose P. Rizal
- Rizal’s bold return to Manila
- His second homecoming.
June 26, 1892
07:00 PM
- He returned to Malacañang
- Was able to confer with Governor General Despujol
- He went to Malacañang Palace
- To seek audience with the Spanish governor-general, General Eulogio Despujol, Conde de Caspe.
04:00 PM
12:00 PM
- They arrived in Manila.
June 26, 1892
- He returned to Manila via train.
- The homes he had visited were raided by the Guardia Civil.
05:00 PM
June 28, 1892
He boarded a train in Tutuban Station and visited his good friends in:
- Malolos (Bulacan)
- San Fernando (Pampanga)
- Tarlac (Tarlac)
- Bacolor (Pampanga)
06:00 PM
June 27, 1892
June 29, 1892 (Wednesday)He did not succeed in having the penalty of exile lifted, but Depujol gave him hope with regard to his sisters.
Other Interviews with Despujol After his visit with his friend in Central Luzon, he had another interview with Governor General Despujol that was vividly recorded in his diary.
Founding of the Liga Filipina July 3, 1892 (Sunday)
June 30, 1892 They talked about the question of Borneo. The general was opposed to it and told him to come back on Sunday.
Following his interview with Governor General Despujol, Rizal attended a meeting of the patriots at the home of the Chinese-filipino mestizo, Doroteo Ongjunco.
July 3, 1892 (Sunday) They talked about the sundry things and thanked Despujoool for having lifted the exile of his sisters.
Augustin de la Rosa – bookkeeper and Mason Moises Salvador (Araw) – contractor and Mason Luis Villareal – tailor and Mason Faustino Villarruel (Ilaw) – pharmacists and Mason Mariano Crisostomo – landlord Numeriano Adriano (Ipil) – notary public and Mason
Pedro Serrano Laktaw (Panday Pira) – a mason and school teacher.Domingo Franco (Felipe Leal) – Engraver, printer, owner of Bazar GranBretana, and first Worshipful Master of Nilad (first Filipino Masonic lodge) Ambrosio Salvador – gobernadorcillo of Quiapo and Mason Bonifacio Arevalo (Harem) – dentists and Mason Deodato Arellano – brother-in-law of Marcelo H. del Pilar and civilian employee in the army Ambrosio Flores (musa) – retired lieutenant of infantry Augustin de la Rosa – bookkeeper and Mason Moises Salvador (Araw) – contractor and Mason
Estanisio Legaspi – artisan and Mason Teodoro Plata – court clerk and Mason Andres Bonifacio – warehouse employee Apolinario Mabini (Katabay) – lawyer and Mason Juan Zulueta – playwright, poet, and government employee
Estanisio Legaspi – artisan and Mason Teodoro Plata – court clerk and Mason Andres Bonifacio – warehouse employee Apolinario Mabini (Katabay) – lawyer and Mason Juan Zulueta – playwright, poet, and government employee
He presented the Constitution of the Liga, which he had written in Hong Kong, and discussed its provisions. Officers: Ambrosio Salvador - President Deodato Arellano - Secretary Bonifacio Arevalo - treasurer Augustin de la Rosa - fiscal
Rizal explained the objectives of the Liga Filipina, a civic league of Filipinos, which he desired to establish and its role in the socio-economic life of the people.
Bonifacio Arevalo is the ____ of La Liga
The motto of the Liga Filipina was: Unus Instar Omnium (One Like All) The governing body of the league was the Supreme Council, which had jurisdiction over the whole country. Composed of: President, Secretary, Treasurer, Fiscal There was a provincial council in every province and a municipal council in every town. All Filipinos who have at heart the welfare of their fatherland are qualified for membership. Every member pays an entrance fee of 2 pesos and a monthly due of 10 centavos. The duties of the Liga members are as follows: Obey the orders of the Supreme Council To help in recruiting new members To keep in strictest secrecy the decisions of the Liga authorities To have a symbolic name which he cannot change until he becomes president of his council To report to the fiscal anything that he may hear which affects the Liga To behave well as befits a good Filipino To help fellow members in all ways.
The aims of the Liga Filipina, as embodied in its Constitution, were the following: To unite the whole archipelago into one compact and homogenous body Mutual protection in every want and necessity Defense against all violence and injustice Encouragement of education, agriculture, and commerce Study and application of reforms
Rizal had published books and articles that showed disloyalty to Spain and were “frankly anti-Catholic” and “imprudently anti-friar”. False Charges and Lack of Due Process: A bundle of handbills entitled Pobres Frailes was found on his packages upon his arrival in Manila. His novel El Filibusterismo was dedicated to the memory of three “traitors”, GOMBURZA. And on the title page, he wrote that, in view of the vices and errors of the Spanish administration, “the only salvation for the Philippines was separation from the mother country.” The end which he pursues in his efforts and writings is to tear from the loyal Filipino breasts the treasures of our holy Catholic Faith.
Arbitrary Deportation to Dapitan
July 7, 1892 The Gaceta de Manila published a story of Rizal’s arrest, which produced indignant commotion among the Filipino people, particularly the members of the newly organized Liga Filipina.
- Rizal went to Malacanang Palace to resume his series of interviews with Governor General Despujol.
- During his interview, Despujol suddenly showed him some printed leaflets which were allegedly found in Lucia’s pillow cases.
- These incriminatory leaflets were entitled Pobres Frailes (Poor Friars) under the authorship of Fr. Jacinto and printed by the Imprenta de los Amigos del Pais, Manila. They were a satire against the rich Domnican friars who amassed faboulus riches contrary to their monastic vow of poverty.
- Rizal vigorously denied having those leaflets in either his or Lucia’s baggage, which had been thoroughly searched upon their arrival from Hong Kong by the custom authorities, who found nothing.
- Despite his denial and insistent demand for investigation in accordance with the due process of law, he was placed under arrest and escorted to Fort Santiago by Ramon Despujol, nephew and aide of Gov. Gen. Despujol.
- In Fort Santiago, he was kept incomunicado.
Rizal Arrested and Jailed in Fort Santiago July 6, 1892 (Wednesday)
Rizal reached Dapitan Captain Delgras went ashore and handed Rizal over to Captain Ricardo Carnicero, the Spanish commandant of Dapitan. That same night, Rizal began his exile in lonely Dapitan, which would last until July 31, 1896, a period of four years.
The steamer departed under Captain Delgras.
July 15, 1892Sailing south, passing Mindoro and Panay
Rizal was brought under heavy guard to the steamer Cebu, which was sailing for Dapitan.
1:00 AM
12:30 AM
1900 H of July 17
July 14, 1892 - July 17,1892
2nd Homecoming (Chapter 21): • Nationalism is evident in Rizal's founding of La Liga Filipina, promoting unity and reform. • His arrest and exile by Spanish authorities for nationalist activities demonstrated the threat he posed to colonial rule. • Rizal's lasting legacy as a nationalist martyr, through his writings and ideas, continued to inspire the fight for Philippine independence. \
1st Homecoming (Chapter 10): • Nationalism is seen in Rizal's return to the Philippines, as he aimed to address social and political issues. • His involvement with La Solidaridad and writings exposed Spanish injustices and advocated for reforms, reflecting his commitment to Filipino welfare. • Rizal's literary works and efforts to unite the Filipino community showcased his nationalist sentiments.
DORADO, KARYLLE MAEARCAYOS, REI CABO, RHETT GODFREYCUEVA, JANE ROSE gorosin, aahron nuevo, kaye ann nunez, kate rojo, john luke
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