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Personal Story
Share your story by answering the following questions.
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What world events were significant for you as a child?

Personal Story


Who were your closest friends as a child? Are you still close?

Do you have siblings or are you an only child? Elaborate.

Tell us about your parents. What would you like people to know?

Think about your house growing up.

What was it like?

When and where were you born?

Think about your name. Where did it come from? Who chose it?

What were you most proud of as a child? Do you still feel the same way about it?

What was the hardest part about growing up for you?

Which was your most memorable birthday so far and why was it special?

You can write down your answers beforehand if you want...

You can either answer as a questionnaire or an essay...

Share your story by answering the following questions.

