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venture tents

amateur hour: underwriting risk

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Around the property

Risks Identified

Background Introduction

Visual Aids

More for you :)

Site Building/ Layout

Fire Section

What is unique about them is that they are one of the only manufacturing businesses in Gauteng that has such a versatile range of products and services

Venture Tents is a sole proprietorship organization. They are an outdoor and sporting goods manufacturing company

They are the eptiome of "doing the most". (in probably the best way that the term has ever been used.)

background Introduction

Site Buiding /Layout


Fire Section


fire Risk:

The business has an untreated thatch roof. This poses a high fire risk. The materials kept are also highly flammable. Of the materials, there are sizeable pieces of foam which is used in the manufacturing process.


Fire Risk:

The tires and the broken and exposed cushion chair against the back wall of the yard,As well as the multiple plugs in the kitchen extension; could all lead to fires breaking out and therefore increase the risks of a fire. Personal Injury: The uneven ground in the workshop could lead to personal injury of the employer or employees (as they are the only people allowed in the workshop space)


Inside the main building , the processes taking place in the front two rooms will be displayed.


In the garage storage room and storage tent, the storage of materials will be displayed


The outside workshop, processes taking place here will be elaborated on.


The breakdown (not mentally)

Around the property + visual aids

number one *

As pictured, sewing takes places inside as well as cutting out of materials according to templates

number two **

outdoor tent storage

(storage in the thatched lapa/ tent)


garage storage


second outdoor tent storage

number three ***

outdoor workshop

measuring & cutting out tent material

Refurbishing a caravan

replacing seats and camp chair materials

Now for the crème de la crème


둘products & materials


01 Machinery

02 products & materials pt. 1

02 products & materials pt. 2

04 security pt.1

burglar gates at each entrance & exit

palisades & barbed wire

burglar bars on every window

04 security pt.2 + safety

Alarm system

safety gear to be worn at all times

araso. Thank You :)


That's it mense

For more information


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