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Obligations & Nullifiers of Wudu

6 Obligations of Wudu

The face should be washed from where the hair begins to grow on one’s head to below the cheekbones on each side of the face until they meet at the chin and base of ears.

1. Washing the Face, Al Madhmadhah and Istinshaaq

The hands must be washed up to the elbows.

2. Washing one’s hands, elbows and whatever is in between

The head is wiped starting from the front of the head (hair line) and taking them towards the back.

3. Wiping one’s entire head, including one’s ears

The feet must be washed up to the ankles.

4. Washing one’s feet including one’s ankle

Allaah mentions the Wudhu in order And the Messenger of Allaah performed Wudhu in the same order The order is to perform it in the same order without advancing washing certain body parts before their time. For example washing the feet before the hands invalidates the Wudhu

5. Performing these elements in order

One should not delay washing one body part for too long. The previously washed body part must not be dried before you start washing the next body part. There should not be too long of a pause between one part and the next.

6. Performing them at one time, without too long of a pause

Nullifiers of Wudu

This means what comes out when one relieves himself. (urine,stool,gas etc.) Passing gas with noise or without noise The Messenger of Allaah said: “ He should not leave (the prayer) until he hears a noise or detects a smell”. (Agreed Upon)

1. Anything that comes out of the two pathways

Wudoo is nullified by the loss of consciousness, whether due to insanity, drunkenness, fainting or deep sleep. For the one who sleeps in which e ish drowsy and lightly dozes without losing any sense of feeling, such as when one is sitting or standing and he dozes off, so his head nods back and forth, then he becomes conscious, this does not nullify the wudoo

2. Loss of consciousness

Allaah said: “ Whoever rejects faith, then fruitless is his work” (Al Maaidah 5:5)

3. Apostating from Islaam

This means what comes out excessively from other parts of the body other than the two pathways. This includes blood If what comes out is a small quantity then the person remains in a state of purity.

4. Any impurity that comes out of one’s body excessively
