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Body Systems by Maria Jesus Gamarra Gamarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://view.genial.ly/5fd70bfdea42195c7cbab92e/presentation-body-systems.

Body Systems and reproductive system
Colegio Liceo Cónsul
natural science     Units 1 and 2
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Body Systems by Maria Jesus Gamarra Gamarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Based on a work at https://view.genial.ly/5fd70bfdea42195c7cbab92e/presentation-body-systems.

Body Systems and reproductive system

Colegio Liceo Cónsulnatural science Units 1 and 2





Fertilisation. pregnancy and birth


The reproductive system

The excretory system

The circulatory system

The Respiratory system

The digestive system

The main vital functions


We are multicellular organisms. We have three vital functions: nutrition, interaction and reproduction. Our cells are organized into: Cells >>> Tissues >>> Organs >>> Systems - Nutrition: In nutrition we use the digestive system, the respiratory system, the circulatory system and the excretory system. - Interaction: in interaction we use our sense organs, the nervous systems and the locomotor system - Reproduction: we use the reproductive system.

The main vital functions


Small Intestine


Gastric Juices



We have two different parts, the digestive tract (made up of the mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small and large intestine and anus) and the accessory organs that produce substances that support digestions. They are the salivary glands (that produce saliva), the liver (that produces bile) and the pancreas (that produces pancreatic juice).

Digestive System 1/3

Digestive System 2/3


Large intestine

Small intestine

- In the mouth and the oesophagus the food is mixed with the saliva and form a structure called bolus that reaches the stomach. - In the stomach, the walls produce juices and the food is partially digested. - In the small intestine the intestinal juices are mixed with the bile and the pancreatic juice and the nutrients are absorbed through the blood capillaries. Water is absorbed in the large intestine and the waste (faeces) is expelled from the anus.

How do we digest food?


Digestive System 3/3 Videos






The respiratory system gives our cells the oxygen they need to perform the vital functions. We take oxygen and eliminate carbondioxide as a waste material. The respiratory system has got two parts: a) Respiratory tract: Connects the lungs to the exterior. It consists on the nassal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea and the bronchi. The bronchi are divided into bronchioles and at the end of them there are small sacs covered by capillaries called alveoli. b) The lungs: Two spongy organs found in the thorax separated from the stomach by an organ called diaphragm.

Respiratory system 1/3

Breathing step by step a) The diaphragm contracts and the lungs expand b) Air enters the mouth and the nasal cavity and the air is warmed. c) The air travels to the alveoli where the exchange of gases happens. The oxygen goes to our blood. d) The carbon dioxide is transferred from the blood to the alveoli. e) The diaphragm relaxes, the lungs contract f) The air (that contains carbon dioxide) is expelled out of our body


Respiratory system 2/3

Respiratory system 3/3 videos


Everything in our body travels from one place to another through our circulatory system: It´s made up of: a) The heart: It´s a muscular organ divided into two halves. Each part has two chambers, the upper part (called atrium) and the lower part (called ventricle). Inside them there is a valve. It opens and closes to let the blood go through our heart. b) Blood vessels are a network of tubes that circulate blood. There are: - Arteries: Carry blood from the heart to the organs. - Veins: Carry blood from the organs to the heart. - Capillaries: exchange the substances between the cells and the blood. c) Blood: Is a red liquid formed by plasma that is a translucent liquid made up of water, salt, minerals… and blood cells. There are red blood cells (where haemoglobin gives the blood its red colour and transport oxygen and carbon dioxide), white blood cells (that protect us from infections) and placelets (that seal up cuts).

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Circulatory system 1/3

The heartbeat This movement has two different parts: a) Systole: The heart contracts and the blood that is in the two ventricles leaves the heart b) Diastole: The heart expands and the blood leaves the pulmonary veins, The blood passes from the two atria to the two ventricles. The circulatory system There are two different circuits: a) The pulmonary circuit: The blood goes to the heart, then it goes to the lungs where it takes oxygen and later it comes back to the heart b) The systemic circuit: The blood full of oxygen goes to the systems and leaves oxygen, then the blood goes to the heart again.

Circulatory System

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Blood circulation

Circulatory system 2/3

Circulatory system 3/3 Videos






Excretion It contains: a) The Kidneys: Two oval shaped organs that filter the blood and remove waste from the blood. b) The urinary tract: ureters (two tubes connected to the bladder), The bladder and the urethra. How the excretory system works: - The blood reaches the kidneys. - They extract waste from the blood that is converted into urine. - The urine is stored in the bladder (through our ureters) - The urine is released from our body.

Excretory system 1/3

Excretion through the skin: - The skin has got sweat glands and the capillaries take waste to them. - The mixture of waste and water forms sweat. - Its released through the skin´s pores.

Excretory system 2/3

Excretion through the skin: - The skin has got sweat glands and the capillaries take waste to them. - The mixture of waste and water forms sweat. - Its released through the skin´s pores.

Excretory system 2/3

Excretory system 3/3 Videos

Reproduction and the reproductive System Human reproduction is sexual, we need male and female cells (gametes), Male cells are spermatozoa and female cells are ovules. Everybody are born with a reproductive system but its inactive. All the changes (in our bodies and personalities) that we suffer take place during puberty.

reproductive system 1/3

The male reproductive system It consists of: - Testes : Two oval shaped organs (covered by scrotum) that produce spermatozoa. - Penis: It´s a cylindrical organ covered by skin. Inside it we can find the urethra. - Prostate and the seminal vesicles: produce fluids that mix with the spermatozoa to form semen (that is released through the urethra).

reproductive system 2/3

The female reproductive system It consists of: - Ovaries: Two oval shaped organs produce ova . A single ova is called ovum. - Fallopian tubes: connect the ovaries and the uterus. - Uterus: It´s a hollow organ. The foetus grow inside it. - Vagina: Connects the uterus to the exterior of our body. - Vulva: It´s the external part of the female reproductive system. It´s protected by the labia.

reproductive system 3/3

Puberty and sexual maturation a) In boys, testes produce spermatozoa, the voice gets deeper, hair grows in some places of the body and their body develops. b) In girls, they have the ability to produce ovas and are released one by one during the menstrual cycle. The breast grow larger, their hips become rounder, hair grows in some places of the body and their body develops. The menstrual cycle It´s a process that last 28 days and it has three parts: a) Ovulation: When the ovaries release an ovum that travels through the fallopian tubes and reaches the uterus. b) Preparation of the uterus: The walls of the uterus develop a lining of blood vessels. c) Menstruation: the ovum, the lining of blood ans a little amount of blood are released from the body.

Puberty and the menstrual cycle

The processes involved in reproduction - Fertilisation: When a spermatozoa and an ovum join together to create a zygote (normally in the fallopian tubes). - Development of the embryo: It lasts nine months. In the first trimesterthe amniotic sac, amniotic fluid, placenta and umbilical cord are formed. In the second trimester the zygote turns into foetus and grow. In the third trimester the foetus grows and mature. - Birth: The cervix dilate, the uterus contracts and the amniotic sac breaks and the baby and the placenta leaves the mother´s body.




Male reproductive system

Female reproductive system

Excretory system

Circulatory system

Respiratory system

Digestive system



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