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made by Mariam Ahmed 9B
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made by Mariam Ahmed 9B







The next following slides will show all the assignments i've done for QUARTER 3 and my reflection on it.


  • Knowledged Constructor
  • Digital Citizen
  • Computational Learner
  • Digital Citizen

Reflection: In this lesson we had to make our own webpage out of everything we learnt. Goal: to make my own personal webpage. Mastery Explanation: i completed the assignment with ease, But it was time-consuming.

Q3 Lesson - 17 HTML PROJECT

Reflection: In this lesson we learnt how to add more than one css and learnt a new command where we can make more than one "project". Goal: to make the webpages look more presentable and have different varieties. Mastery Explanation: i completed the assignment with ease, But it was time-consuming.

Q3 Lesson - 17 HTML

  • Computational thinker
  • Digital Citizen
  • Knowledged Thinker
  • Digital Citizen

Reflection: We had to make other pages for this website about different types of hair and it's requirements. Goal: To make a page for each type of hair and research what to type in each page. Mastery Explanation: I found it a little difficult trying to find sources to write in the page but i finished anyhow.

Q3 Lesson - 19 HTML

Reflection: In this lesson we had to pair up and debug a mutli-links webpage Goal: For me and Hala to debug the webpage. Mastery Explanation: We ended worked together anf finished the assignment on time.

Q3 Lesson - 19 HTML PROJECT

  • Computational thinker
  • Digital Citizen
  • Knowledged Thinker
  • Empowered Learner

Reflection: In this lesson we had to pair up and make a webpage with multiple links. Goal: For me and Hala to make a webpage with everything we learnt. Mastery Explanation: We ended up making a webpage about different kind of sea animals.

Q3 Lesson - 20 HTML

Reflection: In this lesson we had to follow a project guide. Goal: To follow the project guide and finish it on time. Mastery Explanation: I finished it on time and got full marks.

Q3 Lesson - 18 HTML PROJECT


The next following slides will show all the assignments i've done for QUARTER 4 and my reflection on it.


  • Computational thinker
  • Empowered Learner
  • Digital Citzen
  • Empowered Learner

Reflection: In this lesson we evaluated what we learnt from the first unit and it was how to draw circles and how to move different directions. Goal: To finish the excercises. Mastery Explanation: I finished the excercises and submitted in on time.

Moving Tracy Efficiently- 2.1

Reflection: This was my first time learning Python and i was nervous because it seemed difficult. Goal: To learn how to code in Python. Mastery Explanation: Turns out Python isnt difficult at all, atleast for drawing.

Intro to Python with Tracy- Part 1

  • Computational thinker
  • Knowledged Thinker
  • Digital Citzen
  • Empowered Learner

Reflection: This was the last lesson we've learnt this quarter. It taught us how to use commets to make our code layout easier to understand. Goal: Finish this assignment on time. Mastery Explanation: I finished it on time but forgot to submit until May 23.

Q4- Designing and Communication solutions

Reflection: In this we advanced from our previous units and we started drawing circle pyramids and hexagons. Goal: To understand the use of commets and finish the excercise. Mastery Explanation: I finished all the excercises and understood the lesson.

Q4- Moving Tracing Efficiently-2.3

I learnt how to code and draw using Python. To summarize, ICT this semester has been fantastic and fun for me; it has made me realize how the internet overcomplicates coding and that it isn't as hard and boring as it appears.


Thank you!

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