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Mia francois


-Astrobiology- study of how life on Earth began, life beyond earth, and how to find it -Consists of: Geology, Astronomy, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Scientific Engineering, Molecular biology, Biogeochemistry, Oceanography, Mathematics, and Microbiology - Study extremophiles Study planets with possible life (Titan Saturn System Mission) Example . Titan- Saturn’s Moon has cryovolcanoes

-I chose this job because take deep intrest in science (astronomy)-Love to know more about other possible species -Interesting to learn about exoplanets, and extremophiles -Amazing to be apart of possible new life on other planet(s) -Provides not only drive academically, but professionally as well -Oppertunites to konw more about the world around you

What is astrobiology/Why did i chose it?

--Personal interest in science - Patience (educationally) 10+ Years of education - High intelligence (Above average IQ (130)) - Take interest in biology, astronomy, lab testing etc - Understanding of many different scientific backgrounds -Be able to work with minimal to maximum people

Personal and Professional requirments

  • BS-MS (Bachelor of Science & Masters of Science)
  • Research projects (examp. Hubble space research, TSSM) (Titan Saturn System Mission)
-ESA & NASA Internships-Research, Clinics/Clinicals Jobs Ph.d (optional) Higher degree higher: pay, respect, opportunities, projects, etc..

Educational requirement

-Typical hours: 9-5-Environment- depends on preference -Many work outdoors -Many in laboratories -Study bacteria climates -Oxygen levels -Space -Moon -NASA -ESA

Hours & Location

Work Environment

  • Hands on job
  • Inside lab
  • Outside
  • Microbiology-Astrobiology etc..
  • Space (occasionally)
  • Planets (Mars, Titan, Moon, etc..)
  • Universities
  • Private research institutions
  • NASA, ISS, ESA, ETC...

Base pay: $45,166- $72,191 Bonus pay: $2,000-$4,000

Without Phd

Base pay: $83,489- $ $456,883 Bonus pay: $2,000-$4,000

With Phd

Benefits-Social Security -Health Care Benefits -401(K) (for retirement) -Pension -Disability Back up plans (car accidents, medical diseases, etc..) -Time (Vacation days, Sick Days, Personal days)

Salary & Benefits

-Limited job opportunities -Promotions available with Phd -Highly competitive -Young field -Required Experience -Phd Required for most jobs -(Teaching, Research, Travel, etc..)

Promotions & Outlook

-PhD in either (bio, chem,geo,astro, etc.) -Or scientific discipline

PhD -Postdoctoral program (NPP) (NASA Postdoctoral Program

PhD -Postdoctoral program (NPP) (NASA Postdoctoral Program

-Teach astrobio - Planetary science -Geology

-Experimenting how organisms can adapt to UV light radiation

-Experience with molecular science -Astronaut training skills require

-NASA- Offers research biologist (Working in labs)- Greenbelt, Maryland -NASA (Evolution of life in Physical Environment)- California -Purdue University (Associate Professor of Astrobiology )

Hiring Opportunities

Carrer nuts, https://careernuts.com/ (May 20, 2023) Glassdoor, https://www.glassdoor.com/ (May 20, 2023) Indeed, https://www.indeed.com/ (May 20, 2023 Jia, Z, Tony. “How To Become an Astrobiologist: Courses: Career Scope, Salary, and more”, Carrernuts, July, 2, 2020 (May 20, 2023) Learn.org, https://learn.org/ (May 20, 2023) NASA, www.gov/ (May 20, 2023) NASA, www.nasa.gov/ (May 20, 2023) Salary.com, https://www.salary.com/ (May 20, 2023)


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