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Goal 3 aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all, at all ages. Health and well-being are important at every stage of one´s life, starting from the beginning. This goal addressed all major health priorities: reproductive, maternal, newborn...

What is goal 3?

Microbiology is very important in this objetive since microorganisms are the basic of biodiversity and are involved in the regulation of ecosystem processes and human health. Microbiology can help achieve this goal throught the development of new drugs and therapies to treat infeccious diseases, producing safer and healthier food by controlling pathogens, and green biotechnology that uses microorganisms to create sustainable products and reduce environmental impact.

How does this objetive relate to microbiology?


Spain had strong health system, but there were still inequalities in access and quality of halth care.


The health system is expected to make further progress this year in equal access and care for chronic diseases, but more effort is still needed in the prevention andcontrol of non-communicable diseases.


This year, progress was made in reducing infant and maternal mortaity, as well as in combating chronic diseases. However, they also faced new challenges such as increasing obesity.

Evolution of goal 3 over time in Spain


Achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the strategic objectives of Health 2020, requiresan innovative and new model of governance. A mapping exercise was undertaken by the Governance for HealthProgramme to identify instances of multisectoral and intersectoral action for improved health and well-being for all and to share best practices for multisectoral and intersectoral health and well-being policy development and implementation across the WHO European Region. Case stories, or narratives of good practice, detailing successful multisectoral and intersectoral initiatives were collected through consultations in 36 Member States of the WHO European Region. The case stories are collected and analysed in this report.


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