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Earth day

Miriam Raquel Monteiro Assunção5º B | nº17Escola secundária de Águas Santas

Earth day

Earth day is celebrated in the twenty-second of April, in Spring.

Earth day

Earth Day was created in 1970 by Gaylord Nelson.

Earth Day was created with the purpose of raising awareness about the problems related to pollution of the planet and the threats to biodiversity.

Earth day

Are you ready to help the Earth?

Come on!


Recycling Energy Water Mission Mission Mission

Where should we recycle ...

red bin

brown bin

green bin

blue bin

yellow bin

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...plastic bottles?

red bin

brown bin

green bin

blue bin

yellow bin

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red bin

brown bin

green bin

blue bin

yellow bin

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...banana peel?

red bin

brown bin

green bin

blue bin

yellow bin

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...glass bottles?

red bin

brown bin

green bin

blue bin

yellow bin

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Recycling Energy Water Mission Mission Mission




When we are not in a room we must turn off the light.



If it's sunny outside I should turn on all the lights.



If it's sunny I should choose to stay at home playing video games.

Recycling Energy Water Mission Mission Mission



Indicate the image that represents correct water-saving behavior.


Indicate the image that represents correct water-saving behavior.


Indicate the image that represents correct water-saving behavior.

And the last question is...

Remove, Replay, Relax
Reduce, Replay, Recycle
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

What are the ?

Earth Day

Make everyday...


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