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Pre-classic Period
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Pre-classic Period


Olmec Civilization


Olmec Civilization

Tools: Usedd stone tools

Architecture: Ceremonial centers Platforms and pyramids for religious and ritual purposes

(circa 1400–400 BCE): Characteristics: One of the earliest complex civilizations in Mesoamerica Monumental stone sculptures

Olmec Civilization

Zapotec Civilization


Zapotec Civilization

Architecture: Pyramidal platforms, temples, palaces, and tombs at Monte Albán.

Tools: Stone tools like obsidian blades, as well as pottery for everyday use and ceremonial purposes.

(circa 600 BCE–800 CE): Characteristics: Inhabited the Oaxaca Valley Known for their impressive architectural achievements Early form of hieroglyphic writing

zapotec Civilization




Architecture: Pyramid of the Sun, the Pyramid of the Moon, and the Avenue of the Dead

Tools: Stone tools for construction and crafting, and they had a sophisticated pottery tradition

(circa 100 BCE–650 CE): Characteristics: Major urban center in the Valley of Mexico Massive pyramids and well-planned layout Cosmopolitan city with a multiethnic population.


Maya Preclassic


Maya Preclassic

Architecture: Construction of earthen mounds, simple temples, and ball courts. Maya pyramid-temples can be traced to this period.

Tools: Stone tools, including chert blades and obsidian for cutting, carving, and crafting.

(circa 2000 BCE–250 CE)Characteristics: Small agricultural communities and began constructing ceremonial sites and platforms.

Mayan Preclassic