Created on March 24, 2024
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+Mauricio Cervantes Gomez
The great depression & new deal
The Great Depression was an economic disaster that took place during the 1930s, starting in 1929 and ending during World War II. It was characterized by its duration, depth, and consequences, with a drastic decline in industrial production and a massive increase in unemployment. The depression had a devastating impact on people's lives, leading to poverty, hunger, and homelessness in the United States and around the world.
The great deppression
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The Great Depression was the most significant and prolonged economic recession in modern world history, lasting from 1929 to 1941. It was characterized by a series of economic contractions, including the stock market crash of 1929 and banking panics in the early 1930s. The impact of the Great Depression was profound, leading to severe unemployment, drastic declines in output, and acute deflation in almost every country of the world. The crisis had multiple causes, including the collapse of the stock market, a weak banking system, industrial overproduction, and severe unemployment, with 24.9% of the total workforce unemployed at the height of the Depression in 1933.
During the Great Depression, the American government implemented various measures to address the economic crisis and mitigate its impact. These efforts included: Government Intervention: President Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration implemented the New Deal, a series of programs and reforms aimed at providing relief, recovery, and reform. These programs included public works projects, financial reforms, agricultural subsidies, and social welfare programs. Job Creation: The New Deal programs focused on creating employment opportunities for the unemployed. The Works Progress Administration (WPA) and the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) were established to provide jobs in infrastructure projects and conservation work. Banking Reforms: The federal government implemented reforms to stabilize and regulate the banking industry. The Emergency Banking Act and the Glass-Steagall Act were enacted to restore confidence in the banking system and separate commercial and investment banking.
The New Deal was a domestic program initiated by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt between 1933 and 1939, in response to the economic devastation caused by the Great Depression. The program aimed to bring about immediate economic relief and implement reforms in industry, agriculture, and finance, significantly expanding the scope of the federal government's activities
The New Deal was a multifaceted and innovative program of economic recovery that left a lasting legacy, with many of its initiatives still in operation today. It represented a pivotal moment in American history, shaping the role of the federal government and influencing economic and social policies for decades to come
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