Ingles B2
Trabajo 1
Created on February 24, 2023
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Oscar eduardo aya
Plans, hopes and expectations
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Hello, my name is Oscar Eduardo Aya, I am 37 years old and I am studying agroforestry engineering, this is because I am very passionate about nature and the care of ecosystems within the daily use we make of natural resources. I am sure that until now the fact that I have studied the career that I always dreamed of is one of the goals that I always wanted to achieve and that until now I have been able to achieve. On the other hand, other of my goals have been to have formed a family and have my own home. The goals that I have reached so far are closely related to my personal life, but I would also like to reach goals that have a social scope. And I think that up to now I have formed enough in terms of my studies and my character to say that I am ready to face new challenges and achieve new things.
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That is why in the not too distant future, I would like to be able to do something for society using my learning to do something for our world. It is not a secret that we are now experiencing a climate crisis, but with what I have learned I will seek to be able to do something to improve the conditions in which we find ourselves. Within the next 5 years I am going to find a way for my children and the new generations to have a better future than the present they are living today. I hope that within a few years I will be devising and putting into practice new ways to take back our planet. Likewise, within about two years of finishing and advancing in my career, I will be able to start creating my own ways of living and give life to what is now dying with our actions. And although I know that what has been said before sounds very nice and promising, I understand that before this, I must have as goals that I will graduate, I will understand the world that surrounds me and I will be able to begin to build ideas and alternatives to generate a way of more sustainable life.
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In this way, in ten years from now I will have created new ideas, theories and practices that will contribute to the fact that little by little we can once again have a better ecosystem to live in harmony with nature. But as we saw at the beginning, it is not only reduced to my social objectives as a professional. As a father, I will have managed to influence the lives of my children in such a way that they also, become aware of the importance of caring for nature and, therefore, themselves. I want my goals in that future to complement each other in all areas of my life because that is what I am. By the time I am 47 years old, I hope I have understood what it is to live life thinking of myself but also of others. Therefore, by then I hope to have been a constant example for those around me and have, in some way, contributed to their lives. To conclude and thinking a little more about myself, within my expectations is that in that future I will already have lived the experiences I wanted and have wanted to live: I will have already traveled a lot around the world, I will have achieved economic stability and I will have built the ideal of life that I have had all my life.
Collaborative work - Doing peer-assessment.
As a self-evaluation I must say that throughout the course I complied with the content of the e-book, both in its study and in the development of the activities. In turn, in order to carry out this activity, I attended the meeting carefully and took note to be able to carry it out properly. In the same way, I actively participated in the forum throughout the course. Due to time issues, the group activity was carried out separately, first dividing what each one had to do, however, we always shared the progress and supported each other in its realization. Finally, compiling what we did, we, as a group, commented on the result of the work and corrected it together so that it would be perfectly done and be able to send it.