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By Martina Vetrugno

Witch hunt nowadays

They didn't had pointy hats, grey hair, a broom, or missing teeth. They were normal women who wanted their freedom. They were executed after a trail based on suppotions and not real proves. They were tourtured, hung, or burned alive.

Who were the old witches?

Old witch hunt

Actually many things haven't changed since the 18th century. Nowadays witches are considered to be the women that say their own opinion, the ones who don't wear a bra. Everytime a woman gets slapped for going out with her friends, or molested due to her dressing choises, is a form of witch hunting.

Has anything changed?

New witch hunt


By witch hunt, explains Silvia Federici, we mean 'the recurring series of punitive expeditions at the hands of young male executioners or self-styled witch hunters, which often end with the killing of the accused and the confiscation of their assets'.

Silvia Federici

Many women in some parts of Africa, like Ghana, Zmbia, Namibia, are not allowed to have their own property, and if they do they are persecuted and sent away.

Women in Africa

“When my nephew died after a short illness, everyone hated me. My brothers-in-law said it was my fault, they accused me of being a witch. The villagers, led by my brothers-in-law, attacked me with clubs and set my house on fire. They wanted to kill me and my children.”This is the testimony of a African woman.


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