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Olga Ivet Castro Muñoz


Argue how educational videos can integrate the Grammar Translation Method with the Communicative Approach. in the classrooms favoring the learning of L2.
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Olga Ivet Castro Muñoz
ObjectiveArgue how educational videos can integrate the Grammar Translation Method with the Communicative Approach. in the classrooms favoring the learning of L2.

Videos as a communicative and grammatical teaching strategy.



The implementation of video in the classroom becomes a tool that favors not only the development of communicative competence, but also grammar, both essential in the process of learning a foreign language.Through this strategy, the student strengthens listening by recognizing elements of oral communication, such as accent, pronunciation, intonation and articulation of words. On the other hand, fundamental grammatical aspects can be analyzed and guided in the construction of sentences, paragraphs and, in general, the rules of the target language.The use of videos in the classroom allows learning through multiple intelligences by combining the visual, auditory and linguistic.
  • Fazal, S., Majoka, D. M. I., & Ahmad, D. M. (2016). Integration of Grammar Translation Method with Communicative Approach: A Research Synthesis. International Research Journal of Art & Humanities, 44(44), 121–130. http://search.ebscohost.com.bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co/login.aspx?direct=true&db=hus&AN=121267994&lang=es&site=eds-live&scope=site
  • Basante, J.,Gaviria, C. Actividades basadas en el enfoque comunicativo para fomentar la participación en las clases de inglés. Revista huellas. Universidad de Nariño.


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