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What was nativism, and what were the causes of it?
Explain the evolution of nativist organizations.
What policies did nativists support?
What replaced canal-building in the U.S., and what did this lead to?
How did the new rail connections change regional economic ties for farmers in the Midwest?
What misconception did Southerners get because of the Panic of 1857? 
How did Southerners counter-argue Northern criticisms of slavery?
Explain how attitudes in both the North and the South became even more polarized at this time.
A combination of internal and external pressure led to growing divisions within the country in the years leading up to the Civil War
Explain how the Fugitive Slave Law
 of 1850 worked.
Explain the northern reaction to the
Fugitive Slave Law.
What was the Underground Railroad,
and who was its most famous participant?
Describe the impact of Uncle Tom's Cabin.
How did The Impending Crisis of the South attack slavery differently than Stowe's novel?

Divisions (deepen North & South)
Agitation (over slavery)
Industrialization (keeps expanding)
(by Nativists)
Why did the Irish emigrate, why were they discriminated against, and where did they tend to settle?
What skills did the Irish have that would propel them to importance in the Democratic Party?
Why did Germans emigrate, where did they tend to settle, and what did they support?
(by the first wave)
Explain the effects of immigration on American culture from 1844-1877 AND
Explain how regional differences related to slavery caused tension in the years leading to the Civil War
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Explain the effects of immigration on American culture from 1844-1877 AND Explain how regional differences related to slavery caused tension in the years leading to the Civil War






Immigration (by the first wave)

Why did the Irish emigrate, why were they discriminated against, and where did they tend to settle?What skills did the Irish have that would propel them to importance in the Democratic Party?Why did Germans emigrate, where did they tend to settle, and what did they support?

Discrimination (by Nativists)

Industrialization (keeps expanding)

Agitation (over slavery)

Divisions (deepen North & South)

Explain how the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 worked.Explain the northern reaction to the Fugitive Slave Law.What was the Underground Railroad, and who was its most famous participant?Describe the impact of Uncle Tom's Cabin.How did The Impending Crisis of the South attack slavery differently than Stowe's novel?

A combination of internal and external pressure led to growing divisions within the country in the years leading up to the Civil War

How did Southerners counter-argue Northern criticisms of slavery?Explain how attitudes in both the North and the South became even more polarized at this time.

What replaced canal-building in the U.S., and what did this lead to?How did the new rail connections change regional economic ties for farmers in the Midwest?What misconception did Southerners get because of the Panic of 1857?

What was nativism, and what were the causes of it?Explain the evolution of nativist organizations.What policies did nativists support?