there is a pig hidden on each page (it gets harder on each page)
the point orwell is making is that there are many similarites between these two poems. The "beasts of England" is simmlar but also diffrent from "Comrade Napoleon" in many ways. They both have repetion, in purple, some lyrics sound simmilar like orange green pink and light blue. Yellow is showing pure opposites. The point is to show how diffrent these two poems are while however being still simmilar.
The point Orwell is making:
Friend of the fatherless!Fountain of happiness ! Lord of the swill bucket! Oh, how my soul is on Fire when I gaze at thy Calm and commanding eye Like the sun in the sky Comrade Napoleon! Comrade Napoleon ! Comrade Napole-ole-ole-ole-on!
Beasts of England! Beasts of Ireland!Beasts of land and sea and skies! Hear the hoofbeats of tomorrow! See the golden future rise! How does the life of an animal pass? In endless drudgery. What's the first lesson an animal learns? To endure its slavery. How does the life of an animal end? In cruel butchery. Beasts of England! Beasts of Ireland! Beasts of land and sea and skies! Hear the hoofbeats of tomorrow! See the golden future rise! Now the day of beasts is coming, Tyrant man shall lose his throne And the shining fields of England Shall be trod by beasts alone. Pull the rings from out your noses Tear the saddle from your back! Bit and spur must rust forever, Cruel whips no more shall crack. Beasts of England, seize the prizes, Wheat and barley, oats and hay, Clover, beans and mangel wurzel Shall be ours upon that day.
negative veiew-Niamh
positive veiw-Poppy
I think squealer dealt with the accusations of selfishness and prejudice by trying to confuse and baffle the other less intelligent animals. Evidence to support this is when Squealer said that “many of us actually dislike milk and apples.” Also he states that they are only doing it “to preserve our health.” This shows that Squealer thought that the other animals will believe him and wouldn’t know if he was lying.
Question 1
He anticipates and throws the accusation by saying that without the pigs then Jones would come back and then says surely no one wants him to come back and nobody else interrogates him after that.
negative veiew-Niamh
positive veiw-Poppy
Squealers scientific facts may be true but also may not be the only reason. He says things like “ this has been proven by science’ and “substances absolutely essential for the well-being of a pig. The pigs one of the most intelligent animals so he other animals probably wouldn’t know if they were telling then a false fact this would work because the pigs have lead the animals in and created a false circle of trust.
Question 2
He says that without the milk and apples for the pigs then their health would rundown.
negative veiew-Niamh
positive veiw-Poppy
Squealer gives the scientific reasons, “we pigs are brain workers” and “contain substances absolutely necessary for the well-being of a pig.
Question 3
The reason that he says the pigs needed the milk was that they needed it for their health and diet.
negative veiew-Niamh
positive veiw-Poppy
I think squealer uses the following twisted quotes to support his view of the pigs not being selfish. The quotes are “ many of us actually dislike milk and apples” also she states “taking these things to preserve our health”. These are strong quotes but so is this one “it is for your sake we drink the milk and eat those apples.” This makes the less intelligent animals feel rude and selfish. This means Squealer is taking advantage of them and playing to his strengths (there weaknesses)
Question 4
He says that many of the pigs dislike the milk and apples including himself which makes them sound like their doing it for the others sakes which makes them sound selfless.
negative veiew-Niamh
positive veiw-Poppy
Squealer uses the quote “Jones would come back! Yes, Jones would come back!” to help clinch his argument. This is incorrect because he has no control over Jones and when he will or won’t come back. It will also tack the speed and agility of the other animal to protect the farm or get rid of Jones if he were to come back.
Question 5
The final threat is that without the pigs then Jones would come back and of course no one wanted that.