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Hola! Hi! Bon dia! 
Yes! I speak spanish, but for me it is more than that! In my journey to become more aware of my linguistic landscape I discovered that each spanish is different and normally I need to change it depending on the person I am. If I am with my Chilean friends I change it, If I'm with my Mexican Friends, or Spanish, or Dominicans as well. This video explains everything!

©Johanna Buitrago
My Language byography
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Hola! Hi! Bon dia!

+ My Journey ...

Yes! I speak spanish, but for me it is more than that! In my journey to become more aware of my linguistic landscape I discovered that each spanish is different and normally I need to change it depending on the person I am. If I am with my Chilean friends I change it, If I'm with my Mexican Friends, or Spanish, or Dominicans as well. This video explains everything! https://youtu.be/eyGFz-zIjHE


Ha sigut tot un descobriment, m'agrada molt veure com tota una cultura es pot entendre amb un senzill gest. Es parla català!


Estudié por muchos años este idioma sin saber que al final de camino.. . me iba a llevar a conocer a my esposo! A British citizen.

Lenguaje de signos

Aprendí comunicación básica, cuando estaba en la universidad con una amiga sorda.

©Johanna Buitrago

My Language byography

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