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Class meetig pairs activitiy for eTwinning Project that is Library Festival

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we prepare our natıonal poet presentation usıng wıth genıaly before the meetıng https://view.genial.ly/6239f4def776e200141e2866/presentation-behcet-necatigil

Then, we created a kahoot for Anastasia's students and share them before the meeting.https://create.kahoot.it/share/behcet-necatigil/14e870f3-683b-4be1-ab5c-352aed6b0a91

  • When we met, we presented Turkish poet Behcet Necatigil first.
  • Then we watched presentation about Greek national poet Dionysios Solomos.

Afterall, we had quizezz about poets

My students read Behcet Necatigil's first published poem "Gece ve Yas" in Turkish.

We listened singing "Hymn to Freedom" from Anastasia's students. This was honourand very good experience for my students.

" With this event, we have established a beautiful poetry bridge between Turkey and Greece, thank you Library Festival"

1ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Κορίνθου Korinthos, Greece Buyukelci Nazim Belger Primary School Ankara, Turkey

for collaboration...
