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Partner with the colts

Work with Indiana's very own football team

Targeting the Fans and the players

#tackle mental health

Your vote will help assist the Colts in impacting change in the field of Mental health across the nation .

Rou Seini Tahirou 09/14/2023 For W231 CA 008D





More about the Colts -Over 2.08 Million Fans - seasonal attendance for 2022 was 524,474

Who?- Intern, Alexia Ramos, who is a marketing / community relations Intern

Where? - Indiana Farm Bureau Football Center (Indianapolis, Indiana )


Research Topic: Mental Illness


Adults live with serious illnesses such as bipolar disorder and major depression


Mental illness can cause

  • homelessness
  • unemployment
  • inappropriate incarceration


The percentage of young people in the Indianapolis Juvenile Justice system had mental health conditions

- helps those interested in nursing , social work, and more - Large organizations and companies want people who want to help other

Our Benefits

Help mental illness victims

- Notice some common symptoms of mental health

Work with the Colts

- Work with Indiana's very own football team

Earn usable creditials


Vote For the people

- Work with one of the largest organizations in Indiana -help make a difference in America's Mental Health Question: What questions do you have about how far and direct the partnerships with Colt's fight to aid mental health victims will go?


Mental illness:https://www.cdc.gov/mentalhealth/learn/index.htm#:~:text=More%20than%201%20in%205,a%20seriously%20debilitating%20mental%20illness.&text=About%201%20in%2025%20U.S.,bipolar%20disorder%2C%20or%20major%20depression.Football info:


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