The Tale of King Shahryar and his brother, King Shahzaman
XtianGrey MotoVlog
Created on March 11, 2021
The Story of Allah's Son
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The Tale of King Shahryar and his brother King Shahzaman
The start of reunion
The 2 kings
Allah's Small son, Heroic horsemen, ruled over Samarkand Al-Ajam, Ruler of people for 20 years, has bad memories to the palace of his brother
Allah's Tall son,Heroic horsemen, but greater in exercise in horsemen and reigned over lands and governed with justice among men.
Upon the arrival of King Shahzaman, his brother rejoiced, went out, meet him, wish him peace; But King Shahzaman was cover with grief, his cheeks became swallow and his body frail as he remember his bad memories in the palace which is the affair.
Past:King Shahzaman found his wife stretched on her bed and being embraced by a black slave, at his sight, the world darkened before his face and said to himself: "If such a thing has come to pass when I have hardly left the city, what would the conduct of this wanton be if I were absent for so long at my brother's house?" So he drew his sword and killed his wife and the slaved.
Present:As his brother went out to hunt alone, King Shahzaman lean at a certain window and look over the garden, King Shahzaman witness something that make him realize, the door of the palace opened and 20 women slaves and men slaves come from it and the King's wife was among them, At this sight, the king's brother said within himself:" By allah, mine is even a lighter misfortune than his" he let his grief and discontent slip from him and saying to himself, " Truly, this is more terrible than all which happened to me"
Both lived in their own countries, which each time was at the height of their splendour and their growth, this was the time that the tall King wants to see his brother, he commanded his wazir to depart to the country of his brother.
The Adventure of 2 Kings
Upon realizing and telling to his brother, King Shahryar saw theses things and give him a reason to fled from is seat, For this 2 kings made a fitting answer, they fled and went out to the secret door of the palace.
They run and travelled night and day until they came to a tree in a the middle of a lonely meadow near the salt sea, Hereby, they met a Jinni and a beautiful young girl, young girl told the 2 kings her past and what does the Jinni do to her, she also tell the two kings about the seal-rings and don't trust all the women, for the part of a poet said, "For they lower or they love at the caprice of their parts. Filled to the mouth with deceit, they lavish a lying love."After hearing this, the 2 kings left the young girl and returned to their own cities.
When King Shahryar returned to his palace, he ordered his wife's head to be cut off at the neck, and in the same way, the heads of the slaves, Then he ordered his Wazir to bring him a young girl and virgin girl every night. This circumstances occur for 3 years, he did this so the people will cry of grief, fearing of this horror, people fled with their daughters.
When the Wazir doesn't find any girl, he returned to his home, dejected and wretched with the fear of his King, Wazir had two beautiful, charming, brilliant and perfect daughters, The elder was Shahrazad and the younger was Dunyazad, Shahrazad saw the face of his father and said: "why do I see you so bowed and changed with care and sorrow?" she told his father a poet "Thou who art sad, oh be comforted; for nothing endures and as every joy vanishes away so also vanishes every sorrow"After hearing this, Wazir explained the situation and her daughter said "By Allah, father, you must marry me to this King; for either I shall live or, dying, I shall be a ransom for the daughters of the Mussulmans and the cause of their deliverance out of the hands of the King".