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The British system
How does it work?
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The British system

How does it work?


The Houose of Commons

The Monarch

The Parliament

The British System

The House of Lords

The Prime Minister

The British System

The British System

Old types of government forms


1066-1649 and 1660-1688


The British System

The British System

Constitutional monarchy

Absolute monarchy

Selective monarchy

The UK is a Constitutional Monarchy. The British Constitution is non written, insttead is made up of a combination of laws, pratices and traditions wich have developed trough the centuries. In the last 800 years, power has shifted from the hands of monarchs to the hands of people. So the Parliament has been created. At first only rich and nobles were represented in the Parliament but, dirung the 19th century, the right to vote was gradually extended to all man and, in 1928, to women too.

The Monarch

The Monarch

The Monarch is the head of the judiciary, the ccommander-in-chief of all armed forces and the supreme governor of the Church of England.

The Monarch


The Monarch

The Monarch (king or queen) is the head of the state and symbol of national unity, but he/she has no real power. He/she reigns, but not rules: the country is just ruled in his/her name by the Government that is responsible to the Parliament.

The last monarchs of England

The Monarch

Charles III 14 November 1948 Buckingham Palace

Elizabeth II 21 April 1926 Mayfair- 8 September 2022 Balmoral Castle

George VI 14 December 1895 Sandringham House- 6 February 1952 Sandringham House

Edward VIII 23 June 1894 White Lodge- 28 May 1972 Neuilly-sur-Seine

The Monarch


The House of the Lords has less power than the first one, and it is composed by over 1000 members (Peers), not elected by the citiziens. Its main function is to debate over laws and emendmenst of the House of Commons, but cannot reject them. The Senior judjes who sit in the House of the Lords form the highest Court of appeal in the judiciary system of the country. The House of th eLords is presided over by the Lord Chancellor

The House of the Lords

The House of Commons is the main institution of Parliament. It has 650 mebmers, who are elected every 5 years by the British citiziens over 18 years of age: it debates important political matters and criticizes or supports the actions of the government. It also decides on new laws. Thhe hous is presided over the Speaker.

The House of Commons

British Parliament


Parliament, wich is responsible for making the laws of the country, in composed by the House of Commons and The House of the Lords and , fomrally, the Monarch.

The Prime Minister

The Prime Minister

The Prime Minister

The Prime Minister is usually the leader of the majority party in the House of Commons. He or she forms the Cabinet, that is the group of minister from his or her party. Together they decide the government policy. The Prime Minister and his or her ministers remain in charge until they have the support of the majority of the House of Commons. The largest minority forms the opposition, with his Shadow Prime Minister and his Shadow Cabinet, wich has the job of criticizing the government policy.

The Prime Minister

By Grieco Riccardo Yuri


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