Cristian Garza
Created on August 23, 2022
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English culture influence in human development
Core Activity #1
England's contribution to British and world culture is too great to give a rough overview here. Historically, England was a very unified country and developed coherent traditions, but especially as the British Empire expanded and the country absorbed people from all over the world, Afro-Caribbean, Asian, Muslim Different contributions from other immigrant groups highlight British culture. The rest of the UK has experienced the same social and cultural diversity, with the result that England is not always distinct from Wales, Scotland or even Northern Ireland.The formerly isolated British life has given way to the cosmopolitan familiarity of all things exotic: fish and chips has given way to Indian, Chinese and Italian cuisine, guitar rock mixed with South Asian rap and Afro-Caribbean salsa. Together. There is a wealth of new words in themselves, from almost every language in the world.Although England's culture is more and more diverse, it continues to have a strong cultural influence on the rest of the world. English-language music, gastronomy, inventions, film have large audiences abroad, sports, and English continues to be the preferred medium of international cultural and economic communication. So in this activity we're going to dive in and explain a bit better these aspects that have supported human development.
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English culture
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We can say that, throughout history, England has had a very important influence on music, since it has been the protagonist of this phenomenon on many occasions. It is known that some of the most famous bands in history such as the Beatles, Queen, The Rolling Stones, Black Sabbath, Elton John, Depeche Mode, David Bowie, The Who, Pink Floyd, Iron Maiden, among others. Sacred and religious music was deeply influenced by the Protestant Reformation that affected the United Kingdom in the 16th century, which reduced the events associated with British music and forced the development of a distinctive style of national music of worship and belief.
Popular english bands
The nation is renowned for its large number of gangs
It is the culture with the most relevant musical events in its history.
3 reasons why this aspect was chosen
Music, as we know, is something that influences all human beings in their lives to the point of being able to help their mood.
English culture
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The inventions has been one of the most important things in the history of humanity, and every invention has been evolving since thousands of years, including the most basic works, turn in them into unbelivable things , from mechanisms of pulleys to robots that make tons of tasks by their own. The english culture it is, certainly, one of the cultures that has contributed the most inventions to the world. Inventions as the seed drill, in the field of agriculture, or the steam engine with their starting uses in things like locomotives. Inventions we saw like superficial things, or things that works very simple have been existed since a lot of years, thinks like the match or a neumatic tire.
Its is one of the most basic things in humanity, there are things that are always present in our lives and its great know from where this things went.
We can see how things have been innovating
But why inventions?
Now, we'll see why was chosen this point and his reasons
A lot of this things are a fundamental part of education in the world and make our lifes easier
The industry have been affected in a high way by many of this inventions, and us, as engeneers, must know how this impact can be releated to our profession
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The Reflecting Telescope by Isaac Newton in 1668
The Light Bulb... by Joseph Swan - January 1879
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The Whittle Turbo-jet Engine - 1929-1937
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The World Wide Web
The toothbrush you are familiar with today was invented sometime between 1770 and 1780 by William Addis.He founded the manufacturing company Wisdom that still makes them to this day.
The First Mass-produced toothbrush - 1770-1780
Tim Berners-Lee, as an independent contractor for CERN in 1980, developed a project using the concept of hypertext to facilitate sharing and updating information among researchers. He built ENQUIRE, a prototype system, to showcase his information web project.His ENQUIRE system provided the basis to create the World Wide Web, for which he also designed and built the first Web Browser
English culture
The history of Britain has played an important role in its food culture. The Romans introduced cherries, cabbages, peas, stinging nettles (as a salad vegetable) and of course, wine, which they tried to produce in southern England and certainly imported from home. The road network built by the Romans also allowed for the movement of produce around the country. The cliche of British food is meat and two veg and traditionally British cuisine has a base of meat or fish - beef, lamb, pork, chicken and fish - served with potatoes and other vegetables. Many traditional British meals have historic origins: bread and cheese, meat and game pies, roasted and stewed meats, boiled vegetables and soups, and freshwater and saltwater fish. Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding, Steak and Kidney Pie, Trifle - these are the dishes that everyone associates with Britain. But like the country of Britain which is constantly changing and evolving, so is British food, and whilst today these dishes are 'traditionally British', they are constantly being reinterpreted using different ingredients.
Afternoon tea with scones, jam and cream
Sunday Roast
Fish & Chips
England is also famous for the production of a wide variety of cheeses, derived from cow's milk.
England is the homeland of puddings: spotted dick (pudding with raisins and currants), plum duff (plum rolls), and syllabub (a medieval dish prepared with cream, white wine, and lemon juice)
Several factors influenced English cuisine: customs, climate, and history are some of them.
Reasons why this aspect was chosen
English culture
English Language
With the human development, there is an undenied fact that more and more people from different countries are communicating and exchanging ideas with each other by one language, that is English. Whether you like English or not, if you want to enter into the wave of finding jobs in different countries, travel around the world or conduct effective international communications, even if you want to become an influential politician, merchant or scientist, you must be able to use English to communicate your ideas to the world.
Around the 1600s, the English colonization of North America resulted in the creation of a distinct American variety of English. And this language became the most influential and even influences the vocabulary of British English. Because of America’s dominance over cinema, television, popular music, trade, and technology (including the Internet) throughout the years, it made English even more universal!Today, English has become the leading language in business, science, literature, politics, diplomacy and many more areas and industries. It is also considered as the world’s lingua franca as over 55 countries speak it as a second language
It's important to learn a second language and one of the easiest one it's the English and it is currently mandatory subject in most schools across the world and for good reason, as some of the world best universities teach lessons in this language.
Second Language
The English it’s considered as the universal language, so if you know it, you can communicate with almost all people of the world, even if you travel to Russia.
It is well known that if you know how to speak in English it gives you the opportunity to have more job offers than people who only know their mother tongue
The main reasons why we are talking about the language as aspect of human development are:
Work Opportunities
English culture
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UK cinema has had a major influence on the technological, commercial and artistic development of cinema, and is one of the most respected film industries in the world. Despite a history littered with successful productions, British cinema is characterized by an ongoing debate about its identity and the influences of American and European cinema; however, it is fair to say that, during the 1940s, it enjoyed a brief "Golden Age", with production from the studios of J. Arthur Rank and Alexander Korda. The British film industry has spawned some of the greatest actors, directors and films of all time, a long list that includes Alfred Hitchcock, David Lean, Laurence Olivier and Anthony Hopkins.
British cinema over time
England’s contributions to motion pictures date from the experiments with cinematography by William Friese-Greene in the late 19th century, but, because Britain presented a natural market for American English-language films, the British film industry was slow in developing.The motion picture act of 1927 introduced protective measures that led to recovery and the highest production of all time in 1936, with a total of 192 films. Production then declined for several years. After World War II, film production recovered with a long period of relative stability and growing US investment; but another recession hit the industry in the mid-1970s, with production reaching a minimum in its entire history, with only 24 films made in 1981. The low production continued throughout the 1980s, but increased again in the 1990s with renewed public and private investment.
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From many of the movies fashions have been created that society around the world adopts.
The style of English cinema is one of the most recognized by lovers of the 7th art.
Reasons why this aspect was chosen
Much of the cinematographic advances come from English cinema, causing many of the other films around the world to be based on it.
English culture
If there is something in which the English culture is very influential throughout the world, it is in sport, since England has a strong sporting heritage, and many sports were codified by the English, and then spread throughout the world, among them the badminton, cricket, croquet. , soccer, field hockey, lawn tennis, rugby league, rugby union, table tennis, and thoroughbred horse racing. In the late 18th century, the English game of rounders was transported to the American colonies, where it evolved into baseball. Some events at the beginning of some sports that emerged in England are: The rules of football were first drafted in 1863 by Ebenezer Cobb Morley, and England has the oldest football clubs in the world. Recognized by FIFA as the birthplace of club football, Sheffield F.C., founded in 1857, is the world's oldest football club. The first ever international football match was between England and Scotland in 1872.
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Tennis was created in Birmingham in the late 19th century, and the Wimbledon Championships is the oldest tennis tournament in the world, and widely considered the most prestigiousRugby union originated in Rugby School, Warwickshire in the early 19th century. Rugby league was born in Huddersfield in 1895. Cricket is generally thought to have been developed in the early medieval period among the farming and metalworking communities of the Weald.
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The economic benefit caused by all the sports that emerged thanks to the English is too much, and it is worldwide, so they also contribute to the world economy, thanks to massive events such as a world cup
Sports are activities that influence leisure time to be used in a good way, since exercise is carried out and helps people stay healthy.
Reasons why this aspect was chosen
Sport helps people avoid bad paths, such as soccer players who, if they had not reached professionalism, comment that they could have been drug addicts, criminals. They also help people in situations of depression.
Conclusion Melissa Alejandra Jasso Maciel
It is a country of great racial and cultural variety, very rich in terms of traditions and customs. Each person lives with their own particular style and fashion.English culture is unique in its kind, its models of education of high values and specific customs in the way of sitting, speaking properly, eating, dressing and practically all the actions of the English citizen from the moment he begins to grow up are unique and those models in turn have been replicated in many parts of the world in people who consider this form of culture superior or simply admire it.Their customs are in some cases strange but they have served for a society that has the strongest currency in the world (pound sterling), an excellent university education and development rate, low inflation and a low unemployment rate.English culture is inherited from many colonies that previously settled in the territories occupied by the United Kingdom, it is the consequence of conquest, kings and the ability of its inhabitants to maintain the customs that saw them born.
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Conclusion Karen Alexa Pérez Ortiz
Thanks to the elaboration of this activity now I have more panorama of the importance of English culture in terms of human development, because we investigate different aspects that influence in the human development, like the language, the music, gastronomy, inventions and sports, and I didn't think that the English culture would have such a influence, even in my country. And not only the six aspects that we put in this research represent all the great influence that this country has around the world, there are so many other aspects, such as architecture, literature, etc. In the same way, this activity helped me a lot to be able to recognize that the English culture has made society develop to the point where we find ourselves. What I found very interesting about English culture is the aspect of gastronomy and as this helped human development, this is an entertaining topic to read about different countries and this time is the United Kingdom.Ialso saw their influence on music, like the Beatles and this is one of my favorite bands, which I would have liked to meet in a concert, I also recognize that this had a great impact around the world, especially in the musical genre of rock
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Conclusion Maria de los Angeles Puente Peña
ITo sum up everything that has been stated so far, I was able to see many factors of UK culture which have influenced the development of humanity and which I had not paid attention to. While I was able to remember a little bit about how personally I've been influenced a few years ago, when I was in elementary school (2010) and a boy band revolutionized the world, One direction was a very important part of my life, it was the first time I put my attention in a group that didn't speak my language, this also put my interest in wanting to learn his language, being my first approach to English. And so it was for many people of my generation, that through the music of a group of boys we became interested in a culture very different from ours. In addition, in my case that I study engineering, it has been largely driven by the inventions of different people, such as the creation of the World Wide Web and the light bulb.This activity really helps me see how we can be influenced by other cultures so easily, with their music (mostly in my case), their films which give us a glimpse of how they live and therefore motivate us to want to visit the country, their food, their sports, and everything that conforms to them.
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Conclusion Cristian Arturo Garza Cavazos
Thanks to the completion of this activity, I was able to learn more about English culture, itself, the ways in which it has helped humanity, for my part something that I liked a lot was the theme of music, since for me It is something that all humans like, where we see how the English culture has had very important contributions. On the subject of bands, see how many bands have emerged from this country that have had great value internationally, in addition to being protagonists of musical revolutions. We can also talk about the language, which is the most popular language in the world and wherever we go there is a high probability that they also speak English. I really liked this activity and it leaves me with a very good learning.
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Conclusion Benjamin Bravo Covarrubias
Carrying out this activity, I found it curious the influence that a single country has had, over time at a global level, since many of the things we see, sports such as soccer, rugby, tennis, among others, emerged in England, and currently in the case of football, is no longer related only to England, but to several countries such as Brazil and Argentina, another aspect of English culture that has great influence is music, genres such as rock , which in its golden age was a global phenomenon and gave rise to different rock groups throughout the world and in different languages, in the same way English literature has had great writers over time such as William Shakespeare, H. G. Wells, J. R. R. Tolkien, J. K. Rowling, among others whose works have had a great impact around the world, some have even had film adaptations, being a great success worldwide, in the case of cinema, England has had the same f It forms with great exponents, such as Charles Chaplin, who was one of the pioneers in the cinema, and is considered an icon of the same for what will surely be done in the silent cinema. English culture also expands to fields where it could not be as visible, such as philosophy or politics, but where some ideologies have spread and had some influence worldwide.
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Conclusion Viviana Nathalie Tienda Tellez
With this investigation and gathering of multiple aspects of the British culture and the impact it has had, I can tell that the UK has been giving different contributions to humanity over the course of the years, for example the light bulb, the reflecting telescope and so on.It is important to mention the influence the English language has worldwide. It is essencial that we as a proffesionals dominate the language because that´s our way to communicate with people all around the world.In my personal experience, I've been sorrounded by the british culture because I've always liked english music, specially One Direction, Dua Lipa, Harry Styles, and even tho Taylor Swift and Shawn Mendes are not british they do sing in english. I also love motosports, specially formula one, and England has the circuit with more history in the sports, and that is the Silverstone circuit, wich held the first Grand Prix of Formula One.While doing this activity, I've realized the importance of the British culture all around the world, I've learned about the inventions and the impact it has had to the human development.
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Conclusion Francisco Javier Mendoza Martinez
English culture has greatly influenced the way the world has developed, mainly artistically (music, film, literature), gastronomic and linguistic. And not only that, but society has also gotten used to appreciating a little more what English culture offers today. Throughout my life I have seen many examples of how English culture has influenced the world, however, until now I have been able to identify them in a better way. For example, many of us have musical tastes strongly linked to rock bands from England, bringing as a consequence an influence on the way of dressing. Personally, knowing how the English culture has managed to influence my culture seems very interesting to me and I feel like knowing even more aspects that I would not have noticed before. In conclusion, English culture is one of the most appreciated by the whole world, adapting to their customs or adding some characteristics over time.
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Conclusion Jorge Eduardo Ortiz Cruz
After seen different aspects of english culture, we can realize how different is of our culture, from the language, that is kind of simplier than spanish, to greatest creations of humanity, every culture its a whole world, althought, the wonderfuls that this culture offer are very intresting, and i think that part of that its because its very ancient, so the time of development its bigger than others. For example, inventions as the telescope, or the toothbrush, are things that we still using nowday, and has been evolving to better. Other of the things that we could see about the english culture that is also very interesting, its the cinema, that has been transcend into the whole world with a lot of the great films that this has left us.This activity has been of great learning, and not only of the english culture, but also of all diversity that there are in the world because a culture can be an inspiration or a starting point for other cultures that can may look like the english, but with a different way of leading the things.That's how i conclude with this activity, with some reflection but althought, a lot of learning of the english culture, with aspects i didnt know, aspects that i saw during the research that arent here, so i realize that we dont know anything at all.
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