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Isabelle Beaubreuil (Ac. Limoges)


HogwartsSchool of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Dear student,We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.You are special and you have great potential.Please find enclosed a list of necessary equipment for your first year at Hogwarts.We very much look forward to receiving you.Yours sincerely,Professor Minerva McGonagall

List of necessary equipment

For your classes:- a wand- a cauldron- parchment- a quill + ink- phials- a book of spells- a crystal ball- a broomstick

Pets allowed:- an owl- a toad- a cat- a rat

School Uniform:- a black robe - a tie - a jumper- a white shirt- black shoes- trousers- a skirt + tights (for girls)

Optional:- a cloak- a hat- a scarf- gloves


Book of spells

"Avada Kedavra"

The Killing Curse: causes instant death in a flash of greenlight.

"Expecto Patronum"

The Patronus Charm: produces a spirit animal. This charm is effective against Dementors.


Disarming Charm: used to disarm your opponent.


Imperius Curse: the victim is completely under the command of the caster.


Freezing Charm: immobilizes objects or creatures.


Fire-Making Spell: the caster can create fire.


Wand-Lighting Charm: a beam of light shines from the end of your wand.


The Memory Modifying Charm: modifies or erases a person's memory.

"Oculus Reparo"

Mending Charm: repairs broken glasses.


Boggart Banishing Spell: used against Boggarts.You must visualize your worst fear in an amusing form.

"Wingardium Leviosa"

Levitation Charm: the target floats above the ground.



The Summoning Charm: the caster attracts an object.




WELCOME TO HOGWARTS! I'm Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster of the school. Click on the entrance of the castle. But where is it? Tic, toc, tic, toc, tic, toc...




Quidditch is the most famous sport in the wizarding world. It is a fast, dangerous and exciting game.

Quidditch is played by two teams. A Quidditch team is composed of seven players: the Keeper, the Seeker, three Chasers and two Beaters.

Quidditch is played on broomsticks up in the air. There are three goal hoops at each end of the pitch. They are protected by the Keeper. Quidditch has three balls: a Quaffle, two Bludgers and a Golden Snitch. The Quaffle is the biggest ball and it is red. The Bludgers are probably the most dangerous balls because it is hit by beaters with bats. The Bludgers are used to attack the opposing players. To score points, the Chasers must throw (= jeter) The Quaffle through (= à travers) the goal hoops. A goal is worth 10 points. The Golden Snitch is a small ball with enchanted wings. If the Seeker catches the Snitch, his or her team gets 150 points and wins the match.

Click on the houses' emblem and read their description.

Click on my book and learn about Hogwarts.

Click on the sorting hat and learn about the four houses of Hogwarts.

Click on the golden snitch and learn about the greatest sport ever!

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was founded around 990 A.D. by two wizards and two witches: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin.

It is located in a large castle somewhere in the Highlands of Scotland. The precise location cannot be discovered and the castle is protected by magic spells.To Muggles (people with no magical abilities), the school looks like an old, abandoned castle. The school's Latin motto is Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus, which means "Never tickle a sleeping dragon." Hogwarts is divided into four houses and the Sorting Hat decides in which house pupils must go.

House Gryffindor was founded by an English wizard named Godric Gryffindor.

Its emblematic animal is the lion and its colours are red and gold.

Godric Gryffindor valued courage, determination, bravery and loyalty.That's why Gryffindor pupils are brave, loyal courageous and determined.

Godric Gryffindor was born in 993 and died in the 11th century. He was excellent at duelling with his sword.

Click on Harry's window !

House Hufflepuff was founded by a Welsh witch named Helga Hufflepuff.

Its emblem is a badger, a small black and white animal which lives at night.The house's colours are yellow and black.

Pupils from Hufflepuff are serious, hard-working,patient and tolerant.

Helga Hufflepuff favoured honesty, fairplay and hard work.She was kind, friendly and very compassionate.She is also famous for her magic cooking recipes.

House Ravenclaw's founder was Rowena Ravenclaw, a Scottish witch .

The emblem of House Ravenclaw is an eagleand its colours are blue and bronze.

Rowena Ravenclaw was famous for her intelligence and her creativity. She is considered as one of the greatest witches of her time. She was also beautiful.

Ravenclaw pupils are clever, creative,curious and wise. They always think beforeacting.

House Slytherin was founded byan English wizard called Salazar Slytherin.

Its emblem is the snake because SalazarSlytherin had the capacity to speak Parseltongue, the language ofserpents. The house's colours are green and silver.

Salazar Slytheron possessed the abilty toread in people's mind and liked power.

Slytherin pupils are cunning, determined,ingenious and ambitious. They are also stubborn.

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