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In the local newspaper In the column 'Our families' something was regularly written on the occasion of the boys' birthday.« Leo Borlock collects porcupine neckties.' On his birthday he added another one to his collection.

I wanted to put on the tie because it reminds me of the beginning of this story Leo at the age of 12 moved to Arizona and his uncle Pete gave him the tie as a sign of farewell, it was the most fabulous in the world, he liked it so much that he decided to start a collection.



I chose to put the image of the school because it is there that during the story we find most of the characters, students and professors who shared those days with stargirl. All the people at Mica Area High School knew stargirl but with a few she managed to create a nice relationship because of her attitude.


I chose to put on these two very colourful and 'strange' clothes if we want to say so. They are different from usual. One of Stargirl's characteristics was that she dressed differently from others and she liked it very much. For society it was something strange, over time she decided to change because she wanted to look like everyone else. Eventually she realised that it was wrong.


I decided to photograph the camera on the occasion of the school talk show "Bright Chair" by Leo Borlock and his best friend, Kevin Quinlan, the presenter. They knew each other since they were little they almost always got along on everything. They both wanted to work in tv.

I put this small peistri and candles to celebrate all birthdays. Stargirl sang happy birthday to every Mica Area High School student on their birthday. It was one of the weird actions she did at school. as well as carrying his mouse, his friend, to school in her rucksack.