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In completing this Unit the learner will be able to understand the instrument 3F and how we react when we face somebody’s else action.

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MODULE 13: Discover your personal story (Personal Narrative)

Personal Narrative


We saw in the introduction to the SCARF tool - that we are activated by threats or rewards. We have seen how we can eliminate or reduce threats and increase our rewards.

Unit 13.3: 3 F (Fight – Flight – Freeze)

The man in the cave was threatened by a tiger. Now we are threatened by public speaking in front of a large number of people, we are threatened by the fact that we will be late for work.


Threat stimuli still work the same way they did thousands of years ago, with no distinction between a tiger or a service delay. However, if in ancient times man, after barricading himself in the cave, could rest, now, in our modern culture, there is no peace, there is no total break from threat or stress. In our modern culture when we are a second away from everything that is happening in the world and we are constantly connected to hundreds of thousands of people with different destinies we cannot retreat to our peaceful cave. That is why it is necessary to understand that we must and that we can build our "cave" of peace (rest, relaxing outdoor activities, healthy food, and spiritual reading).


In the face of a threat, danger, or stress, we operate unconsciously through "Fight" or "Flight" or in the worst case through "Freeze" - play out the dead. All three of these states are biological states, dictated by a functioning brain for thousands of years, are states that protect us from a threat.


To Freeze

To Flight

To Fight


In the face of danger, we choose:

We need to turn our fears into challenges, into opportunities because fear is an emotion like any other emotion (love, compassion, fear, joy).


Fear is actually a story about what will happen in the future, events for which we have no concrete evidence that they will happen.


Fear is not really an enemy but a friend. A friend who makes you act, move on. Fear is the energy behind your pro-action activation.



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MODULE 13: Discover your personal story (Personal Narrative)