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By: Zoey Rainey, People Editor
Eating Around The World
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Students share their favorite cultural food from around the world.

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By: Zoey Rainey, People Editor

Eating Around The World

Food is the basis of all human life, it provides sustenance and can be used to show one's culture. While some might not think about the importance of cultural food on a daily basis a study by PubMed.gov identified that, “cultural food security influenced the ability to practice foodways, which tied Second-generation American students to their cultural identities. The absence of foodways led to anxiety and depression among students, amplifying the feelings of identity degradation. Second generation American students discussed that the ability to practice their foodways improved multiple well-being components and led to feelings of happiness, decreased stress, warmth, better digestion, and a sense of belonging, comfort, and safety.” Food contributes to an individual’s physical and mental well-being and expresses one’s cultural identity through preparation, sharing, and consumption (what PubMed calls foodways). The US has become a melting pot for different cultures and foods, including here at PRHS. Our campus has many different exchange students and students that have grown up here but have different cultural foods and ways of life. Many cultures use food to celebrate Holidays, family, and life. “We only eat Osechi once a year on New Year's Eve so it’s special to us and it’s also delicious,” Senior Rana Takada said. During times of division it’s important to celebrate each other and our individual cultures in our own community. In celebration of this fellow students share what they’re eating Around The World.

Click on each map location to see what each student has to say about their favorite food

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