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Chart data table
Now in this one, most of the people (11) havent purchased something online in the last month
In this next question the majority of people (18), agreed in using their social meadia regularly
Item 1
Item 2
Item 18
Item 22
Chart data table
Do you use your mobile phone for more than 5 hours a day?
Chart data table
By: Sofía Montserrat Márquez Herrera
So i did the survey to 20 people which, 17 of them told me that they do an the other 3 told me they didnt
Technology Usage
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Now in this one, most of the people (11) havent purchased something online in the last month

In this next question the majority of people (18), agreed in using their social meadia regularly

Do you use your mobile phone for more than 5 hours a day?

Have you made online purchases in the last month?

Do you use social media regularly?

By: Sofía Montserrat Márquez Herrera1AM

So i did the survey to 20 people which, 17 of them told me that they do an the other 3 told me they didnt

Technology Usage

Well in this next case all of them use a instant messaging app like whatsapp

Do you use instant messaging apps?

Then in this is one is paired in half, now this could be for diferent factors like, economic, comfortness and others

In this next question the majority of people (18), Didn't made a videocall in the past week

Do you have an email account?

Do you use wireless headphones?

Have you made video calls in the last 7 days?

In this 5th question, most of the people use and have an email account, And the other one's have one but they dont even use it

In this one 13 of the 20 that were in the survey told me that they didnt use any virtual assisant

Do you use a virtual assistant?

Now again we have a graphic with a 100% of agrement

Do you have an account on a music or video streaming platform?

Have you made food delivery app purchases in the last month?

By: Sofía Montserrat Márquez Herrera1AM

To this 8th question, almost everyone has a music or video streaming platform.

Technology Usage

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