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Breakfast around the world
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Breakfast around the world


Task 4. Now, talk about the breakfast in your country. What do you eat in the morning? Where do you usually have your breakfast?
Task 3.2. Here are some other words you can use with 'have'. In pairs, complete the sentences with words from the spidergram:
Task 3.1. Listen to the following extract and find two expressions with 'have':
Task 2.2. Listen again and choose the correct answer:
Task 2.1. Listen to three people talking about a typical breakfast in their countries. Match the words with the speakers:
Task 1. Match the photos with the words:

Task 1. Match the photos with the words:

Task 2.1. Listen to three people talking about a typical breakfast in their countries. Match the words with the speakers:

Task 2.2. Listen again and choose the correct answer:

Task 3.1. Listen to the following extract and find two expressions with 'have':

1. We always have_________ when we play with our friends. 2. The car has ____________. It won't start. 3. She always has ____________ at home and she invites all her friends. 4. Let me have ___________! I think I can help you. 5. He always has ______________ between meals.

Task 3.2. Here are some other words you can use with 'have'. In pairs, complete the sentences with words from the spidergram:

Activity 4. Now it’s your turn. Talk about a typical breakfast in your country. What do you eat in the morning? Where do you usually have your breakfast?

Well done! See you next time!

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