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Arkan Y6B Science formative assesment
Australian Southern Cassowary

Casuarius casuarius
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Arkan Y6B Science formative assesment

Australian Southern Cassowary Casuarius casuarius


Ecosystem and habitat

Cassowary is a omnivore giant bird, Cassowarries are consumer cassowaries are very important for ecosystem because he maintain the diversity of rainforest. Cassowary habitat are in woodlands, melaleuca swamps, mangroves and even beaches.

Southern Cassowary ecosystem


Cassowary has developed many physical adaptation for example cassowaries has long sharp claws on each of its three toes to defense himself from predator, then cassowary has powerful leg that can help them to run 50 KM/H!!!

Southern Cassowary adaptation


Cassowary is an omnivore giant bird cassowary eat small reptiles, small mammals, fruits and small veggies but he preferred to eat fallen fruit.

Southern Cassowary diet

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Status and threat

Southern cassowary is endangered but why? Because southern cassowary habitat (wet tropics) have been greatly reduced because of deforestation. Solution: We can make an animal captivity or support animal captivity.

Status and threat.

Recources: Queensland goverment, zoo alanta and rainfores rescue.

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